== Details about the MSSM at NLO implementation in FeynRules == === Author === * Benjamin Fuks, LPTHE / Sorbonne U. [ fuks @ lpthe.jussieu.fr ] === Reference === * S. Frixione, B. Fuks, V. Hirschi, K. Mawatari, H.S. Shao, M.P.A. Sunder and M. Zaro, ''Automated simulations beyond the Standard Model: supersymmetry'', [https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04898 arXiv:1907.04898]. === Description of the model === In contrast to the [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/MSSM leading order MSSM implementation in FeynRules], the NLO MSSM implementation does not allow for inter-generational sfermion mixing and CP-violation beyond the one included in the CKM matrix. The implementation relies on the superspace capabilities of !FeynRules (see [https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.4191 arXiv:1102.4191]) and follows the [https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0311123 SUSY Les Houches accord] (version 1). As there is some freedom in the way the model renormalisation in the on-shell scheme can be implemented, the user is free to implement his/her own by making use of a !FeynRules plugin called MoGRe. A few examples of usage can be found below and in [https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04898 arXiv:1907.04898]. === Model files === * [/raw-attachment/wiki/MSSMatNLO/mssm-nlo.fr mssm-nlo.fr]: The model file. The current (and first public) version is v1.5. A restriction file with 5 flavours can be downloaded [/attachment/wiki/MSSMatNLO/Massless.rst here]. * [/raw-attachment/wiki/MSSMatNLO/MoGRe_v1.1.m MoGRe_v1.1.m]: The MoGRe plugin to !FeynRules. * [/raw-attachment/wiki/MSSMatNLO/use-MoGRe.nb use-MoGRe.nb]: An example of Mathematica® notebook loading the model and the parameters and using MoGRe for the renormalisation. * [/raw-attachment/wiki/MSSMatNLO/mssmatnlo.ufo.tar.gz mssmatnlo.ufo.tar.gz]: The UFO model used for the computations of [https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04898 arXiv:1907.04898]. It contains extra simplifications with respect to the full MSSM (e.g. the Higgs sector is absent).