= Top-quark baryon number violation = The model contains baryon-(and lepton)-number-violating (BNV) four-fermion interactions like tbμc, tbue, tτdu. These interactions for instance lead to the t→b̅c̅μ⁺ decay and ub→t̅e⁺ single top production in association with a single lepton. Following [https://arxiv.org/abs/1107.3805 1107.3805], the implemented mass-eigenstate operators take the form: \\[[Image(operators-s-t.png)]]\\ The corresponding parameters are {{{aaa}}}, {{{bbb}}}, {{{ccc}}}, {{{ddd}}} and their primed analogues. Suffixes of the type {{{IxJ}}} encode the generation indices {{{I}}} and {{{J}}} of the fermion in each of the currents. An effective scale {{{Lambda}}} is introduced and set by default to 1 TeV. Relations between the parameters above and those of the following gauge-eigenstate basis: \\[[Image(operators-1-5.png)]]\\ are \\[[Image(operators-relations.png)]]\\ where the various {{{V}}}'s are the rotations between mass- and gauge eigenstates. To overcome !MadGraph limitations, the model introduces a very heavy fictitious mediator {{{X}}} which effectively generates the required four-fermion interactions. Its mass {{{MX}}} is set by default to 1 PeV and should be kept much higher than the energy scale of the considered process, so that computation do not depend on its exact value. The BNV decay width of the top quark as well as the {{{u d > t~ ta+}}} matrix element computed by !MadGraph in {{{standalone_cpp}}} mode (for various combinations of {{{aaa3x1}}}, {{{bbb3x1}}}, {{{ccc1x3}}}, {{{ddd1x3}}}, {{{aaaprime3x3}}}, {{{bbbprime3x3}}}, {{{cccprime1x1}}}, {{{dddprime1x1}}} and at various phase-space point) have been validated against analytical computations. UFO model: [attachment:bnv_mediator_ufo.tar.gz] Please refer to: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1107.3805] Contact person: Gauthier Durieux