The minimal B-L extension of the SM. ** Implementation authors * Lorenzo Basso * Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany) * lorenzo.basso -at- * (formerly at University of Southampton, UK & RAL-PPD, Didcot, UK) In collaboration with Giovanni Marco Pruna (TU Dresden, Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Dresden, Germany) ----------------------- ** Model description The model describe a U(1) extension of the SM, related to the B-L (baryon minus lepton) charge. 3 RH neutrinos are required to cancel the anomalies, thus providing neutrino masses via the type-I see-saw. A Z' boson is also present, together with a further scalar for the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the further U(1) factor, at TeV scale. ----------------------- ** References * Details about available parameter space and experimental/theoretical constraints can be found in: * Tree Level Unitarity Bounds for the Minimal B-L Model * Z' discovery potential at the LHC in the minimal B-L extension of the Standard Model * A Renormalisation Group Equation Study of the Scalar Sector of the Minimal B-L Extension of the Standard Model * Phenomenology of the minimal B−L extension of the Standard Model: the Higgs sector ----------------------- ** Model files Soon available