= pSPSS: Phenomenological symmetry protected seesaw = The pSPSS describes the interactions of a pseudo-Dirac pair of two Majorana degrees of freedom generically appearing in low-scale seesaw models. [[Image()]] == SPSS: Symmetry protected seesaw == == !MadGraph patch == In order to generate events with heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations it is necessary to patch the `./bin/internal/common_run_interface.py` file with {{{ for event in lhe: leptonnumber = 0 write_event = True for particle in event: if particle.status == 1: if particle.pid in [11, 13, 15]: leptonnumber += 1 elif particle.pid in [-11, -13, -15]: leptonnumber -= 1 for particle in event: id = particle.pid width = param_card['decay'].get((abs(id),)).value mass splitting = param_card.get_value('FRBLOCK', 1) if width: if id in [8000011, 8000012]: tau0 = random.expovariate(width / cst)|\label{ln:tau0}| if 0.5 * (1 + math.cos(mass splitting * tau0 / cst)) >= random.random(): write_event = (leptonnumber == 0) else: write_event = (leptonnumber != 0) vtim = tau0 * c|\label{ln:convert_tau0}| else: vtim = c * random.expovariate(width / cst) if vtim > threshold: particle.vtim = vtim # write this modify event if write_event: output.write(str(event)) output.write('\n') output.close() }}}