== Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model == '''Model''' Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model (ALRM)[[BR]] '''Author''' Mustafa Ashry[[BR]] 1. Center for Fundamental Physics, Zewail City of Science and Technology, Sheikh Zayed, 12588 Giza, Egypt 2. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613 Giza, Egypt '''Emails''' mustafa@sci.cu.edu.eg[[BR]] mashry@zewailcity.edu.eg[[BR]] '''Model Description''' As any other left-right symmetric model, ALRM is the QFT gauged by SU(2)_L×SU(2)_R×U(1)_B-L. B and L being the baryon and lepton numbers. An extra discrete S symmetry is imposed to differentiate between both the left and right fields and interactions of the Higgs sector. As in the SM, left fermions compose SU(2)_L doublets. Right charged leptons are in SU(2)_R doublets with corresponding extra particles (scotinos) and right up quarks are in SU(2)_R doublets with corresponding extra exotic down-type quarks. Right neutrinos and down quarks are SU(2)_L,R singlets. The Higgs sector composes of an SU(2)_L-doublet, SU(2)_R-doublet and a bidoublet. '''References''' 1. M. Ashry and S. Khalil, ''Phenomenological aspects of a TeV-scale alternative left-right model'', Physical Review D 91, 015009 (2015) (arXiv:1310.3315) ([https://inspirehep.net/record/1258411]). 1. Mustafa Ashry, ''TeV-scale left-right symmetric model with minimal Higgs sector'', Master Thesis, Cairo University, Cairo (2015)([http://scholar.cu.edu.eg/sites/default/files/science_math_mashry/files/mashry_msc.thesis.pdf]). '''Warnings''' For the CalcHEP files, it's advised to use those uploaded to the page ([https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/attachment/wiki/ALRM/ALRM_CalcHEP.rar]) and not to produce them from the model files. In the later case, you will be faced by a conflict between the string size produced by FeynRules and this allowed by CalcHEP. In fact, those CalcHEP files uploaded to the page are general and there is no need to produce them again, unless you have modified the model itself and want to generate the new ones. '''Acknowledgements''' Thanks to ''W. Abdallah''; being revised the CalcHEP files and fixed the string size errors manually. The author would like to thank ''W. Abdallah'', the late colleague ''A. Elsayed'' and ''A. Moursy'' for their helpful hints and useful discussions. Thanks to Prof. ''M. E. Peskin'' and Dr. ''B. Fucks'' for replying the questions and for their guiding notes.[[BR]]