#ifndef _VERYFORWARD_H_ #define _VERYFORWARD_H_ /* ---- Delphes ---- A Fast Simulator for general purpose LHC detector S. Ovyn ~~~~ severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium */ /// \file SmearUtil.h /// \brief RESOLution class, and some generic definitions #include #include "SmearUtil.h" #include "BlockClasses.h" #include "ExRootTreeBranch.h" #include "ExRootTreeWriter.h" #include "H_BeamParticle.h" #include "H_BeamLine.h" #include "PhysicsTower.hh" using namespace std; class VeryForward { public: /// Constructor VeryForward(); VeryForward(const string& DetDatacard); VeryForward(const RESOLution * DetDatacard); VeryForward(const VeryForward& vf); VeryForward& operator=(const VeryForward& vf); void init(); ~VeryForward() {delete DET; /*delete beamline1; delete beamline2;*/}; //known memory leak in Hector. Should first be fixed in Hector void ZDC(ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter,ExRootTreeBranch *branchZDC,TRootGenParticle *particle); void RomanPots(ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter, ExRootTreeBranch *branchRP220,ExRootTreeBranch *branchFP420,TRootGenParticle *particle) ; bool relative_energy; int kickers_on; private: H_BeamLine* beamline1; H_BeamLine* beamline2; RESOLution *DET; }; #endif