# # ChangeLog for display/DelphesEventDisplay.h in git # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Feb 21, 2025, 3:40:19 PM Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:37:07 GMT Christophe Delaere [c3c9ac5] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.cc (modified) * examples/EventDisplay.C (modified) Small adjustments and optimizations Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:00:06 GMT Christophe Delaere [53b78e8] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.cc (modified) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.h (modified) * display/DisplayLinkDef.h (modified) New signal to show the progress of plot processing Progress is now ... Thu, 06 Nov 2014 09:58:31 GMT Christophe Delaere [0a67548] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) Use signal/slot to communicate with GUI elements This removes the ... Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:23:34 GMT Christophe Delaere [6301e02] * display/DelphesBranchElement.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.cc (modified) Better GUI Improved the event navigation widget + batch operations Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:30:47 GMT Christophe Delaere [2ca23b5] * display/DelphesBranchElement.cc (modified) * display/DelphesBranchElement.h (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.cc (added) * display/DelphesPlotSummary.h (added) Started to work on the summary plots Investigated the way to add a ... Tue, 21 Oct 2014 20:26:15 GMT Christophe Delaere [8b04b31] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesHtmlSummary.cc (modified) Working summary table Not all collections are in. To be checked why. Mon, 20 Oct 2014 23:36:59 GMT Christophe Delaere [5fbcfe8] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * display/DelphesHtmlSummary.cc (added) * display/DelphesHtmlSummary.h (added) * display/DisplayLinkDef.h (modified) * examples/evdisplay.C (modified) First introduction of the HTML summary tab At this stage, I did the ... Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:27:15 GMT Christophe Delaere [4fd37d4] * display/DelphesBranchElement.cc (modified) * display/DelphesBranchElement.h (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) Code reorganization Moved the methods that read branches to the ... Thu, 16 Oct 2014 20:11:54 GMT Christophe Delaere [30bb83a] * display/DelphesBranchElement.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * examples/geometry.C (deleted) Some small cleaning Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:19:17 GMT Christophe Delaere [fafc433] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) * examples/evdisplay.C (modified) Working basic GUI The functionality of Fwd and Bck buttons has been ... Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:12:51 GMT Christophe Delaere [84dd1c8] * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (modified) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (modified) Debugging ongoing - signs of corruption Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:01:52 GMT Christophe Delaere [cfc3160] * display/Delphes3DGeometry.cc (added) * display/Delphes3DGeometry.h (added) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.cc (added) * display/DelphesEventDisplay.h (added) * display/DisplayLinkDef.h (modified) * examples/evdisplay.C (added) * examples/geometry.C (modified) Migration of the code from script to library The code still ...