= A Coloron Model with a Decay to a Single Top Quark = This model introduces a heavy scalar color octet, the coloron. It is produced through gluon fusion and decays to a top quark and a charm quark. == Corresponding Authors == * Elizabeth Drueke (Michigan State University) * Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University) * Natascia Vignaroli (Michigan State University) * Devin G. E. Walker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) * Jiang-Hao Yu (The University of Texas at Austin) == Other Contributors == * Joseph Nutter (Michigan State University) * R. Sekhar Chivukula (Michigan State University) * Elizabeth H. Simmons (Michigan State University) == Description of the Model == The color octet (GH) is a neutral heavy hadronic resonance. The Feynman diagram for the production of GH and its decay to a single top quark and a charm quark is shown below. [[Image(Coloron.png)]] The single production of GH can be described by the effective coupling {{{ #!latex $-\frac{1}{4} C_{ggG} d_{abc} G^a_{\mu\nu} G^{\mu\nu b} G^c_H$ }}} with {{{ #!latex $C_{ggG}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{6}}\frac{\alpha_s}{\pi }\frac{\mu}{M^2_{G_H}}\left(\frac{\pi^2}{9}-1\right) \ .$ }}} Note that single production is suppressed by a factor {{{ #!latex $(\pi^2/9 -1)^2$, }}} which is an accidental suppression factor coming from the loop. Above the threshold for decays into a single top quark, GH has two main decay modes: the decay into gluons, which occurs at loop-level similar to single coloron production, and the flavor-violating decay into tc. The corresponding rates are: {{{ #!latex $\Gamma \left[G_H \to (\bar{c}_L t_R +\bar{t}_R c_L )\right] =\left(V_{cb}\right)^2 \frac{M_{G_H}}{16 \pi} \frac{m^2_t}{u^2}\left(1-\frac{m^2_t}{M^2_{G_H}}\right)^2 \,, $ \newline $\Gamma \left[G_H \to gg \right]=\frac{5 \alpha^2_s}{1536 \pi^3}\frac{\mu^2}{M_{G_H}}\left(\frac{\pi^2}{9}-1\right)^2 \,.$ }}} We set u=mu (the stability of the potential forbids mu>u); and consider for simplicity the set of {{{ #!latex $(M_{G_H}, \mu)$ }}} values that give a 50% GH decay into tc and 50% into gg. GH is a very narrow resonance, with a width of the order of 10^-4 GeV. See more details in * [http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7607v2 1409.7607v2] * [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.3094 1412.3094] == Model Files == * [attachment:proc_card_mg5.dat proc_card]: for generation of 500 GeV coloron (place in Cards/) * [attachment:run_card.dat run_card]: for generation of 500 GeV coloron (place in Cards/) * [attachment:Octet-tcgg-new.zip Octet-tcgg]: the model == Generation specifics == In [http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7607v2 1409.7607v2], the samples were generated with the coloron mass as the scale, dsqrt_q2fact1, and dsqrt_q2fact2 in the run_card.dat file. These samples were also generated without !MadGraph cuts as demonstrated in the run_card.dat for 500 GeV mass included above. The specific generations run were {{{ p p > GH, GH > b c~ l+ vl @1 GHT=1 QED=2 p p > GH, GH > b~ c l- vl~ @2 GHT=1 QED=2 }}} To generate the settings for a specific coloron mass, use the appropriate model directory contained in the Octet-tcgg zip file. Parameter card files are included for the combination of settings that gives a branching ratio of 0.5 to tc. For other BR values, please see [http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7607v2 1409.7607v2]. == Related Models == * [wiki:kkg_FV kkg_FV] * [wiki:modcolorS_trip modcolorS_trip] * [wiki:Wprime W-prime]