== News ==
* 30.01.2009, CD -ModelDatabase:
* Updated all models to be compliant with the change PauliMatrix -> PauliSigma made in V1.2.5.
* 27.01.2009, CD -V1.2.5:
* Made FR compatible with Mathematica 7.0. The FR function PauliMatrix is now called PauliSigma.
* Changed the routine TreatMajoranasAndCC in Intialisation.m.
It is now more efficient, and a bug was corrected along the way, which affected fermion chains with two identical fermions, one of them being charge conjugated.
* 13.01.2009, CD -V1.2.4:
* Added LQCD to the model file !FirstExample.fr.
* Small bug fix for the !TraditionalForm and the !StandardForm of dSUN. Only the printing was affected.
* 16.10.2008, CD -V1.2.3:
* Fixed bug in the running of the strong coupling of the MadGraph interface. The running is now done correctly.
* 29.08.2008, CD -V1.2.2:
* Fixed bug in the internal index renaming. Internal indices are now renamed indepently at each call of !FeynmanRules. (Thanks to R. Frederix)
* 15.08.2008, NC -V1.2.1:
* Fixed CH interface bug where very small external parameters were not being written to file correctly.
* Fixed CH interface bug where arccos was not being written to file correctly.
* Fixed Core bug where spin 2 particles were not being read in correctly.
* 25.06.2008, Finished new manual arXiv:0806:4194. Please cite! :)
* 25.06.2008, CD - V1.2.0:
* Compatibility issue with Mathematica 6.0 resolved (Thanks to Benjamin Fuks).
* Template interface:
* Wrote new Template interface that can be modified for a new interface to a monte carlo package.
* !FeynArts interface:
* Now reclasses particles if necessary (when the lagrangian contains terms specific to members).
* Now defines new coupling constants for each vertex which can simplify the vertices considerably.
* Parameters written to !FeynArts model files as:
* M$FACouplings
* M$ExtParams
* M$IntParams
* M$Masses
* M$Widths
* Compatibility issues with !FormCalc resolved. (Thanks to Benjamin Fuks)
* Bug fix for ghosts.
* Bug fix for default classes.
* Fermion flow is now treated consistently.
* IndexSum[ ] function is now treated consistently.
* !CalcHEP/CompHEP interface:
* Added functions !WriteCHParameters and !ReadCHParameters for sharing parameters.
* Fixed bug when multiple particles have the same name.
* !MadGraph interface:
* Added the decomposition of the four-gluon vertex into a three-point vertices including an auxiliary tensor particle.
* Added the five-dimensional operators describing the coupling of a (pseudo-)scalarto vectors in the large top-mass limit.
* Various bug fixes.
* Core code:
* Improved flavor expansion routine.
* Added several options to !FeynmanRules:
* Free
* Contains
* Vertices renamed to !SelectVertices and most !FeynmanRules options added.
* !MergeVertexLists renamed to !MergeVertices.
* Majorana and charge conjugated Fermions implemented.
* Fermion flow is now treated consistently.
* !LoadMergedModel is merged with !LoadModel.
* Extended the number of derivatives of fields that could be taken to infinity.
* Added functions !WriteParameters and !ReadParameters for sharing parameters.
* Added new checks for the lagrangian such as:
* !CheckHermiticity
* !CheckMassSpectrum
* !CheckKineticTermNormalisation
* Common format for interfaces.
* The output of !FeynmanRules is now the list of vertices.
* Various bug fixes.
* 3-Site Model implementation:
* Fixed bug that affected the kinetic terms.
* Fixed ghost lagrangian terms.
* 08.05.2008, CD - V1.0.4:
* Bug fix in the !CalcHep interface.
* Bug fix in the !FeynArts interface: Sign corrected in the SSV vertex, as well as typo corrected in VVVV vertex.
* 25.04.2008, CD - V1.0.3:
* Better treatment of the del[ ] function. An arbitrary number of derivatives is now supported. (Thanks to C. Arnesen for pointing this out)
* 15.04.2008, CD - V1.0.2:
* Bug fix in the MG interface.
* 01.04.2008, CD - Typo corrected in HiggsEffective.fr (M$Information had an unclosed paranthesis).
New version uploaded.
* 17.03.2008, CD - V1.0.1:
* Bug fix in the FeynArts interface: typo corrected in the interface for the ghosts.
* Bug fix in the MadGraph interface: If two or more particles have the same mass, the mass symbols need to be renamed (MadGraph only allows each symbol to be defined once)
* 08.03.2008, CD - V1.0 uploaded.
* 22.02.2008, CD - Uploading the packages.
* 10.02.2008, CD - First try to get the web page running.
-- Main.ClaudeDuhr - 10 Feb 2008