= A Coloron Model = == Authors == * Elizabeth Drueke (Michigan State University) * Joseph Nutter (Michigan State University) * Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University) * Natascia Vignaroli (Michigan State University) * Devin G. E. Walker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) * Jiang-Hao Yu (The University of Texas at Austin) == Description of the Model == Colored vector bosons from new strong dynamics, Kaluza-Klein gluons or KKg’s (G*) in a dual 5D picture, have been searched for mainly in the t-tbar channel. In this model, the third generation quarks couple differently than the light quarks under an extended {{{ #!latex $SU(3)_1 \times SU(3)_2$ }}} color gauge group. The mixing between light and third generation quarks is induced by the interactions of all three generation quarks with a set of new heavy vector0like quarks. The model reproduces the CKM mixing and generates flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNCs) from non-standard interactions. Due to the specific structure of the model, dangerous FCNCs are naturally suppressed and a large portion of the model parameter space is allowed by the data on meson mixing process and on {{{ #!latex $b \to \gamma$. }}} The extended color symmetry is broken down to {{{ #!latex $SU(3)_C$ }}} by the (diagonal) expectation value, {{{ #!latex $\langle \Phi \rangle \propto u \cdot {\cal I}$, }}} of a scalar field Phi which transforms as a {{{ #!latex $\bf 3, \bar{3}$ }}} under the color gauge structure. It is assumed that color gauge breaking occurs at a scale much higher than the electroweak scale. Breaking the color symmetry induces a mixing between the {{{ #!latex $SU(3)_1$ \rm{and} $SU(3)_2$ }}} gauge fields {{{ #!latex $A^{1}_{\mu}$ \rm{and} $A^{2}_{\mu}$, }}} which is diagonalized by a rotation determined by {{{ #!latex $\cot\omega = \frac{g_1}{g_2} \qquad g_s = g_1 \sin\omega = g_2 \cos\omega$, }}} where g_s is the QCD strong coupling and g_1 and g_2 are the SU(3)_1 and SU(3)_2 gauge couplings, respectively. The mixing diagonalization reveals two color vector boson mass eigenstates: the mass-less SM gluon and a new massive color-octet vector boson G* given by {{{ #!latex $G^{*}_{\mu}=\cos\omega A^{1}_{\mu} - \sin\omega A^{2}_{\mu} \qquad M_{G^{*}} = \frac{g_s u}{\sin\omega \cos\omega}.$ }}} In the NMFV model, the third generation quarks couple differently than the light quarks under the extended color group. {{{ #!latex $g_L=(t_L, b_L),$ \rm{ } $t_R,$ \rm{ and } $b_R,$ }}} as well as a new weak-doublet of vector-like quarks, transform as {{{ #!latex $({\bf 3,1})$ }}} under the color gauge group, while the light generation quarks are charged under SU(3)_2 and transform as {{{ #!latex $({\bf 1,3})$ }}} The G* interactions with the color currents associated with SU(3)_1 and SU(3)_2 are given by {{{ #!latex $g_s \left(\cot\omega J^{\mu}_1 - \tan\omega J^{\mu}_2 \right)G^{*}_{\mu}.$ }}} == Note == Need to reread and make sure everything is the same as the paper and that nothing for KKg has been carried over.