'''EWFF4DM: DM effective field theory with hypercharge electromagnetic form factors''' '''Authors''' Andrew Cheek [[BR]] * andrew.cheek@uclouvain.be [[BR]] Luca Pagani [[BR]] * luca.pagani7@unibo.it [[BR]] Ken Mimasu [[BR]] * ken.mimasu@uclouvain.be [[BR]] Chiara Arina [[BR]] * chiara.arina@uclouvain.be [[BR]] ---- '''Model description''' ---- '''Description of the Model Files''' * Feynrules model file [[BR]] * EWFF4DM.fr, Main FeynRules model for the model, it also contains the SM Feynrule model.[[BR]] * UFO model files [[BR]] * EWFF4DM_UFO.tar.gz, Standalone LO UFO folder in the EWFF4DM models.[[BR]] The actual files are provided in attachment.