1 | #include "SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/atlas_susy_2018_06.h"
2 | using namespace MA5;
3 | using namespace std;
4 |
5 | namespace atlas_susy_2018_06_func
6 | {
7 | template<typename T1,typename T2> std::vector<const T1*>
8 | Removal(std::vector<const T1*> &v1, std::vector<const T2*> &v2, const MAdouble64 &drmin);
9 |
10 | template<typename T1,typename T2> std::vector<const T1*>
11 | RemovalLeptons(std::vector<const T1*> &v1, std::vector<const T2*> &v2);
12 |
13 | vector<int> LeptonPick(vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> leptons);
14 | MAdouble64 GetHBoost(vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> leptons,const RecParticleFormat* missing);
15 | }
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 | // Initialize
21 | // function called one time at the beginning of the analysis
22 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 | bool atlas_susy_2018_06::Initialize(const MA5::Configuration& cfg, const std::map<std::string,std::string>& parameters)
24 | {
25 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
26 | INFO << " <> Analysis: ATLAS-SUSY-2018-06 <>" << endmsg;
27 | INFO << " <> arXiv:1912.08479 <>" << endmsg;
28 | INFO << " <> (chargino-neutralino) <>" << endmsg;
29 | INFO << " <> Recasters: J.W.Kim & J.H.Kim & H.Jang & T.G.Lee <>" << endmsg;
30 | INFO << " <> Contact: adg9334@naver.com <>" << endmsg;
31 | INFO << " <> Based on MadAnalysis 5 v1.7 <>" << endmsg;
32 | INFO << " <> For more information, see <>" << endmsg;
33 | INFO << " <> http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/ <>" << endmsg;
34 | INFO << " <> /PhysicsAnalysisDatabase <>" << endmsg;
35 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
36 |
37 |
38 | //Add Signal Region
39 |
40 |
41 | //Signal Region for Cutflows
42 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_low");
43 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_ISR");
44 |
45 | Manager()->AddCut("3Leptons"); // Exact three leptons
46 | Manager()->AddCut("SFOS"); // Same flavor, opposite-charge pair
47 | //Manager()->AddCut("Dilepton Trigger");
48 | Manager()->AddCut("B-veto"); // b-jet veto
49 | Manager()->AddCut("Three Lepton Mass"); // Invariant mass of three leptons system
50 | Manager()->AddCut("low-LeptonPT > 60, 40, 30","SR_low");
51 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-LeptonPT > 25, 25, 20","SR_ISR");
52 | Manager()->AddCut("Dilepton InvMass"); // Invariant mass of SFOS pair
53 |
54 | Manager()->AddCut("low-Jet-veto","SR_low");
55 | Manager()->AddCut("low-HBoost","SR_low");
56 | Manager()->AddCut("low-PTsoft/(PTsoft+Meff)","SR_low");
57 | Manager()->AddCut("low-Meff/HBoost","SR_low");
58 |
59 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-Njet > 0","SR_ISR");
60 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-Njet < 4","SR_ISR");
61 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-DeltaPhi(MET,Jets) > 2.0","SR_ISR");
62 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-R(MET,Jets)","SR_ISR");
63 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-JetsPT > 100","SR_ISR");
64 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-MET > 80","SR_ISR");
65 | Manager()->AddCut("Transverse Mass");
66 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-PTsoft < 25","SR_ISR");
67 |
68 | //For diagrams. If you want to draw diagrams, uncomment the paragraph below and the last part of Execute and comment the paragraph above.
69 | /*
70 | //Signal Region for diagrams
71 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_low");
72 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_ISR");
73 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-low-MT");
74 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-low-HBoost");
75 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)");
76 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))");
77 |
78 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-ISR-MT");
79 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)");
80 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-ISR-PTsoft");
81 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR-ISR-PTjets");
82 |
83 | std::string SR_low[] = {"SR_low","SR-low-MT","SR-low-HBoost","SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)","SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))"};
84 | std::string SR_low_HBoost[] = {"SR_low","SR-low-MT","SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)","SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))"};
85 | std::string SR_low_R_Meff_HBoost[] = {"SR_low","SR-low-MT","SR-low-HBoost","SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))"};
86 | std::string SR_low_R_PTsoft_Meff[] = {"SR_low","SR-low-MT","SR-low-HBoost","SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)"};
87 |
88 | std::string SR_ISR[] = {"SR_ISR","SR-ISR-MT","SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)","SR-ISR-PTsoft","SR-ISR-PTjets"};
89 | std::string SR_ISR_R_MET_Jets[] = {"SR_ISR","SR-ISR-MT","SR-ISR-PTsoft","SR-ISR-PTjets"};
90 | std::string SR_ISR_PTsoft[] = {"SR_ISR","SR-ISR-MT","SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)","SR-ISR-PTjets"};
91 | std::string SR_ISR_PTjets[] = {"SR_ISR","SR-ISR-MT","SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)","SR-ISR-PTsoft"};
92 |
93 | std::string SR_MT[] = {"SR_low","SR-low-HBoost","SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)","SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))"
94 | ,"SR_ISR","SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)","SR-ISR-PTsoft","SR-ISR-PTjets"};
95 |
96 |
97 | Manager()->AddCut("3Leptons"); // Exact three leptons
98 | Manager()->AddCut("SFOS"); // Same flavor, opposite-charge pair
99 | //Manager()->AddCut("Dilepton Trigger");
100 | Manager()->AddCut("B-veto"); // b-jet veto
101 | Manager()->AddCut("Three Lepton Mass"); // Invariant mass of three leptons system
102 | Manager()->AddCut("low-LeptonPT > 60, 40, 30",SR_low);
103 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-LeptonPT > 25, 25, 20",SR_ISR);
104 | Manager()->AddCut("Dilepton InvMass"); // Invariant mass of SFOS pair
105 |
106 | Manager()->AddCut("low-Jet-veto",SR_low);
107 | Manager()->AddCut("low-HBoost",SR_low_HBoost);
108 | Manager()->AddCut("low-PTsoft/(PTsoft+Meff)",SR_low_R_PTsoft_Meff);
109 | Manager()->AddCut("low-Meff/HBoost",SR_low_R_Meff_HBoost);
110 |
111 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-Njet > 0",SR_ISR);
112 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-Njet < 4",SR_ISR);
113 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-DeltaPhi(MET,Jets) > 2.0",SR_ISR);
114 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-R(MET,Jets)",SR_ISR_R_MET_Jets);
115 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-JetsPT > 100",SR_ISR_PTjets);
116 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-MET > 80",SR_ISR);
117 | Manager()->AddCut("Transverse Mass",SR_MT);
118 | Manager()->AddCut("ISR-PTsoft < 25",SR_ISR_PTsoft);
119 |
120 |
121 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-MT",20,0,500,"SR-low-MT");
122 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-HBoost",20,200,700,"SR-low-HBoost");
123 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)",15,0.3,1.05,"SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)");
124 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))",15,0,0.15,"SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))");
125 |
126 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-MT",50,0,500,"SR-ISR-MT");
127 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)",18,0.1,1,"SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)");
128 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-PTsoft",20,0,100,"SR-ISR-PTsoft");
129 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-PTjets",18,0,500,"SR-ISR-PTjets");
130 |
131 | //Auxiliery figure
132 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-PTlep1",17,60,400,"SR_low");
133 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-PTlep2",13,40,300,"SR_low");
134 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-PTlep3",12,30,150,"SR_low");
135 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-low-MET",20,0,500,"SR_low");
136 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep1",10,25,225,"SR_ISR");
137 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep2",15,25,175,"SR_ISR");
138 | Manager()->AddHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep3",8,20,100,"SR_ISR");
139 | */
140 | return true;
141 | }
142 |
143 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 | // Finalize
145 | // function called one time at the end of the analysis
146 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 | void atlas_susy_2018_06::Finalize(const SampleFormat& summary, const std::vector<SampleFormat>& files)
148 | {
149 | }
150 |
151 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 | // Execute
153 | // function called each time one event is read
154 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 | bool atlas_susy_2018_06::Execute(SampleFormat& sample, const EventFormat& event)
156 | {
157 | //Check Weight
158 | double myWeight;
159 | if(Configuration().IsNoEventWeight()) myWeight=1. ;
160 | else if(event.mc()->weight()!=0.) myWeight=event.mc()->weight();
161 | else { return false; }
162 | Manager()->InitializeForNewEvent(myWeight);
163 |
164 | if(event.rec()==0) return true;
165 | //Objects Isolation
166 | //Signal Electrons
167 | vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalElectrons;
168 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->electrons().size();i++)
169 | {
170 | const RecLeptonFormat *Lep = &(event.rec()->electrons()[i]);
171 |
172 | //Kinamatics
173 | double eta = Lep->abseta();
174 | double pt = Lep->pt();
175 |
176 | double iso_dR = 0.2;
177 | double iso_tracks = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Lep,event.rec(),iso_dR,0,IsolationEFlow::TRACK_COMPONENT);
178 | double iso_all = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Lep,event.rec(),iso_dR,0,IsolationEFlow::ALL_COMPONENTS);
179 | bool iso = (iso_tracks<0.06 && iso_all<0.06);
180 | if(eta<2.47 && pt>10. && iso) { SignalElectrons.push_back(Lep);}
181 | }
182 | //Signal Muon
183 | vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalMuons;
184 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->muons().size();i++)
185 | {
186 | const RecLeptonFormat *Lep = &(event.rec()->muons()[i]);
187 |
188 | //Kinamatics
189 | double eta = Lep->abseta();
190 | double pt = Lep->pt();
191 |
192 | double iso_dR = 0.2;
193 | if(pt<=33) {iso_dR=0.3;}
194 | else if(pt<50) {iso_dR=-0.0059*pt + 0.4941;}
195 |
196 | double iso_tracks = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Lep,event.rec(),iso_dR,0,IsolationEFlow::TRACK_COMPONENT);
197 | double iso_all = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Lep,event.rec(),0.2,0,IsolationEFlow::ALL_COMPONENTS);
198 | bool iso = (iso_tracks<0.04 && iso_all<0.15);
199 |
200 | if(eta<2.4 && pt>10. && iso){SignalMuons.push_back(Lep);}
201 | }
202 | //Signal Jet
203 | vector<const RecJetFormat*> Jets;
204 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->jets().size();i++)
205 | {
206 | const RecJetFormat *Jet = &(event.rec()->jets()[i]);
207 | double eta = Jet->abseta();
208 | double pt = Jet->pt();
209 | if(pt>20 && eta<2.4) {Jets.push_back(Jet);}
210 | }
211 |
212 | // Overlap removal
213 | SignalElectrons = atlas_susy_2018_06_func::Removal(SignalElectrons, SignalMuons,0.2);
214 | Jets = PHYSICS->Isol->JetCleaning(Jets,SignalElectrons,0.2);
215 | Jets = PHYSICS->Isol->JetCleaning(Jets,SignalMuons,0.2);
216 | SignalElectrons = atlas_susy_2018_06_func::RemovalLeptons(SignalElectrons,Jets);
217 | SignalMuons = atlas_susy_2018_06_func::RemovalLeptons(SignalMuons,Jets);
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 | vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalLeptons;
222 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<SignalMuons.size();i++)
223 | {SignalLeptons.push_back(SignalMuons[i]);}
224 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<SignalElectrons.size();i++)
225 | {SignalLeptons.push_back(SignalElectrons[i]);}
226 | SORTER->sort(SignalLeptons,PTordering);
227 |
228 | //Missing Vector
229 | const RecParticleFormat *MET = &(event.rec()->MET());
230 |
231 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
232 | //Cut
233 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234 |
235 | // Nleptons = 3
236 | bool Nlepton = (SignalLeptons.size()==3);
237 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(Nlepton,"3Leptons")) return true;
238 |
239 | //SFOS
240 | vector<int> PairLeptons = atlas_susy_2018_06_func::LeptonPick(SignalLeptons);
241 | bool SFOS = (SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[0]]->isMuon()==SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[1]]->isMuon());
242 | SFOS = SFOS && (SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[0]]->charge()!=SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[1]]->charge());
243 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(SFOS,"SFOS")) return true;
244 |
245 | //if(!Manager()->ApplyCut("Dilepton Trigger")); // Not Applied
246 |
247 | //B-veto
248 | bool Bveto = true;
249 | for(unsigned int i=0;i<Jets.size();i++)
250 | if(Jets[i]->btag()) {Bveto = false; break;}
251 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(Bveto,"B-veto")) return true;
252 |
253 | // Mlll
254 | MALorentzVector ThreeLeptonsSystem;
255 | ThreeLeptonsSystem = SignalLeptons[0]->momentum()+SignalLeptons[1]->momentum()+SignalLeptons[2]->momentum();
256 | MAdouble64 mlll = ThreeLeptonsSystem.M();
257 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(mlll>105.,"Three Lepton Mass")) return true;
258 |
259 | //Leptons PT
260 | bool LowLeptonsPT = SignalLeptons[0]->pt()>60. && SignalLeptons[1]->pt()>40. && SignalLeptons[2]->pt()>30.;
261 | bool ISRLeptonsPT = SignalLeptons[0]->pt()>25. && SignalLeptons[1]->pt()>25. && SignalLeptons[2]->pt()>20.;
262 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(LowLeptonsPT,"low-LeptonPT > 60, 40, 30")) return true;
263 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(ISRLeptonsPT,"ISR-LeptonPT > 25, 25, 20")) return true;
264 |
265 | //Mll
266 | MAdouble64 mll = (SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[0]]->momentum()+SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[1]]->momentum()).M();
267 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(75. <= mll && mll <= 105.,"Dilepton InvMass")) return true;
268 |
269 |
270 | /////// LOW-region ///////
271 |
272 | //Number of jets
273 | int Jet_size = Jets.size();
274 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(Jet_size==0,"low-Jet-veto")) return true;
275 |
276 | //low HBoost
277 | MAdouble64 HBoost = atlas_susy_2018_06_func::GetHBoost(SignalLeptons,MET);
278 |
279 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(HBoost>250.,"low-HBoost")) return true;
280 |
281 | //low - PT soft
282 | MAdouble64 low_PTsoft = (ThreeLeptonsSystem+MET->momentum()).Pt();
283 | MAdouble64 meff = SignalLeptons[0]->pt()+SignalLeptons[1]->pt()+SignalLeptons[2]->pt()+MET->pt();
284 | MAdouble64 R_PTsoft = low_PTsoft/(low_PTsoft+meff);
285 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(R_PTsoft < 0.05,"low-PTsoft/(PTsoft+Meff)")) return true;
286 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(meff/HBoost > 0.9,"low-Meff/HBoost")) return true;
287 |
288 |
289 | /////// ISR-region ///////
290 |
291 | //Number of jets
292 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(Jet_size>0,"ISR-Njet > 0")) return true;
293 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(Jet_size<4,"ISR-Njet < 4")) return true;
294 |
295 | //ISR Delta Phi between MET and Jets
296 | MALorentzVector Jets_momentum;
297 | for(int i=0;i<Jet_size;i++)
298 | {Jets_momentum += Jets[i]->momentum();}
299 | double DeltaPhi_MET_Jets = abs((MET->momentum()).DeltaPhi(Jets_momentum));
300 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(DeltaPhi_MET_Jets >= 2.0,"ISR-DeltaPhi(MET,Jets) > 2.0")) return true;
301 |
302 | //ISR Ratio PT betwwen MET and Jets
303 | double R_MET_Jets;
304 | double R_MET_Jets_x = MET->momentum().Px()*Jets_momentum.Px();
305 | double R_MET_Jets_y = MET->momentum().Py()*Jets_momentum.Py();
306 | R_MET_Jets = abs(R_MET_Jets_x+R_MET_Jets_y)/pow(Jets_momentum.Pt(),2);
307 |
308 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(0.55<=R_MET_Jets && R_MET_Jets <= 1.,"ISR-R(MET,Jets)")) return true;
309 |
310 | //PT jet
311 | bool ISR_JetPT = (Jets_momentum.Pt() > 100.);
312 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(ISR_JetPT,"ISR-JetsPT > 100")) return true;
313 |
314 | //MET PT
315 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(MET->pt()>=80.,"ISR-MET > 80")) return true;
316 |
317 |
318 | // MT
319 | const RecLeptonFormat* thirdlepton = SignalLeptons[PairLeptons[2]];
320 | double MT = sqrt(2*thirdlepton->pt()*MET->pt()*(1-cos(thirdlepton->dphi_0_2pi(MET->momentum()))));
321 |
322 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(MT>100.,"Transverse Mass")) return true;
323 |
324 | //ISR PT soft
325 | MAdouble64 ISR_PTsoft = (ThreeLeptonsSystem+Jets_momentum+MET->momentum()).Pt();
326 |
327 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(ISR_PTsoft<25.,"ISR-PTsoft < 25")) return true;
328 |
329 | //For diagrams, If you want to draw, uncomment the paragraph below
330 |
331 | //Fill Histogram
332 | /*
333 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-MT",MT);
334 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-HBoost",HBoost);
335 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-R(Meff,HBoost)",(meff/HBoost));
336 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-R(PTsoft,(PTsoft+Meff))",R_PTsoft);
337 |
338 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-MT",MT);
339 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-R(MET,Jets)",R_MET_Jets);
340 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-PTsoft",ISR_PTsoft);
341 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-PTjets",Jets_momentum.Pt());
342 |
343 |
344 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-PTlep1",SignalLeptons[0]->pt());
345 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-PTlep2",SignalLeptons[1]->pt());
346 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-PTlep3",SignalLeptons[2]->pt());
347 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-low-MET",MET->pt());
348 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep1",SignalLeptons[0]->pt());
349 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep2",SignalLeptons[1]->pt());
350 | Manager()->FillHisto("SR-ISR-PTlep3",SignalLeptons[2]->pt());
351 | */
352 |
353 | return true; // end of anlaysis
354 | }
355 |
356 |
357 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
358 | //
359 | // Function Define
360 | //
361 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
362 | template<typename T1,typename T2> std::vector<const T1*>
363 | atlas_susy_2018_06_func::Removal(std::vector<const T1*> &v1, std::vector<const T2*> &v2, const MAdouble64 &drmin)
364 | {
365 | std::vector<bool> mask(v1.size(),false);
366 | for(MAuint32 j=0;j<v1.size();j++)
367 | {for(MAuint32 i=0;i<v2.size();i++)
368 | if(v2[i]->dr(v1[j]) < drmin)
369 | {
370 | mask[j]=true;
371 | break;
372 | }
373 | }
374 | std::vector<const T1*> cleaned_v1;
375 | for(MAuint32 i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
376 | {if(!mask[i]) cleaned_v1.push_back(v1[i]);}
377 |
378 | return cleaned_v1;
379 | }
380 |
381 |
382 | template<typename T1,typename T2> std::vector<const T1*>
383 | atlas_susy_2018_06_func::RemovalLeptons(std::vector<const T1*> &v1, std::vector<const T2*> &v2)
384 | {
385 | std::vector<bool> mask(v1.size(),false);
386 | for(MAuint32 j=0;j<v1.size();j++)
387 | {
388 | double pt = v1[j]->pt();
389 | double drmin = 0.2;
390 | if(pt <= 25) drmin = 0.4;
391 | else if(pt <= 50) drmin = -0.008*pt+0.6 ;
392 | else continue;
393 |
394 | for(MAuint32 i=0;i<v2.size();i++)
395 | if(v2[i]->dr(v1[j]) < drmin)
396 | {
397 | mask[j]=true;
398 | break;
399 | }
400 | }
401 |
402 | std::vector<const T1*> cleaned_v1;
403 | for(MAuint32 i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
404 | if(!mask[i]) cleaned_v1.push_back(v1[i]);
405 |
406 | return cleaned_v1;
407 | }
408 |
409 | vector<int> atlas_susy_2018_06_func::LeptonPick(vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> leptons)
410 | {
411 | int size = leptons.size();
412 | vector<int> pair(2);
413 | double Zmass=91.1876;
414 | double Invmass;
415 | double deltaMass = 1000000;
416 | for(int i=0;i<size-1;i++)
417 | for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++)
418 | {
419 | if(leptons[i]->isMuon()==leptons[j]->isMuon())
420 | if(leptons[i]->charge()!=leptons[j]->charge())
421 | {
422 | double temp_invmass = (leptons[i]->momentum()+leptons[j]->momentum()).M();
423 | if(abs(Zmass-temp_invmass)<deltaMass)
424 | {
425 | Invmass = temp_invmass;
426 | deltaMass = abs(Zmass-Invmass);
427 | pair[0]=i;
428 | pair[1]=j;
429 | }
430 |
431 | }
432 | }
433 |
434 | for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
435 | if(i!=pair[0] && i!=pair[1]) pair.push_back(i);
436 |
437 | return pair;
438 | }
439 |
440 | MAdouble64 atlas_susy_2018_06_func::GetHBoost(vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> leptons,const RecParticleFormat* missing)
441 | {
442 | MAdouble64 HBoost=0;
443 |
444 | MALorentzVector LeptonsMomentum = leptons[0]->momentum()+leptons[1]->momentum()+leptons[2]->momentum();
445 | MAdouble64 Missing_Pz = (LeptonsMomentum.Pz()*missing->pt())/sqrt(pow(LeptonsMomentum.Pt(),2)+pow(LeptonsMomentum.M(),2));
446 |
447 | MAdouble64 Missing_E = sqrt(pow(missing->pt(),2)+pow(Missing_Pz,2));
448 | MALorentzVector MissingMomentum(missing->px(),missing->py(),Missing_Pz,Missing_E);
449 | //cout<<MissingMomentum.M()<<endl;
450 | MAdouble64 ETotal = LeptonsMomentum.E()+MissingMomentum.P();
451 |
452 | MAdouble64 Boost_x = (LeptonsMomentum.Px()+MissingMomentum.Px())/ETotal;
453 | MAdouble64 Boost_y = (LeptonsMomentum.Py()+MissingMomentum.Py())/ETotal;
454 | MAdouble64 Boost_z = (LeptonsMomentum.Pz()+MissingMomentum.Pz())/ETotal;
455 |
456 | MABoost Boost(-Boost_x,-Boost_y,-Boost_z);
457 |
458 | for(unsigned int i=0;i<leptons.size();i++)
459 | {
460 | MALorentzVector temp_mom = leptons[i]->momentum();
461 | Boost.boost(temp_mom);
462 | //HBoost +=(Boost*leptons[i]->momentum()).P();
463 | HBoost += temp_mom.P();
464 | }
465 | HBoost += (Boost*MissingMomentum).P();
466 |
467 | return HBoost;
468 | }