/*********************************************************************** ** ** ** /----------------------------------------------\ ** ** | Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation | ** ** | of a generic collider experiment | ** ** \----------------------------------------------/ ** ** ** ** ** ** This package uses: ** ** ------------------ ** ** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] ** ** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] ** ** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] ** ** ** ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** ** ** ** Main authors: ** ** ------------- ** ** ** ** Severine Ovyn Xavier Rouby ** ** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern ** ** ** ** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) ** ** Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) ** ** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2008-2009, ** ** All rights reserved. ** ** ** ***********************************************************************/ #include "JetsUtil.h" using namespace std; JetsUtil::JetsUtil() : plugins(NULL) { DET = new RESOLution(); init(); } JetsUtil::JetsUtil(const string & DetDatacard) : plugins(NULL) { DET = new RESOLution(); DET->ReadDataCard(DetDatacard); init(); } JetsUtil::JetsUtil(const RESOLution * DetDatacard) : plugins(NULL) { DET = new RESOLution(*DetDatacard); init(); } JetsUtil::JetsUtil(const JetsUtil& jet){ DET = new RESOLution(*(jet.DET)); } JetsUtil& JetsUtil::operator=(const JetsUtil& jet) { if(this==&jet) return *this; DET = new RESOLution(*(jet.DET)); return *this; } void JetsUtil::init() { if(plugins) delete plugins; switch(DET->JET_jetalgo) { default: case 1: { // set up a CDF midpoint jet definition #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CDFCONES plugins = new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(DET->JET_seed,DET->JET_coneradius,DET->JET_C_adjacencycut,DET->JET_C_maxiterations,DET->JET_C_iratch,DET->JET_overlap); jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(plugins); #else plugins = NULL; #endif } break; case 2: { // set up a CDF midpoint jet definition #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CDFCONES plugins = new fastjet::CDFMidPointPlugin (DET->JET_seed,DET->JET_coneradius,DET->JET_M_coneareafraction,DET->JET_M_maxpairsize,DET->JET_M_maxiterations,DET->JET_overlap); jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(plugins); #else plugins = NULL; #endif } break; case 3: { // set up a siscone jet definition #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_SISCONE plugins = new fastjet::SISConePlugin (DET->JET_coneradius,DET->JET_overlap,DET->JET_S_npass, DET->JET_S_protojet_ptmin); jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(plugins); #else plugins = NULL; #endif } break; case 4: { jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, DET->JET_coneradius); } break; case 5: { jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,DET->JET_coneradius); } break; case 6: { jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm,DET->JET_coneradius); } break; } } vector JetsUtil::RunJets(const vector& input_particles) { inclusive_jets.clear(); sorted_jets.clear(); // run the jet clustering with the above jet definition if(input_particles.size()!=0) { fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seq(input_particles, jet_def); // extract the inclusive jets with pt > 5 GeV double ptmin = 5.0; inclusive_jets = clust_seq.inclusive_jets(ptmin); // sort jets into increasing pt sorted_jets = sorted_by_pt(inclusive_jets); } return sorted_jets; } void JetsUtil::RunJetBtagging(ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter, ExRootTreeBranch *branchJet,const vector & sorted_jets,const TSimpleArray& NFCentralQ) { TRootJet *elementJet; TLorentzVector JET; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted_jets.size(); i++) { JET.SetPxPyPzE(sorted_jets[i].px(),sorted_jets[i].py(),sorted_jets[i].pz(),sorted_jets[i].E()); if(JET.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_jet) { elementJet = (TRootJet*) branchJet->NewEntry(); elementJet->Set(JET); // b-jets bool btag=false; if((fabs(JET.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_tracker && DET->Btaggedjet(JET, NFCentralQ)))btag=true; elementJet->Btag = btag; } } // for itJet : loop on all jets } void JetsUtil::RunTauJets(ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter, ExRootTreeBranch *branchTauJet,const vector & sorted_jets,const vector & towers, const vector & TrackCentral) { TRootTauJet *elementTauJet; TLorentzVector JET; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted_jets.size(); i++) { JET.SetPxPyPzE(sorted_jets[i].px(),sorted_jets[i].py(),sorted_jets[i].pz(),sorted_jets[i].E()); // Tau jet identification : 1! track and electromagnetic collimation if(fabs(JET.Eta()) < (DET->CEN_max_tracker - DET->TAU_track_scone)) { double Energie_tau_central = DET->EnergySmallCone(towers,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi()); if( ( Energie_tau_central/JET.E() > DET->TAU_energy_frac ) && ( DET->NumTracks(TrackCentral,DET->TAU_track_pt,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi()) == 1 ) && ( JET.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_taujet) ) { elementTauJet = (TRootTauJet*) branchTauJet->NewEntry(); elementTauJet->Set(JET); } // if tau jet } // if JET.eta < tracker - tau_cone : Tau jet identification } // for itJet : loop on all jets }