= !FeynRules models to be used for NLO calculations with aMC@NLO = This page contains a collection of models that have been implemented in !FeynRules in the context of NLO calculations in the framework of aMC@NLO. It contains up to now simplified models inspired by the current searches undertaken by ATLAS and CMS. For each model: * we include a brief description of the relevant signature, * we provide the !FeynRules model files as well as the UFO library to be used with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, * we indicate reference paper with the documentation on the model, together with the name of the contact person, * validation figures generated in the framework of each model are provided, so that any user could try to reproduce them to verify their setup. === Available models === || '''Description''' || '''Contact''' || '''Reference''' || '''!FeynRules model files''' || '''UFO libraries''' || '''Validation material''' || || Stop pair -> t tbar + missing energy || [mailto:fuks@cern.ch B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.XXXX arXiv:1412.XXXX ] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet.fr stop_ttmet.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_ufo.tgz stop_ttmet_ufo.tgz] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_validation.pdf stop_ttmet_validation.pdf] ; [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_validation_root.tgz stop_ttmet_validation_root.tgz] || Inclusive sgluon pair production || [mailto:fuks@cern.ch B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.XXXX arXiv:1412.XXXX ] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons.fr sgluons.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_ufo.tgz sgluons_ufo.tgz] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_validation.pdf sgluons_validation.pdf] ; [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_validation_root.tgz sgluons_validation_root.tgz]