// $Id: ClosestPair2D.cc 859 2012-11-28 01:49:23Z pavel $
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
// This file is part of FastJet.
// FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
// development and are described in hep-ph/0512210. If you use
// FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
// include a citation to the FastJet paper.
// FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with FastJet. If not, see .
#include "fastjet/internal/ClosestPair2D.hh"
FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
const unsigned int huge_unsigned = 4294967295U;
const unsigned int twopow31 = 2147483648U;
using namespace std;
/// takes a point and sets a shuffle with the given shift...
void ClosestPair2D::_point2shuffle(Point & point, Shuffle & shuffle,
unsigned int shift) {
Coord2D renorm_point = (point.coord - _left_corner)/_range;
// make sure the point is sensible
//cerr << point.coord.x <<" "<=0);
assert(renorm_point.x <=1);
assert(renorm_point.y >=0);
assert(renorm_point.y <=1);
shuffle.x = static_cast(twopow31 * renorm_point.x) + shift;
shuffle.y = static_cast(twopow31 * renorm_point.y) + shift;
shuffle.point = &point;
/// compares this shuffle with the other one
bool ClosestPair2D::Shuffle::operator<(const Shuffle & q) const {
if (floor_ln2_less(x ^ q.x, y ^ q.y)) {
// i = 2 in Chan's algorithm
return (y < q.y);
} else {
// i = 1 in Chan's algorithm
return (x < q.x);
void ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector & positions,
const Coord2D & left_corner,
const Coord2D & right_corner,
unsigned int max_size) {
unsigned int n_positions = positions.size();
assert(max_size >= n_positions);
// allow the points array to grow to the following size
// currently unused points are immediately made available on the
// stack
for (unsigned int i = n_positions; i < max_size; i++) {
_left_corner = left_corner;
_range = max((right_corner.x - left_corner.x),
(right_corner.y - left_corner.y));
// initialise the coordinates for the points and create the zero-shifted
// shuffle array
vector shuffles(n_positions);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_positions; i++) {
// set up the points
_points[i].coord = positions[i];
_points[i].neighbour_dist2 = numeric_limits::max();
_points[i].review_flag = 0;
// create shuffle with 0 shift.
_point2shuffle(_points[i], shuffles[i], 0);
// establish what our shifts will be
for (unsigned ishift = 0; ishift < _nshift; ishift++) {
// make sure we use double-precision for calculating the shifts
// since otherwise we will hit integer overflow.
_shifts[ishift] = static_cast(((twopow31*1.0)*ishift)/_nshift);
if (ishift == 0) {_rel_shifts[ishift] = 0;}
else {_rel_shifts[ishift] = _shifts[ishift] - _shifts[ishift-1];}
//_shifts[0] = 0;
//_shifts[1] = static_cast((twopow31*1.0)/3.0);
//_shifts[2] = static_cast((twopow31*2.0)/3.0);
//_rel_shifts[0] = 0;
//_rel_shifts[1] = _shifts[1];
//_rel_shifts[2] = _shifts[2]-_shifts[1];
// and how we will search...
//_cp_search_range = 49;
_cp_search_range = 30;
_points_under_review.reserve(_nshift * _cp_search_range);
// now initialise the three trees
for (unsigned int ishift = 0; ishift < _nshift; ishift++) {
// shift the shuffles if need be.
if (ishift > 0) {
unsigned rel_shift = _rel_shifts[ishift];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shuffles.size(); i++) {
shuffles[i] += rel_shift; }
// sort the shuffles
sort(shuffles.begin(), shuffles.end());
// and create the search tree
_trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size));
// now we look for the closest-pair candidates on this tree
circulator circ = _trees[ishift]->somewhere(), start=circ;
// the actual range in which we search
unsigned int CP_range = min(_cp_search_range, n_positions-1);
do {
Point * this_point = circ->point;
//cout << _ID(this_point) << " ";
this_point->circ[ishift] = circ;
// run over all points within _cp_search_range of this_point on tree
circulator other = circ;
for (unsigned i=0; i < CP_range; i++) {
double dist2 = this_point->distance2(*other->point);
if (dist2 < this_point->neighbour_dist2) {
this_point->neighbour_dist2 = dist2;
this_point->neighbour = other->point;
} while (++circ != start);
//cout << endl< mindists2(n_positions);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_positions; i++) {
mindists2[i] = _points[i].neighbour_dist2;}
_heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size));
void ClosestPair2D::closest_pair(unsigned int & ID1, unsigned int & ID2,
double & distance2) const {
ID1 = _heap->minloc();
ID2 = _ID(_points[ID1].neighbour);
distance2 = _points[ID1].neighbour_dist2;
if (ID1 > ID2) swap(ID1,ID2);
inline void ClosestPair2D::_add_label(Point * point, unsigned int review_flag) {
// if it's not already under review, then put it on the list of
// points needing review
if (point->review_flag == 0) _points_under_review.push_back(point);
// OR the point's current flag with the requested review flag
point->review_flag |= review_flag;
inline void ClosestPair2D::_set_label(Point * point, unsigned int review_flag) {
// if it's not already under review, then put it on the list of
// points needing review
if (point->review_flag == 0) _points_under_review.push_back(point);
// SET the point's current flag to the requested review flag
point->review_flag = review_flag;
void ClosestPair2D::remove(unsigned int ID) {
//cout << "While removing " << ID <neighbour)<<")"<neighbour == point_to_remove) {
// we'll deal with it later...
_add_label(left_point, _review_neighbour);
} else {
// check to see if right point has become its closest neighbour
double dist2 = left_point->distance2(*right_end->point);
if (dist2 < left_point->neighbour_dist2) {
left_point->neighbour = right_end->point;
left_point->neighbour_dist2 = dist2;
_add_label(left_point, _review_heap_entry);
} while (++left_end != orig_right_end);
} // ishift...
void ClosestPair2D::_deal_with_points_to_review() {
// the range in which we carry out searches for new neighbours on
// the search tree
unsigned int CP_range = min(_cp_search_range, size()-1);
// now deal with the points that are "under review" in some way
// (have lost their neighbour, or need their heap entry updating)
while(_points_under_review.size() > 0) {
// get the point to be considered
Point * this_point = _points_under_review.back();
// remove it from the list
if (this_point->review_flag & _remove_heap_entry) {
// make sure no other flags are on (it wouldn't be consistent?)
assert(!(this_point->review_flag ^ _remove_heap_entry));
// check to see if the _review_neighbour flag is on
else {
if (this_point->review_flag & _review_neighbour) {
this_point->neighbour_dist2 = numeric_limits::max();
// among all three shifts
for (unsigned int ishift = 0; ishift < _nshift; ishift++) {
circulator other = this_point->circ[ishift];
// among points within CP_range
for (unsigned i=0; i < CP_range; i++) {
double dist2 = this_point->distance2(*other->point);
if (dist2 < this_point->neighbour_dist2) {
this_point->neighbour_dist2 = dist2;
this_point->neighbour = other->point;
// for any non-zero review flag we'll have to update the heap
_heap->update(_ID(this_point), this_point->neighbour_dist2);
// "delabel" the point
this_point->review_flag = 0;
unsigned int ClosestPair2D::insert(const Coord2D & new_coord) {
// get hold of a point
assert(_available_points.size() > 0);
Point * new_point = _available_points.top();
// set the point's coordinate
new_point->coord = new_coord;
// now find it's neighbour in the search tree
// sort out other points that may have been affected by this,
// and/or for which the heap needs to be updated
return _ID(new_point);
unsigned int ClosestPair2D::replace(unsigned int ID1, unsigned int ID2,
const Coord2D & position) {
// deletion from tree...
Point * point_to_remove = & (_points[ID1]);
point_to_remove = & (_points[ID2]);
// insertion into tree
// get hold of a point
Point * new_point = _available_points.top();
// set the point's coordinate
new_point->coord = position;
// now find it's neighbour in the search tree
// the above statement labels certain points as needing "review" --
// deal with them...
return _ID(new_point);
void ClosestPair2D::replace_many(
const std::vector & IDs_to_remove,
const std::vector & new_positions,
std::vector & new_IDs) {
// deletion from tree...
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IDs_to_remove.size(); i++) {
_remove_from_search_tree(& (_points[IDs_to_remove[i]]));
// insertion into tree
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < new_positions.size(); i++) {
Point * new_point = _available_points.top();
// set the point's coordinate
new_point->coord = new_positions[i];
// now find it's neighbour in the search tree
// record the ID
// the above statement labels certain points as needing "review" --
// deal with them...
void ClosestPair2D::_insert_into_search_tree(Point * new_point) {
// this point will have to have it's heap entry reviewed...
_set_label(new_point, _review_heap_entry);
// set the current distance to "infinity"
new_point->neighbour_dist2 = numeric_limits::max();
// establish how far we will be searching;
unsigned int CP_range = min(_cp_search_range, size()-1);
for (unsigned ishift = 0; ishift < _nshift; ishift++) {
// create the shuffle
Shuffle new_shuffle;
_point2shuffle(*new_point, new_shuffle, _shifts[ishift]);
// insert it into the tree
circulator new_circ = _trees[ishift]->insert(new_shuffle);
new_point->circ[ishift] = new_circ;
// now get hold of the right and left edges of the region we will be
// looking at (cf CCN28-43)
circulator right_edge = new_circ; right_edge++;
circulator left_edge = new_circ;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CP_range; i++) {left_edge--;}
// now
do {
Point * left_point = left_edge->point;
Point * right_point = right_edge->point;
// see if the new point is closer to the left-edge than the latter's
// current neighbour
double new_dist2 = left_point->distance2(*new_point);
if (new_dist2 < left_point->neighbour_dist2) {
left_point->neighbour_dist2 = new_dist2;
left_point->neighbour = new_point;
_add_label(left_point, _review_heap_entry);
// see if the right-point is closer to the new point than it's current
// neighbour
new_dist2 = new_point->distance2(*right_point);
if (new_dist2 < new_point->neighbour_dist2) {
new_point->neighbour_dist2 = new_dist2;
new_point->neighbour = right_point;
// if the right-edge point was the left-edge's neighbour, then
// then it's just gone off-radar and the left-point will need to
// have its neighbour recalculated [actually, this is overdoing
// it a little, since right point may be an less "distant"
// (circulator distance) in one of the other shifts -- but not
// sure how to deal with this...]
if (left_point->neighbour == right_point) {
_add_label(left_point, _review_neighbour);
// shift the left and right edges until left edge hits new_circ
} while (++left_edge != new_circ);