== Authors == * Jeong Han Kim (main contact) * The University of Kansas * jeonghan.kim@ku.edu * K.C. Kong * The University of Kansas * kckong@ku.edu * Seung J. Lee * Korea University * s.jj.lee@gmail.com * Gopolang Mohlabeng * BNL * mohlabeng319@gmail.com == Description of the model == We consider a color singlet vector particle (''V,,1,,'') which dominantly couples to top and anti-top. Assuming that all other interactions are weak, the relevant interaction is given by the following renormalizable Lagrangian [[Image(Lag3.pdf)]] where ''P,,L,,'' (''P,,R,,'') is a left (right)-handed projection operator. There are three free parameters, the vector resonance mass (''M,,V1,,''), the overall coupling strength (''c,,t,,''), and the chirality angle (''θ''). == Model files == * [attachment:Top_Philic.fr Top_Philic.fr ]: the main model file. * [attachment:Top_Philic_UFO_gen.nb Top_Philic_UFO_gen.nb]: the Mathematica notebook to generate a UFO output, including basic Feynman rules and analytic expressions of the decay width of ''V,,1,,''. The notebook also generates a text script for a tree-level production of V,,1,, in a four-top final state (arXiv:1604.07421). * [attachment:Top_Philic_UFO.zip Top_Philic_UFO]: the UFO output. Notes: * There are three free parameters in the model: * ''ct1'': the overall coupling strength (''c,,t,,'') * ''theta1'': the chirality angle (''θ'') * ''Mv1'': the vector resonance mass (''M,,V1,,'') * Set the automatic width calculation: ''set param_card Wv1 Auto''. * The syntax for the tree-level production of ''V,,1,,'' is given by: ''generate p p > t t~ v1/v1 , v1 > t t~'' == References == [1] Jeong Han Kim, K.C. Kong, Seung J. Lee and Gopolang Mohlabeng, Probing TeV Scale Top-Philic Resonances with Boosted Top-Tagging at the High Luminosity LHC, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 3, 035023, arXiv:1604.07421. [2] Nicolas Greiner, K.C. Kong, Jong-Chul Park, Seong Chan Park, Jan-Christopher Winter, Model-Independent Production of a Top-Philic Resonance at the LHC, JHEP 1504 (2015) 029, arXiv:1410.6099.