= Run Delphes with external !FastJet = == Introduction == This section explains how you can run your own !FastJet code on Delphes particles. We provide two working codes in the "examples" directory, [source:examples/ExternalFastJetBasic.cpp] and [source:examples/ExternalFastJetHepMC.cpp]. Both examples convert generated events into Delphes candidates, perform event reconstruction, and pass reconstructed particles to anti-kT clustering. {{{ExternalFastJetHepMC}}} takes as input an HepMC event file, while {{{ExternalFastJetBasic}}} has internally defined input particles. The [source:cards/delphes_card_CMS_NoFastJet.tcl] configuration detector card is a truncated version of the [source:cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl], as the reconstruction is stopped after producing collections of calorimeter towers and particle-flow objects, before jet and high level object isolation and identification. Similar cards for the ATLAS and the FCC detectors can be easily produced by truncating [source:cards/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl] and [source:cards/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl] likewise. The input particle collection to jet clustering are specified inside [source:examples/ExternalFastJetBasic.cpp] and [source:examples/ExternalFastJetHepMC.cpp] via: {{{ inputArray = modularDelphes->ImportArray("ModuleInstanceName/arrayName"); }}} By default the particle-flow collection {{{EFlowMerger/eflow}}} is taken. This can be easily changed to simple calorimeter towers, tracks, or stable generated particles (or any other collection defined in the configuration card) by defining instead: {{{ inputArray = modularDelphes->ImportArray("EFlowMerger/eflow"); // particle-flow objects }}} or {{{ inputArray = modularDelphes->ImportArray("Calorimeter/towers"); // calorimeter objects }}} or {{{ inputArray = modularDelphes->ImportArray("TrackMerger/tracks"); // charged tracks }}} or {{{ inputArray = modularDelphes->ImportArray("Delphes/stableParticles"); // all gen-level stable particles }}} == Run == In order to run Delphes with your own !FastJet installation you first need to install Delphes and !FastJet (to install Delphes, see [wiki:WorkBook/QuickTour here], for !FastJet see [http://fastjet.fr/quickstart.html here]). Then set the paths to your Delphes, !FastJet and ROOT installations (DELPHES_DIR, FASTJET_DIR and ROOT_DIR): {{{ DELPHES_DIR= # main Delphes directory FASTJET_DIR= # by default should be xyz/fastjet-install ROOT_DIR= }}} Then run the following commands to build the executable: {{{ DELPHES_LIB="-Wl,-rpath $DELPHES_DIR -L$DELPHES_DIR -lDelphesNoFastJet" FASTJET_INC=`$FASTJET_DIR/bin/fastjet-config --cxxflags` FASTJET_LIB=`$FASTJET_DIR/bin/fastjet-config --libs` ROOT_INC=`$ROOT_DIR/bin/root-config --incdir` ROOT_LIB=`$ROOT_DIR/bin/root-config --libs` CXXFLAGS="$FASTJET_INC -I$ROOT_INC -I$DELPHES_DIR -I$DELPHES_DIR/external" LDFLAGS="$FASTJET_LIB $ROOT_LIB $DELPHES_LIB" }}} The {{{libDelphesNoFastJet.so}}} library is automatically created when compiling Delphes the first time. This avoids conflict between your !FastJet installation and the one in Delphes. If you have a [http://fastjet.hepforge.org/contrib/ FastJet Contrib] installation, assuming you installed it in the {{{CONTRIB_DIR}}} directory (by default !FastJet contrib will be installed in the !FastJet directory, in that case you can replace in what follows {{{CONTRIB_DIR}}} with {{{FASTJET_DIR}}}), you have to define: {{{ CONTRIB_DIR= CONTRIB_INC=$CONTRIB_DIR/include CONTRIB_LIB="-Wl,-rpath $CONTRIB_DIR -L$CONTRIB_DIR -lNsubjettiness -lSoftKiller" }}} and add {{{CONTRIB_INC}}} and {{{CONTRIB_LIB}}} into {{{CXXFLAGS}}} and {{{LDFLAGS`: {{{ CXXFLAGS="$FASTJET_INC -I$ROOT_INC -I$DELPHES_DIR -I$DELPHES_DIR/external -I$CONTRIB_INC" LDFLAGS="$FASTJET_LIB $ROOT_LIB $DELPHES_LIB $CONTRIB_LIB" }}} Compile: {{{ g++ $CXXFLAGS $LDFLAGS examples/ExternalFastJetBasic.cpp -o examples/ExternalFastJetBasic g++ $CXXFLAGS $LDFLAGS examples/ExternalFastJetHepMC.cpp -o examples/ExternalFastJetHepMC }}} If you need a test HepMC file, you can take it from: {{{ curl -O http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/~demin/test.hepmc.gz gunzip test.hepmc.gz }}} Then run one of the two examples {{{ExternalFastJetBasic}}} or {{{ExternalFastJetHepMC}}} (for {{{ExternalFastJetHepMC}}} you need an event file in HepMC format as input): {{{ ./examples/ExternalFastJetBasic cards/delphes_card_CMS_NoFastJet.tcl ./examples/ExternalFastJetHepMC cards/delphes_card_CMS_NoFastJet.tcl test.hepmc }}}