== SM + DY == We consider new spin-0, 1, and 2 resonances that can contribute to the s-channel Drell-Yan processes p,p->l+,l-,X and p,p->l,v,X where l is a charged lepton, v is a neutrino or antineutrino and X is the inclusive hadronic remnants. We implement the most general Lagrangian between these new bosons and the SM fermions and gluons allowed by Lorentz, quantum chromodynamic and electromagnetic invariance. In each case, we only include the leading effective terms which are either dimension-4 or dimension-5 operators. Furthermore, we drop all terms which vanish when the masses of the initial-state and final-state particles are taken to zero. Further details can be found in the reference below. === Implementation Author === * Neil Christensen * University of Wisconsin - Madison * neil@hep.wisc.edu in collaboration with Cheng-Wei Chiang, Gui-Jun Ding, and Tao Han. === References === * Coming soon. === Model Files === * [/raw-attachment/wiki/DY-SM/DY-SM-FR.tgz DY-SM-FR.tgz]: [http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/ FeynRules] Model Files === Model Implementation === Details about this implementation can be found in the reference above. Additionally, the [http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/ FeynRules] automatic output for this model can be found here: * [/attachment/wiki/DY-SM/SM-DY.pdf SM-DY.pdf]: Fields, parameters, Lagrangians and Vertices. === Instructions === We provide a basic notebook giving examples of how to run the [http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/ FeynRules] interfaces on this model: * [/raw-attachment/wiki/DY-SM/SMplus.nb.gz SMplus.nb.gz] === Interfaces === This model implementation is known to work with [http://theory.sinp.msu.ru/~pukhov/calchep.html CalcHEP]. The CalcHEP files can be found here: * [/raw-attachment/wiki/DY-SM/SM-DY-CH.tgz SM-DY-CH.tgz] This model has not been tested with [http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu/ MadGraph 5] but works in principle. === Validation === The Feynman rules were computed by hand and compared with the [http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/ FeynRules] vertices and found to agree. Furthermore, the squared amplitudes for several Drell-Yan processes were calculated by hand and compared with the analytic output of CalcHEP and found to agree.