1 | #include "SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/atlas_exot_2018_30.h"
2 | using namespace MA5;
3 | using namespace std;
4 |
5 |
6 | template<typename T1, typename T2> std::vector<const T1*> Removal(std::vector<const T1*> &v1, std::vector<const T2*> &v2, const MAdouble64 &drmin) {
7 | // Determining with objects should be removed
8 | std::vector<bool> mask(v1.size(), false);
9 | for (MAuint32 j=0; j<v1.size(); j++)
10 | for (MAuint32 i=0; i<v2.size(); i++)
11 | if (v2[i]->dr(v1[j]) < drmin) {
12 | mask[j] = true;
13 | break;
14 | }
15 |
16 | // Building the cleaned container
17 | std::vector<const T1*> cleaned_v1;
18 | for (MAuint32 i=0; i<v1.size(); i++)
19 | if (!mask[i]) cleaned_v1.push_back(v1[i]);
20 |
21 | return cleaned_v1;
22 | }
23 |
24 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 | // Initialize
26 | // function called one time at the beginning of the analysis
27 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 | bool atlas_exot_2018_30::Initialize(const MA5::Configuration& cfg, const std::map<std::string,std::string>& parameters)
29 | {
30 | cout << "BEGIN Initialization" << endl;
31 |
32 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
33 | INFO << " <> Analysis: ATLAS-EXOT-2018-30, arXiv:1906.05609 <>" << endmsg;
34 | INFO << " <> W' to single lepton + MET, 139 fb^-1 lumi (13 TeV) <>" << endmsg;
35 | INFO << " <> Recast by: Kyungmin Park <>" << endmsg;
36 | INFO << " <> Contact: jazzykm0110@uos.ac.kr <>" << endmsg;
37 | INFO << " <> Based on MadAnalysis 5 v1.8.40 <>" << endmsg;
38 | INFO << " <> For more information, see <>" << endmsg;
39 | INFO << " <> http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/PublicAnalysisDatabase <>" << endmsg;
40 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
41 |
42 |
43 | // Declaration of the signal regions
44 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_130_400");
45 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_400_600");
46 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_600_1000");
47 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_1000_2000");
48 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_2000_3000");
49 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_3000_10000");
50 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Electron_MT_130_inf");
51 |
52 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_110_400");
53 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_400_600");
54 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_600_1000");
55 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_1000_2000");
56 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_2000_3000");
57 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_3000_10000");
58 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR_Muon_MT_110_inf");
59 |
60 |
61 | // Cuts for each SR
62 | std::string OneElec[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_130_400", "SR_Electron_MT_400_600", "SR_Electron_MT_600_1000", "SR_Electron_MT_1000_2000", "SR_Electron_MT_2000_3000", "SR_Electron_MT_3000_10000", "SR_Electron_MT_130_inf" };
63 | std::string OneMuon[] = { "SR_Muon_MT_110_400", "SR_Muon_MT_400_600", "SR_Muon_MT_600_1000", "SR_Muon_MT_1000_2000", "SR_Muon_MT_2000_3000", "SR_Muon_MT_3000_10000", "SR_Muon_MT_110_inf" };
64 |
65 | std::string MT_400_600[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_400_600", "SR_Muon_MT_400_600" };
66 | std::string MT_600_1000[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_600_1000", "SR_Muon_MT_600_1000" };
67 | std::string MT_1000_2000[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_1000_2000", "SR_Muon_MT_1000_2000" };
68 | std::string MT_2000_3000[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_2000_3000", "SR_Muon_MT_2000_3000" };
69 | std::string MT_3000_10000[] = { "SR_Electron_MT_3000_10000", "SR_Muon_MT_3000_10000" };
70 |
71 | Manager()->AddCut("One Electron", OneElec);
72 | Manager()->AddCut("One Muon", OneMuon);
73 |
74 | Manager()->AddCut("Lepton Veto for Electrons", OneElec);
75 | Manager()->AddCut("Lepton Veto for Muons", OneMuon);
76 |
77 | Manager()->AddCut("$\\slashed{E}_T > 55$ [GeV]", OneMuon);
78 | Manager()->AddCut("$\\slashed{E}_T > 65$ [GeV]", OneElec);
79 | Manager()->AddCut("$M_T > 130$ [GeV]", OneElec);
80 | Manager()->AddCut("$M_T > 110$ [GeV]", OneMuon);
81 |
82 | Manager()->AddCut("$110 < M_T < 400$ [GeV]", OneMuon[0]);
83 | Manager()->AddCut("$130 < M_T < 400$ [GeV]", OneElec[0]);
84 | Manager()->AddCut("$400 < M_T < 600$ [GeV]", MT_400_600);
85 | Manager()->AddCut("$600 < M_T < 1000$ [GeV]", MT_600_1000);
86 | Manager()->AddCut("$1000 < M_T < 2000$ [GeV]", MT_1000_2000);
87 | Manager()->AddCut("$2000 < M_T < 3000$ [GeV]", MT_2000_3000);
88 | Manager()->AddCut("$3000 < M_T < 10000$ [GeV]", MT_3000_10000);
89 |
90 |
91 | // Histogram declaration
92 | //Manager()->AddHisto("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel", 50, 110, 7200, OneMuon[6]);
93 | //Manager()->AddHisto("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel", 60, 130, 7200, OneElec[6]);
94 |
95 | Manager()->AddHistoLogX("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel (finer log bins)", 100, 110, 7200, OneMuon[6]);
96 | Manager()->AddHistoLogX("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel (finer log bins)", 120, 130, 7200, OneElec[6]);
97 |
98 | Manager()->AddHistoLogX("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel (log bins)", 50, 110, 7200, OneMuon[6]);
99 | Manager()->AddHistoLogX("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel (log bins)",60, 130, 7200, OneElec[6]);
100 |
101 | cout << "END Initialization" << endl;
102 | return true;
103 | }
104 |
105 |
106 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 | // Finalize
108 | // function called one time at the end of the analysis
109 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 | void atlas_exot_2018_30::Finalize(const SampleFormat& summary, const std::vector<SampleFormat>& files)
111 | {
112 | cout << "BEGIN Finalization" << endl;
113 | // saving histos
114 | cout << "END Finalization" << endl;
115 | }
116 |
117 |
118 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | // Execute
120 | // function called each time one event is read
121 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 | bool atlas_exot_2018_30::Execute(SampleFormat& sample, const EventFormat& event)
123 | {
124 | // Event weight
125 | double myWeight;
126 | if (Configuration().IsNoEventWeight()) myWeight = 1.;
127 | else if (event.mc()->weight() != 0.) myWeight = event.mc()->weight();
128 | else { return false; }
129 | Manager()->InitializeForNewEvent(myWeight);
130 |
131 | // Security for empty events
132 | if (event.rec() == 0) return true;
133 |
134 |
135 | // Muon
136 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalMuons, VetoedMuons;
137 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->muons().size(); i++) {
138 | const RecLeptonFormat *Muon = &(event.rec()->muons()[i]);
139 |
140 | // Kinematics
141 | double eta = Muon->abseta();
142 | double pt = Muon->pt();
143 |
144 | // Isolation
145 | double iso_dR = std::min(10./pt, 0.3);
146 | double iso_tracks = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Muon, event.rec(), iso_dR, 1., IsolationEFlow::TRACK_COMPONENT);
147 | bool iso = (iso_tracks < 0.15);
148 |
149 | // Signal Muons
150 | if ( (0.1 < eta && eta < 1.01) || (1.1 < eta && eta < 2.4) ) {
151 | if ( pt > 55. ) {
152 | if ( iso ) { SignalMuons.push_back(Muon); continue; }
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | // Vetoed Muons
157 | if ( pt > 20. ) { VetoedMuons.push_back(Muon); }
158 | }
159 |
160 |
161 | // Electron
162 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalElectrons, VetoedElectrons, VetoedElectronsDeltaR;
163 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->electrons().size(); i++) {
164 | const RecLeptonFormat *Elec = &(event.rec()->electrons()[i]);
165 |
166 | // Kinematics
167 | double eta = Elec->abseta();
168 | double pt = Elec->pt();
169 | double Et = Elec->et();
170 |
171 | // Isolation
172 | double iso_tracks = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Elec, event.rec(), 0.2, 0., IsolationEFlow::TRACK_COMPONENT);
173 | double iso_all = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Elec, event.rec(), 0.2, 0., IsolationEFlow::ALL_COMPONENTS);
174 | bool iso = (iso_tracks < 0.06 && iso_all < 0.06);
175 |
176 | // Signal Electrons
177 | if ( eta < 1.37 || ( 1.52 < eta && eta < 2.47 ) ) {
178 | if ( Et > 65. && iso ) { SignalElectrons.push_back(Elec); continue; }
179 | }
180 |
181 | // Vetoed Electrons
182 | if ( pt > 20. ) {
183 | VetoedElectrons.push_back(Elec);
184 | // additional condition for delta R
185 | if ( SignalMuons.size() == 1 && SignalMuons[0]->dr(Elec) >= 0.1 ) { VetoedElectronsDeltaR.push_back(Elec); }
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 |
190 | // Jet
191 | std::vector<const RecJetFormat*> Jets;
192 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<event.rec()->jets().size(); i++) {
193 | const RecJetFormat *Jet = &(event.rec()->jets()[i]);
194 | double eta = Jet->abseta();
195 | double pt = Jet->pt();
196 | if ( eta < 2.4 && pt > 20. ) { Jets.push_back(Jet); }
197 | else if ( eta > 2.4 && pt > 30. ) { Jets.push_back(Jet); }
198 | }
199 | Jets = PHYSICS->Isol->JetCleaning(Jets, SignalElectrons, 0.1);
200 |
201 |
202 | // MET & MT
203 | double MET = event.rec()->MET().pt();
204 |
205 | double Mt = 0;
206 | if ( SignalElectrons.size() == 1 && SignalMuons.size() == 0) { Mt = sqrt(2*SignalElectrons[0]->pt()*MET*(1-cos(SignalElectrons[0]->dphi_0_pi(event.rec()->MET())))); }
207 | else if ( SignalMuons.size() == 1 && SignalElectrons.size() == 0) { Mt = sqrt(2*SignalMuons[0]->pt()*MET*(1-cos(SignalMuons[0]->dphi_0_pi(event.rec()->MET())))); }
208 |
209 |
210 | // Cuts
211 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( SignalElectrons.size() == 1 && SignalMuons.size() == 0, "One Electron")) return true;
212 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( SignalMuons.size() == 1 && SignalElectrons.size() == 0, "One Muon")) return true;
213 |
214 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( VetoedElectrons.size() == 0 && VetoedMuons.size() == 0, "Lepton Veto for Electrons" )) return true;
215 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( VetoedElectronsDeltaR.size() == 0 && VetoedMuons.size() == 0, "Lepton Veto for Muons" )) return true;
216 |
217 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( MET > 55., "$\\slashed{E}_T > 55$ [GeV]")) return true;
218 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( MET > 65., "$\\slashed{E}_T > 65$ [GeV]")) return true;
219 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 110., "$M_T > 110$ [GeV]")) return true;
220 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 130., "$M_T > 130$ [GeV]")) return true;
221 |
222 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 110. && Mt < 400., "$110 < M_T < 400$ [GeV]")) return true;
223 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 130. && Mt < 400., "$130 < M_T < 400$ [GeV]")) return true;
224 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 400. && Mt < 600., "$400 < M_T < 600$ [GeV]")) return true;
225 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 600. && Mt < 1000., "$600 < M_T < 1000$ [GeV]")) return true;
226 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 1000. && Mt < 2000., "$1000 < M_T < 2000$ [GeV]")) return true;
227 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 2000. && Mt < 3000., "$2000 < M_T < 3000$ [GeV]")) return true;
228 | if (!Manager()->ApplyCut( Mt > 3000. && Mt < 10000., "$3000 < M_T < 10000$ [GeV]")) return true;
229 |
230 |
231 | // Fill Histograms
232 | //Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel", Mt);
233 | //Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel", Mt);
234 |
235 | Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel (finer log bins)", Mt);
236 | Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel (finer log bins)", Mt);
237 |
238 | Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 110 GeV for Muon Channel (log bins)", Mt);
239 | Manager()->FillHisto("MT > 130 GeV for Electron Channel (log bins)", Mt);
240 |
241 |
242 | return true;
243 | }