= Workbook Contents = Here is a list of the contents of the Delphes Workbook. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/QuickTour Quick Tour] showing all the steps required to run Delphes and analyze its output. 1. [http://indico.cern.ch/event/315979/ Advanced Tutorial] organized in the context of FCC. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/RootTreeDescription ROOT Tree Description] - description of all classes used to store output data. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/EventDisplay Event Display] - how to visualize events. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/ModuleSystem Module System] - introduction to modules. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/Candidate Particle Candidate Class] - introduction to the {{{Candidate}}} class. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/Modules List of Modules] that are currently implemented in Delphes. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/Arrays List of Arrays] of candidates that are available in the example configuration files. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/DataFlowDiagram Data Flow Diagram] for the default configuration. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/ConfigFile Configuration File] - how modules are configured and put together. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/LibraryInterface Library Interface] - how Delphes library can be called from a program. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/ExternalFastJet Running Delphes with External FastJet] - how Delphes can be run with an external !FastJet installation. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/ReadingCMSFiles Reading CMS ROOT Files] - how Delphes can be run on the generator events stored in CMS ROOT files. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/PileUp Running Delphes with Pile-Up] - how Delphes can be run with pile-up events. 1. [wiki:WorkBook/DelphesAnalysis Using DelphesAnalysis] to write simple analysis code in Python.