[wiki:WorkingGroup1 Working Group 1] / [wiki:WorkingGroup2 Working Group 2] / [wiki:WorkingGroup3 Working Group 3 ] / [wiki:WorkingGroup4 Working Group 4 ] = Working Group 2 - Interface development = * I. '''Python interface'''. * ''Description'': development of a !FeynRules Python interface, which will be used by MG and Herwig * ''Names'': __Claude__, David, Olivier, Will. * ''Status'': * We decided that a model is a Python package, where particles, parameters, etc. are represented as objects. The package will be self-contained in the sense that it provides everything required for the module (definition of the classes, etc.) * For the moment particles and parameters are written automatically from FR. * We created a "dummy model", based on the Fr implementation of the Hidden Abelian Higgs model of FR, where we added a vertex u,u,Z' by hand. * ''To-do'': * Some tuning for the parameters needs to be done, especially "Waterfall structure". * Some python files need to be added to the package, e.g. , functions like sqrt, sin, etc. * We have now the option to matrices as matrices, rather than component by component. This needs to be discussed and developped further. * The parts dealing with the vertices, couplings, etc. need to be written. Will is working on splitting the FR vertices into triplets according to color, lorentz_structure and coupling. After this is done, Claude will create the writing routines for vertices. * David is developing the Herwig part of the Python interface. * II. '''Helas'''. * ''Description'': automatized generation of Helas routines from !FeynRules, both in Fortran for MG and in C++ for Herwig. * ''Names'': __Olivier__, Claude, Will, Priscila, David * ''Status'': * We have a defined format for the FR output (via a class) * We have produce our first generated automaticaly Helas Routine from FeynRules. * Testing those routines is in progress * ''To-do'': * Python Optimization (code quite slow at the time) -partially done- * Regenerate all the Helas routine and test those against the old one -in progress- * Implement the Scalar in the !FortranWriter -DONE- * Implement Helas Optimization -DONE- * Implement a mode for complex couplings/masses * III. '''!FeynArts interface'''. * ''Description'': inclusion of the higher dimensional operators in !FeynArts. * ''Names'': __Celine__, Thomas * ''Status'': * Format of the FR output for the dirac indices is defined (Implementation in FR in progress). * addition of the dirac indices in FeynArts/FormCalc in progress. * Test in progress : EQCD done (FA only), composite top (FR files used in FA), BFSM (comparison with stock version started). * ''To-do'': * Define format for the levi-civita tensor and implement it. * generate declaration file for FormCalc. * Merging of the vertices in FR. * Test SILH + renormalizable theories.