== 4-fermion EFT bbll including interference with the SM == Authors: * Yoav Afik (yoavafik@campus.technion.ac.il) * Shaouly Bar-Shalom (shaouly@physics.technion.ac.il) * Jonathan Cohen * Yoram Rozen Department of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel == Description of the model: This is a Contact Interaction model with b-b-l-l terms, including interference with the SM, for all of the possible chirality combinations. The effective Lagrangian of the model is described by: {{{ #!latex \begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{eff} = \frac{g^2}{\Lambda^2}\sum_{i,j=L,R} \eta_{ij}(\bar{b}_{i} \gamma_{\mu} b_{i}) (\bar{\ell}_{j} \gamma^{\mu} \ell_{j}), \end{align*} }}} The behavior of the cross section can be parametrized by the contribution of three terms, which depend on the di-lepton invariant mass: {{{ #!latex \begin{align*} \sigma(m_{\ell \ell})=\sigma^{SM}(m_{\ell \ell}) + \sigma^{NP}(g,\Lambda,m_{\ell \ell}) ~, \end{align*} }}} where the first term is the pure SM term and the second term contain only the NP contributions: {{{ #!latex \begin{align*} \sigma^{NP}(g,\Lambda,m_{\ell \ell})=\frac{g^2}{\Lambda^2} \cdot \sigma^{SM \times NP}(m_{\ell \ell}) + \frac{g^4}{\Lambda^4} \cdot \sigma^{NP \times NP}(m_{\ell \ell}) ~, \end{align*} }}} == Model Files: * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/FourFermionbbll/bbll_UFO.zip bbll_UFO.zip] : the full model. == Commands for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, for a production of an electron and a positron with jets: {{{ define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ generate p p > e+ e- NP^2>0 add process p p > e+ e- j NP^2>0 add process p p > e+ e- j j NP^2>0 ... set LambdaS ... set Celbbll ... set Celbblr ... set Celbbrr ... set Celbbrl ... }}} Where LambdaS is the scale of new physics in GeV, Celbbll is the bbee coupling with left-left chirality, etc. Note especially that the sign of Celbbll / Celbblr / Celbbrr / Celbbrl determines if the interference with the SM is constructive or destructive. == Similarly, commands for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, for a production of a muon and an anti-muon with jets: {{{ define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ generate p p > mu+ mu- NP^2>0 add process p p > mu+ mu- j NP^2>0 add process p p > mu+ mu- j j NP^2>0 ... set LambdaS ... set Cmubbll ... set Cmubblr ... set Cmubbrr ... set Cmubbrl ... }}} == References: [1] Afik, Yoav and Bar-Shalom, Shaouly and Cohen, Jonathan and Rozen, Yoram. Phys. Lett. B. 807:135541, 2020, 1912.00425. * Link to paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269320303452?via%3Dihub