== The Standard Model == === Authors === * Claude Duhr * ETH, Zurich * duhrc@itp.phys.ethz.ch * Neil Christensen * Michigan State University * neil@pa.msu.edu * Benjamin Fuks * IPHC Strasbourg / University of Strasbourg * benjamin.fuks@iphc.cnrs.fr * Celine Degrande * IPPP University of Durham * celine.degrande@durham.ac.uk === Model Files === * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM.fr SM.fr] : This is the new main file (!FeynRules versions >= v1.6.2). * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM_old.fr SM_old.fr] : This is the older implementation (!FeynRules versions < v1.6.2). === Model Restrictions === * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/Massless.rst Massless.rst]: Only the top, bottom and charm quarks, and the tau lepton are massive. * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/DiagonalCKM.rst DiagonalCKM.rst]: The CKM maktrix is diagonal. * [/feynrules/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/Cabibbo.rst Cabibbo.rst]: 3rd generation mixing is off. === Instructions === The Standard Model (SM) is implemented in both Feynman and unitary gauge. A switch {{{FeynmanGauge}}} has been created. To switch between the two simply set {{{FeynmanGauge = True/False}}} inside your mathematica notebook after loading the model but before doing any calculations with it (finding vertices for example.) {{{FeynmanGauge}}} is set to {{{False}}} by default. The NLO counterterms have been computed and can be found in the [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SMQCD.nlo SMQCD.nlo]. They can be exported in the UFO format to Madgraph5/aMCatNLO. === Examples === * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM.nb SM.nb]: This is an example Mathematica® notebook that loads SM.fr and calculates Feynman rules. === Validation === The SM implementation was extensively tested on various 2-to-2 processes. A selection is shown in [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/XS1.jpg this table]. (Note that the discrepancy with MG stock simply comes from the fact that MG stock has the 4 higgs vertex not implemented). The counterterms analytic expressions have been checked with the literature and the UFO compared with the built in version of SM in Madgraph5/aMCatNLO. === Interfaces === This model implementation is known to work with the following interfaces: * [wiki:FeynArtsInterface FeynArts Interface] * [wiki:MadGraphInterface MadGraph Interface] * [wiki:CalcHepInterface CalcHEP/CompHEP] * [wiki:SherpaInterface Sherpa] === UFO models === * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM_NLO.tar.gz SM_NLO.tar.gz] UFO model with QCD corrections with the top and bottom yukawa renormalised in the on-shell scheme * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM5F_NLO.tar.gz SM5F_NLO.tar.gz] UFO model with QCD corrections in the 5 flavour scheme (massless b but non-vanishing bottom yukawa renormalised in the MSbar) * [/attachment/wiki/StandardModel/SM4F_NLO.tar.gz SM4F_NLO.tar.gz] UFO model with QCD corrections in the 4 flavour scheme (massive b but bottom yukawa renormalised in the MSbar)