== The R-Symmetric Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model == === Author === [http://www.cern.ch/fuks Benjamin Fuks] * IPHC Strasbourg / University of Strasbourg * fuks@cern.ch === Description of the model & references === Our MRSSM implementation in !FeynRules is general in the sense that it is keeping all the flavour-violating and helicity-mixing terms in the Lagrangian and also all the possible additional CP-violating phases. In order to deal in a transparent way with the more than 100 parameters, our implementation follows a set of conventions derived from those provided by the Supersymmetry Les Houches Accord. * [http://inspirehep.net/search?p=find+eprint+0712.2039 Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 055010]: G.D. Kribs, E. Poppitz, N. Weiner, ''Flavor in Supersymmetry with an Extended R-symmetry''. * [http://inspirehep.net/search?p=find+eprint+1202.4769 Int.J.Mod.Phys. A27 (2012) 1230007]: B. Fuks, ''Beyond the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: from theory to phenomenology''. * [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=FIND+T+SUSY+LES+HOUCHES+and+j+JHEP&FORMAT=www&SEQUENCE= JHEP 0407 (2004) 36]: P. Skands ''et al'', ''SUSY Les Houches accord: Interfacing SUSY spectrum calculators, decay packages, and event generators'' ''.'' * [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=FIND+T+SUSY+LES+HOUCHES+and+j+comput+phys+commun&FORMAT=www&SEQUENCE= Comput.Phys.Commun.180 (2009) 8]: B. C. Allanach ''et al'', ''SUSY Les Houches Accord 2.'' === Model files === * [/raw-attachment/wiki/RMSSM/mrssm.fr mrssm.fr]: MRSSM implementation using the superspace module (compatible with !FeynRules 1.6.x) * [/raw-attachment/wiki/RMSSM/spectrum.dat spectrum.dat]: parameter file to be read, associated to the scenario described in [http://inspirehep.net/search?p=find+eprint+1202.4769 Int.J.Mod.Phys. A27 (2012) 1230007]. * [/raw-attachment/wiki/RMSSM/MRSSM.nb MRSSM.nb]: Example of a Mathematica® notebook loading the model and the parameters. === Specific instructions === * Only unitarity gauge is supported. * The flags __$CKMDiag__ and __$MNSDiag__, being set to __True__ or __False__, allow for CKM and PMNS matrices different from the identity or not. * A parameter file __must__ be loaded before running the model, or all the parameters would have a value of -1 (__ReadLHAFile[Input->"myfile"]__).