=== Code Changes === * ~~add references to gen particles (added TRef to Particle for Track, Electron and Muon)~~ * ~~fix isolation~~ * ~~change default CMS config file: produce PF objects (electrons, muons, charged hadrons ..)~~ * ~~sort leptons in pt (all objects written to ROOT tree are now sorted)~~ * ~~set by default PF met calculation (instead of of CaloMET) in CMS card~~ * ~~protect input file from overwrite if wrong command was given~~ * ~~inefficient tracks should deposit energy in the CALOs~~ * ~~add frog visualization (replaced frog by ROOT based event display)~~ * ~~include Ht in variables~~ * ~~remove muons from calorimeter (be aware of met)~~ * ~~treat equally taus and bs (collection or flag?)~~ * ~~include jet constituents in the outputs~~ * fill code and config file with comments * add to candidates a variable (double) for isolation + flag. * ~~nevents to process specified by the user~~ * ~~define treatement for charged particle orginating from pile-up for eta>2.5~~ * ~~add information about selected events in the output~~ * ~~add neutralinos in calorimeter (should not deposit)~~ * ~~change input array in pileup card for jet pileup subtraction (btagging)~~ * ~~write jet energy scale module (in pt,eta)~~ * add genmet calculation by default. * ~~correct bug in LHEF readers (look for "" string rather)~~ * ~~apply logN smearing everywhere~~ ? * ~~add python code from Christophe~~ * ~~commit tuned cards~~ * change tau tagging module (add bits like b-tagging) * comment code about b and taus * possibility to compute rho and subtract in different rapidity regions (done bad in my own release) * ~~add muons isolated in the UniqueObjecFinder and change muons in tree writer~~ * think about where apply CHS in presence of PU * ~~make Calorimeter module compatible with what is in the paper~~ * decide whether to apply changes in the isolation with pile-up (cf Jim Hirshauer mail) * make study of jes * think about b-jet matching (cf. SWGuideBTagMCTools) * ~~add on Delphes website a MinBias.pileup file.~~ * think about muons in PFalgorithm? why are they out? * in EFlowMerger add TrackPileUpSubtractor/muons instead of MuonMomentumSmearing/muons * ~~add flag for pile up distribution (gauss,poisson,flat)~~ * ~~add flag for isolation (relative/absolute)~~ * correct for efficiency/isolation at high pt (for e/mu/gamma) * particle-flow optimisation (start from Calorimeter.cc.bk.4) * look for discrepancies in taus. * add charged particles from pu in the eflow met calculation. * modify high pt reso for muons * check also efficiencies e/mu plus reso high e for lee * compute jet energy scale for ATLAS * remove pile-up subtraction from the missing ET calculations * understand what is the correct ECAL resolution for CMS {{{sqrt(energy^2*0.007^2 + energy*0.07^2 + 0.35^2)}}} or {{{sqrt(energy^2*0.005^2 + energy*0.05^2 + 0.25^2)}}} * write module that vetoes events based on some selection * independent calos ECAL HCAL * tracking à la SGV (mc truth) * write TF calculator * add {{{set RandomSeed 0}}} to all the example cards and close ticket #229 * write pf for independent calls with separate photons NH * calculate dynamically cutoff sigmatrk ~sigmacalo for pf * develop FHC card based on May CERN WS * include HepTopTagger * explore gridMedianEstimator * isolation for lambdas -> photons * update b-tagging module including tuning parameter for correlation between IP and sigmaIP * implement CHS based on comparison between zIP smeared and vertex resolution, for more realistic high eta performance. * add AngularSmearing module from /storage/Delphes_dev/Delphes-3.1.2/modules * include Pythia8 fix ticket 288 === Testing and validation === * ~~test against CMS (with or without pile-up?)~~ * ~~find resolution for high level objects (gsf electrons, global muons)~~ * ~~identify validation quantities (JER, Met res.) and reproduce with Delphes~~ * ~~identify and reproduce template analysis with Delphes (down to exclusion plots, Higgs/BSM)~~ * write mass plot production macro for testing new releases === Misc. === * ~~define structure of the paper~~ * ~~complete documentation~~ * identify workshop and conferences for presenting Delphes3 (for pheno: Fabio) * ~~think about case studies to show in tutorials~~ * ~~find a logo~~ === Site === * help guide in toolbar * Screen-shot * validation plots? * paper use cases * Contacts? === Long term === * ~~pile-up merger (done)~~ * pile-up parameterisation (rho calculated only on a fraction of events) * fake-track producer (can be done easily like pile-up producer) * conversion producer * ~~high lumi card~~ * ~~integrate Delphes in MG5~~ * ~~address calorimeter segmentation issue~~ === Paper === * add correct citation for the anti-kt algo JHEP 0804 (2008) 063 [arXiv:0802.1189]