= !FeynRules models to be used for NLO calculations with aMC@NLO = This page contains a collection of models that have been implemented in !FeynRules in the context of NLO calculations in the framework of aMC@NLO. It contains up to now simplified models inspired by the current searches undertaken by ATLAS and CMS, as well as a model developed to characterise the properties of the recently discovered Higgs boson. For each model: * we include a brief description of the relevant signature, * we provide the !FeynRules model files as well as the UFO library to be used with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, * we indicate reference paper with the documentation on the model, together with the name of the contact person, * validation figures generated in the framework of each model are provided, so that any user could try to reproduce them to verify their setup. === Available models === || '''Description''' || '''Contact''' || '''Reference''' || '''!FeynRules model files''' || '''UFO libraries''' || '''Validation material''' || || SM 5F ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/StandardModel more details]) || [mailto:celine.degrande@cern.ch C. Degrande] || - || [http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/StandardModel/SM.fr SM.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/SM/SM5F_NLO.tar.gz SM5F_NLO.tar.gz ] || - || Dark matter simplified models ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/DMsimp more details]) || [mailto:kentarou.mawatari@vub.ac.be K. Mawatari] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.00564 arXiv:1508.00564 ], [http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.05327 arXiv: 1508.05327 ], [http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.05785 arXiv: 1509.05785 ] || - || [/raw-attachment/wiki/DMsimp/DMsimp_UFO.2.zip DMsimp_UFO.2.zip ] || - || Dark Matter Gauge invariant simplified model (scalar s-channel mediator) ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/DMGISM0 more details]) || [mailto:giorgio.busoni@unimelb.edu.au G. Busoni] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1612.03475 arXiv:1612.03475 ], [http://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10764 arXiv: 1710.10764 ], || - || - || - || Effective LR symmetric model ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/EffLRSM more details]) || [mailto:richard.ruiz@durham.ac.uk R. Ruiz] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1610.08985 arXiv:1610.08985 ] || [/attachment/wiki/EffLRSM/effLRSM.fr effLRSM.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/EffLRSM/EffLRSM_NLO.tgz EffLRSM UFO] || - || GM ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/GeorgiMachacekModel more details]) || [mailto:apeterso@physics.carleton.ca A. Peterson] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.01243 arXiv:1512.01243 ] || - || [/attachment/wiki/GeorgiMachacekModel/GM_UFO_nlo.tar.gz GM_NLO UFO] || - || Heavy Neutrino ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/HeavyN more details]) || [mailto:richard.ruiz@durham.ac.uk R. Ruiz] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.06957 arXiv:1602.06957 ] || [/attachment/wiki/HeavyN/heavyN.fr heavyN.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/HeavyN//SM_HeavyN_NLO_UFO.tgz HeavyN NLO UFO] || - || Higgs characterisation ([HiggsCharacterisation more details]) || [mailto:kentarou.mawatari@vub.ac.be K. Mawatari] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.1829 arXiv:1311.1829 ], [http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.5089 arXiv:1407.5089 ], [http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.00611 arXiv: 1504.00611 ] || - || [/raw-attachment/wiki/HiggsCharacterisation/HC_NLO_X0_UFO.zip HC_NLO_X0_UFO.zip ] || - || Inclusive sgluon pair production || [mailto:fuks@cern.ch B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.5589 arXiv:1412.5589 ] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons.fr sgluons.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_ufo.tgz sgluons_ufo.tgz] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_validation.pdf sgluons_validation.pdf] ; [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/sgluons_validation_root.tgz sgluons_validation_root.tgz] || Pseudoscalar top-philic resonance ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/AHttbarNLO more details]) || [mailto:diogo.buarque.franzosi@gmail.com D.B. Franzosi] || [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06760]] || - || [/attachment/wiki/AHttbarNLO/htt4.tar.gz AHttbar NLO UFO] || - || Spin-2 ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/Spin2 more details]) || [mailto:celine.degrande@durham.ac.uk C. Degrande] || [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.09359]] || [/attachment/wiki/Spin2/dm_s_spin2.fr dm_s_spin2.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/Spin2//DMspin2.tar.gz SMspin2 NLO UFO] || - || Stop pair -> t tbar + missing energy || [mailto:fuks@cern.ch B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.5589 arXiv:1412.5589 ] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet.fr stop_ttmet.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_ufo.tgz stop_ttmet_ufo.tgz] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_validation.pdf stop_ttmet_validation.pdf] ; [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/stop_ttmet_validation_root.tgz stop_ttmet_validation_root.tgz] || SUSY-QCD || [mailto:fuks@cern.ch B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.00391 arXiv:1510.00391 ] ||- || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/susyqcd_ufo.tgz susyqcd_ufo.tgz] || All figures available from the arxiv || Two-Higgs-Doublet Model ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/2HDM more details]) || [mailto:celine.degrande@durham.ac.uk C. Degrande] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3030 arXiv:1406.3030 ] || - || [/attachment/wiki/2HDM/2HDM_NLO.tar.gz 2HDM_NLO] || - || Top FCNC Model ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/TopFCNC more details]) || [mailto:cenzhang@bnl.gov C. Zhang] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.5594 arXiv:1412.5594 ] || [/attachment/wiki/TopFCNC/TopEFTFCNC.fr TopEFTFCNC.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/TopFCNC/TopFCNC.tar.gz TopFCNC UFO] || - || Vector like quarks || [mailto:fuks@lpthe.jussieu.fr B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1610.04622 arXiv:1610.04622 ] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/VLQ_v3.fr VLQ_v3.fr] || [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/vlq_nlo_v3_5fns.tgz UFO in the 5FNS], [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/vlq_nlo_v3_4fns.tgz UFO in the 4FNS], [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/scripts.tgz event generation scripts], [/raw-attachment/wiki/NLOModels/VLQ_Calculus.py​ coupling calculator in the LO conventions] || All figures available from the arxiv || W'/Z' model ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/WZPrimeAtNLO more details]) || [mailto:richard.ruiz@durham.ac.uk R. Ruiz], [mailto:fuks@lpthe.jussieu.fr B. Fuks] || [http://arxiv.org/abs/1701.05263 arXiv:1701.05263 ] || [/attachment/wiki/WZPrimeAtNLO/vPrimeNLO.fr vPrimeNLO.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/VPrime_NLO_UFO.tgz vPrimeNLO UFO] || - || NTGC ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/NTGC more details]) || [mailto:celine.degrande@cern.ch C. Degrande] || [https://inspirehep.net/record/1251546 JHEP 1402 (2014) 101] || [/attachment/wiki/NTGC/NTGC.fr NTGC.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/NTGC/NTGC_NLO.tar.gz NTGC UFO at NLO] || || GGG_EFT_up_to_4point_loops ([http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/GGG more details]) (requires MG5_aMC v2.6.3+)|| [mailto:valentin.hirschi@gmail.com V. Hirschi] || To appear || [/attachment/wiki/NLOModels/GGG.fr GGG.fr] || [/attachment/wiki/NLOModels/GGG_EFT_up_to_4point_loops.tar.gz GGG_EFT_up_to_4point_loops UFO] || Analytic amplitude and cross-sections in the corresponding publication -