=== Simple extensions of the SM === This is a collection of models that are simple bottom-up extensions of the SM, obtained by adding a set of new particles and or interations to the Standard Model. === Available models === || '''Model''' || ''' Short Description''' || '''Contact''' || '''Status''' || ||[wiki:331 The 3-3-1 model]||The 3-3-1 model||D.-M. Zhang|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:yyALP] || ALPs coupled to photons || M. Barros || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:ALRM_general The most general Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model]||An alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model - most general implementation|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:ALRM Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model]||An alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model.|| M. Ashry || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:topBSM Axigluon model]||The SM plus a scalar gluon field.|| S. Krastanov || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:ChernSimonsPortal Chern-Simons portal]||Chern-Simons portal with a coupling to W bosons and muons|| M. Ovchynnikov || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Octet_tcgg Coloron Model]||A Coloron Model with a Decay to a Single Top Quark|| E. Drueke, R. Schwienhorst, N. Vignaroli, J. Nutter, D. Walker, J.-H. Yu, R. S. Chivukula, E. Simmons || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:modcolorS_trip Color Triplet]||A Color Triplet Model with Decay to Top and Bottom Quark|| E. Drueke, R. Schwienhorst, N. Vignaroli, D. Walker, J.-H. Yu, J. Nutter, T. Han, I. Lewis, Z. Liu || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:DMsimp Simplified DM models]||Simplified DM models||K. Mawatari, C. Zhang|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:DY-SM DY SM extension]||The SM plus new spin-0, -1, and -2 bosons that contribute to Drell-Yan production of leptons at the LHC.|| N. Christensen || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:EffLRSM Effective Left-Right Symmetric Model]||SM + heavy Left-Right symmetric gauge bosons and three heavy Majorana neutrinos||R. Ruiz|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:FourFermionbbll Effective four-fermion bbll interactions]||SM + bbll contact interactions||Y. Afik|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:FourFermionFCNCtqll Effective four-fermion tqll interactions]||SM + tqll contact interactions||Y. Afik|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:FourFermionttll Effective four-fermion ttll interactions]||SM + ttll contact interactions||Y. Afik|| '''Available''' || ||[FourthGeneration Fourth generation model]||A fourth generation model including a t' and a b'|| C. Duhr || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:GeneralU1 General U(1) Model]||A general U(1)-extended SM ||A. Das, S. Mandal, S. Shil|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:GeorgiMachacekModel Georgi-Machacek Model]||Georgi-Machacek Model||K. Kumar, K. Hartling, H. Logan|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:2HDM General 2HDM]||The most general 2HDM, including all flavor violation and mixing terms.||C. Duhr, M. Herquet|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:HeavyScalarED Heavy Scalar Effective Model]||A model with one heavy scalar with effective couplings to the vector bosons.||Y. Wu, Y. Xu, X. Chen|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:HeavyN Heavy Neutrino]||The SM with three heavy Majorana neutrinos that couple to SM fields through mixing with active neutrinos.||R. Ruiz|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:HNLs Heavy Neutral Leptons]||The SM with heavy neutrinos interacting with mesons.||P. Coloma, E. Fernández-Martínez, M. González-López, J. Hernández-García|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:HAHM Hidden Abelian Higgs Model]||A Z' model where the Z' interacts with the SM through mixings, leading to very small non-SM like Z' couplings. ||D. Curtin|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:HECO] || High Electric Charge Objects (HECOs) pair production by including resummation effects || E. Musumeci || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Hillmodel Hill Model]||A model with an unusual extension of the SM Higgs sector.||P. de Aquino, C. Duhr|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:InertDoublet Inert Doublet Model]||A model with an additional complex scalar SU(2)L doublet and an unbroken Z2 symmetry under which all SM particles are even while the extra doublet is odd.||A. Goudelis, B. Herrmann, O. Stal|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:kkg_FV Flavor-violating KK gluon]||A Kaluza-Klein Gluon Model with FCNC Decay to a Single Top Quark|| E. Drueke, R. Schwienhorst, N. Vignaroli, J. Nutter, D. Walker, J.-H. Yu, R. S. Chivukula, E. Simmons || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:FICPLHC Simplified Freeze-in models]||LHC-friendly minimal freeze-in models with a charged parent|| A. Goudelis || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:LQDM Leptoquarks + dark matter]||Minimal model including dark matter and leptoquarks|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:B-L-SM Minimal Zp models]||The minimal Z' extension of the SM.||L. Basso||'''Available'''|| ||[wiki:MDMmodel Minimal Dilaton Model]||Minimal Dilaton Model||J. Cao, X. Hao, Z. Heng, L. Shang, Y. Zhang|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:MinimalLeptonPortalDM Minimal Lepton Portal Dark Matter]||Minimal Lepton Portal Dark Matter||A. Jueid|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:MLFVtIIIseesaw]||Minimal Lepton Flavor Violation Type III See-Saw Model || N. R. Agostinho, O. Éboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:MonopoleDY]||Dirac Magnetic monopole || Santra Arka || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Monotops Monotops]||The SM plus monotops.|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:pNG]||The SM with pNG dark matter.||A. Beniwal|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:ScotoSinglet]||The SM with a scotogenic singlet.||A. Beniwal|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:2IDM3N A Scotogenic Model with Two Inert Doublets] ||The SM + 2 inert scalar doublets + 3 Majorana fermions || A. Ahriche || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Sextets Sextet diquarks]||The SM plus sextet diquark scalars.|| J. Alwall, C. Duhr || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:368sextets Multiple sextets]||The SM plus an array of sextet fields|| T. Murphy || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:SLQrules]||The SM, plus scalar leptoquarks.||L. Schnell|| '''Available''' || ||[StandardModelScalars Standard model + Scalars] ||The SM, together with a set of singlet scalar particles coupling only to the SM Higgs, and allowing it to decay invisibly into this new scalar sector. || C. Duhr || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:pSPSS Phenomenological symmetry protected seesaw scenario]||Extension of the SM with a pseudo-Dirac heavy neutrino from symmetry protected low scale seesaw models featuring lepton number violation via heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations.||S. Antusch, J. Hajer, J. Rosskopp|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:SMWeinberg Standard model + Weinberg operator] ||The SM, together with the dim-5 Weinberg operator. || R. Ruiz || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:TopHeavyRes Top-philic resonances]||Simplified models built on the SM and a top-philic state.|| L. Darmé || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Top-Philic-Zprime Top-philic Zprime]||The SM plus a Z' boson essentially coupling to the top sector.|| Jeong Han Kim, K.C. Kong, Seung J. Lee, Gopolang Mohlabeng || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:Triplets Triplet diquarks]||The SM plus triplet diquark scalars.|| J. Alwall, C. Duhr || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:TypeIIISeeSaw Type III See-Saw Model]||The SM, including neutrino masses coming from a type III See-Saw mechanism.|| C. Biggio, F. Bonnet || '''Available''' || ||[wiki:VLQ]||The SM, plus vector-like quarks, in a model-independent framework.||M. Buchkremer, G. Cacciapaglia, A. Deandrea, L. Panizzi|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:VecLepQrk]||The SM, plus vector leptoquarks.||J. Roy|| '''Available''' || ||[wiki:LeptoQuark Vector-leptoquark model]||This model is an extension of the SM, featuring a vector leptoquark, a colored vector, and a Z' as new heavy mediators.||Michael J. Baker, Javier Fuentes-Martín, Gino Isidori, Matthias König||'''Available'''|| ||[wiki:Wprime]||The SM a new spin-1 W' boson.||J. Donini, B. Fuks|| '''Available''' || Back to the [wiki:ModelDatabaseMainPage FeynRules model database].