=== Code Changes === * add references to gen particles * ~~fix isolation~~ * ~~change default CMS config file: produce PF objects (electrons, muons, charged hadrons ..)~~ * ~~sort leptons in pt~~ * ~~set by default PF met calculation (instead of of CaloMET) in CMS card~~ * protect input file from overwrite if wrong command was given * fill code and config file with comments * ~~inefficient tracks should deposit energy in the CALOs~~ * add to candidates a variable (double) for isolation + flag. * ~~add frog visualization (replaced frog by ROOT based event display)~~ * ~~include Ht in variables~~ === Testing and validation === * test against CMS (with or without pile-up?) * find resolution for high level objects (gsf electrons, global muons) * identify validation quantities (JER, Met res.) and reproduce with Delphes * identify and reproduce template analysis with Delphes (down to exclusion plots, Higgs/BSM) * write mass plot production macro for testing new releases === Misc. === * define structure of the paper * complete documentation * identify workshop and conferences for presenting Delphes3 (for pheno: Fabio) * think about case studies to show in tutorials * find a logo === Long term === * pile-up merger (done) * fake-track producer (can be done easily like pile-up producer) * conversion producer * high lumi card * integrate Delphes in MG5