== Higgs effective Lagrangian == === Authors === Adam Alloul * Groupe de Recherche en Physique des Hautes Energies - Universite de Haute Alsace * adam.alloul@iphc.cnrs.fr Benjamin Fuks * CERN / Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien / Universite de Strasbourg * benjamin.fuks@iphc.cnrs.fr Veronica Sanz * University of Sussex * v.sanz@sussex.ac.uk === Description of the model & references === The model we have implemented is based on the description given [http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.5150 here] and on the parametrization adopted [http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1303.3876 here]. The Lagrangian consists of an extension of the SM Lagrangian with terms of dimension up to six comprising * the set of CP-conserving operators describing the strongly interacting Higgs Lagrangian declared as LSILH in the model file; * the set of operators describing the interactions of a pair of Higgs fields with a pair of leptons or quarks declared as LF1 in the model file; * the set of operators describing the interactions of a single Higgs field with a pair of leptons or quarks and a gauge boson declared as LF2 in the model file; * the set of operators affecting the gauge sector and possibly modifying the gauge boson self-energies and self-interactions. The variable corresponding to this piece of the Lagrangian is LBosons; * the set of CP-violating operators declared in the variable LCP. === Model file, Lagrangian and vertices === * Main !FeynRules file for the full HEL model: [/attachment/wiki/HEL/HEL.fr HEL.fr]. * Example of a Mathematica® notebook loading the model and the parameters: [/attachment/wiki/HEL/HEL.nb HEL.nb]. * Full Lagrangian as calculated by !FeynRules [/attachment/wiki/HEL/lagrangian.dat Lagrangian] * List of all vertices as calculated by !FeynRules [/attachment/wiki/HEL/vertices.dat Vertices] * UFO model file generated by !FeynRules with all the new parameters set to 0.1 [/attachment/wiki/HEL/HEL_UFO.tar.gz ufo] * CalcHep model file generated by !FeynRules with all the new parameters set to 0.1 [/attachment/wiki/HEL/HELv7-CH.tgz CalcHep] === Validation ===