== BTagging == determines origin of jet, applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas and sets b-tagging flags - input: - !PartonInputArray - !JetInputArray - output: - !OutputArray - parameters: - DeltaR - PartonPTMin - !PartonEtaMax - !EfficiencyFormula == Calorimeter == fills calorimeter towers, performs calorimeter resolution smearing and preselects towers hit by electrons, photons and neutral particles - input: - !InputArray - output: - !TowerOutputArray - !NeutralOutputArray - !PhotonOutputArray - !ElectronOutputArray - parameters: - !EtaPhiBins - !EnergyFraction - ECalSmearingFormula - HCalSmearingFormula == Efficiency == - input: - !InputArray - output: - !OutputArray == !EnergySmearing == - input: - !InputArray - output: - !OutputArray == !FastJetFinder == == Isolation == sums transverse momenta of isolation objects (tracks, calorimeter towers, etc) within a DeltaR cone around a candidate and calculates fraction of this sum to the candidate's transverse momentum. outputs candidates that have the transverse momenta fraction within (PTRatioMin, PTRatioMax]. - input: - !CandidateInputArray - !IsolationInputArray - output: - !OutputArray - parameters: - DeltaR - PTMin - PTRatioMin - PTRatioMax == Merger == == !MomentumSmearing == - input: - !InputArray - output: - !OutputArray == !ParticlePropagator == - input: - !InputArray - output: - !OutputArray == !TauJetFinder == == !TreeWriter == == Uniqueness ==