= Dark Matter Gauge invariant simplified model with CP-even Spin-0 s-channel mediator = == Authors == Giorgio Busoni (University of Melbourne) email: giorgio.busoni@unimelb.edu.au == Description of the model == This is a gauge-invariant simplified model for dark matter with a CP-even spin-0 mediator exchanged in the s-channel. Dark matter is taken to be a Dirac Fermion. For more details: [[BR]] * [arXiv:1612.03475]: Nicole F. Bell, Giorgio Busoni, Isaac W. Sanderson, "Self-consistent Dark Matter Simplified Models with an s-channel scalar mediator" * [arXiv:1710.10764]: Nicole F. Bell, Giorgio Busoni, Isaac W. Sanderson, "Two Higgs Doublet Dark Matter Portal" == Model files == * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM.fr S2HDM.fr]: main model file for spin-0 mediators. * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/Massless_4f.rst Massless_4f.rst] restriction file for 4F scheme. * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/Massless_5f.rst Massless_5f.rst]: restriction file for 5F scheme. * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM.nb S2HDM.nb]: this is an example Mathematica notebook that loads the model, checks consistency, calculates the Feynman rules and outputs the model in various formats. * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/unitarity.m unitarity.m]: additional mathematica file loaded by the mathematica notebook, that checks unitarity, perturbativity and stability of potential * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/SM_CKM.fr SM_CKM.fr]: SM implementation with full CKM matrix, to output UFO with flavour-changing processes == Download == * Full package * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM_TI_NLO.zip UFO Type I (5FS)] * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM_TII_NLO.zip UFO Type II (5FS)] * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM_Align_NLO.zip UFO Aligned (5FS)] * [https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/DMGISM0/S2HDM_Align_CH.zip CALCHEP Aligned] == Version updates == v1.0 release version == Sample commands for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO == The UFO provided together with the feynrules model file was generated for four flavour scheme (4FS) calculations. To perform 5FS ones, you need to generate a new UFO by loading massless_5f restriction file instead of massless_4f. Below we give the MadGraph syntax used to generate various mono-X signals === MONO-JET === {{{ generate p p > j ~xd ~xd~ [QCD] }}} Massive top and bottom quarks. 4FS calculation. This is LO as there are no tree level diagrams in this scheme. === MONO-H === {{{ generate p p > h ~xd ~xd~ [QCD] }}} Same notes as above. === MONO-Z === {{{ generate p p > z ~xd ~xd~ [QCD] }}} Same notes as above. === MONO-W === WARNING: needs 5FS UFO! {{{ generate p p > w+ ~xd ~xd~ [QCD] }}} This has not been tested. This is LO as there are no tree level diagrams in this scheme. === TT+MET (tree level) === {{{ generate p p > t t~ ~xd ~xd~ }}} Massive top and bottom quarks. 4FS calculation. === BB+MET (tree level) === {{{ generate p p > b b~ ~xd ~xd~ }}} Massive top and bottom quarks. 4FS calculation. === TT+MET (NLO) === Not working yet. However you can generate {{{ generate p p > t t~ S1 [QCD] generate p p > t t~ S2 [QCD] }}} Massive top and bottom quarks. 4FS calculation. This is NLO accurate result including both top and bottom loops. === BB+MET (NLO) === same as above. === DI-JET+MET === WARNING: to make 5FS you need to output a new UFO with the right restrictions {{{ generate p p > j j ~xd ~xd~ [QCD] }}} Massive top and bottom quarks. 4FS calculation. This is LO as there are no tree level diagrams in this scheme. To use 5FS, you need to generate a new UFO output by loading massless_5f restriction file instead of massless_4f.