The model contains baryon-(and lepton)-number-violating (BNV) four-fermion interactions: tbμc, tbue, tτdu. Note all three flavour variations are controlled by the same parameters ({{{aaa}}}, {{{bbb}}}, {{{ccc}}}, {{{ddd}}} and primed analogues). These interactions for instance lead to the t→b̅c̅μ⁺ decay and ub→t̅e⁺ single top production in association with a single lepton. Following [ 1107.3805], the implemented mass-eigenstate operators take the form: \\[[Image(operators-s-t.png)]]\\ Relations between the parameters above and those of the following gauge-eigenstate basis: \\[[Image(operators-1-5.png)]]\\ are \\[[Image(operators-relations.png)]]\\ where the various {{{V}}}'s are the rotations between mass- and gauge eigenstates. UFO model: [attachment:bnv-ufo.tar.gz] Please refer to: [] Contact person: Gauthier Durieux