If you already generated Les Houches event files, and you want to hadronize them, instead of producing large intermediary files by running Pythia8 standalone, you can now run Pythia8 inside Delphes. If you did not generate hard scattering events, you can generate them directly via Pythia8 inside Delphes. First, you'll need a working [http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html Pythia8] installation. {{{ wget http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/pythia8/pythia8210.tgz tar xzvf pythia8210.tgz cd pythia8210 ./configure --prefix=path_to_PYTHIA8_installation make }}} Second, define an environment variable for the path to your PYTHIA installation directory {{{ export PYTHIA8=path_to_PYTHIA8_installation }}} and you can then build the {{{DelphesPythia8}}} executable with the following command: {{{ make HAS_PYTHIA8=true DelphesPythia8 }}} You can run a simple example for generating QCD Pythia8 events within Delphes: {{{ ./DelphesPythia8 cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl examples/Pythia8/configNoLHE.cmnd delphes_nolhe.root }}} If you have your own Les Houches file (the path for the LHE is defined inside the *.cmnd file): {{{ ./DelphesPythia8 cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl examples/Pythia8/configLHE.cmnd delphes_lhe.root }}}