== The Higgs effective theory ==
=== Author ===
* Claude Duhr
* IPPP Durham
* claude.duhr@durham.ac.uk
=== Description of the model ===
This model describes the effective coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons and photons. The effective theory is obtained by integrating out the top-quark loop through which the higgs couples to gluons and photons. The corresponding effective theory for a pseudo-scalar is also included.
The values of the effective couplings correspond to those given in the heft model of the !MadGraph/MadEvent distribution.
=== References ===
* " ''Gluon final states in higgs boson decay'' ", T.G. Rizzo, Phys. Rev., vol. D22, p. 178, 1980
* " ''Production of a higgs pseudoscalar plus two jets in hadronic collisions'' ", R.P. Kauffman and S.V. Desai, Phys. Rev., vol. D59, p.057504, 1999
* " ''Amplitudes for higgs bosons plus four partons'' ", R.P. Kauffman and S.V. Desai and D. Risal, 1999
=== Model files ===
* [http://europa.fyma.ucl.ac.be/~duhr/twiki/pub/Main/HiggsEffectiveTheory/HiggsEffective.fr HiggsEffective.fr] This is the main file.
* This model needs the model file of the [wiki:StandardModel SM implementation] of !FeynRules.
=== Instructions ===
The model is loaded by merging the model files SM.fr and !HiggsEffective.fr (the two files must be stored in the same directory, see the [:UserManual:user manual]).
The implementation allows for the use of the Feynman gauge in the SM. Feynman gauge is '''not''' supported for this model.
=== Examples ===
* [http://europa.fyma.ucl.ac.be/~duhr/twiki/pub/Main/HiggsEffectiveTheory/HiggsEffective.nb HiggsEffective.nb] : This is an example Mathematica® notebook that loads the model and calculates Feynman rules.
* [http://europa.fyma.ucl.ac.be/~duhr/twiki/pub/Main/HiggsEffectiveTheory/HiggsEffective.tex HiggsEffective.tex] : This is TeX output written by !FeynRules.