//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mikhail.Kirsanov@Cern.CH, 2006 // event input/output in ascii format for eye and machine reading // // for arguments mostly similar to IO_Ascii. Special value of // argument filename in constructor: if it is "cout" the output is to std::cout ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "IO_AsciiParticles.h" #include "GenEvent.h" #include "Version.h" namespace HepMC { IO_AsciiParticles::IO_AsciiParticles( const char* filename, std::ios::openmode mode ) : m_precision(2), m_mode(mode), m_finished_first_event_io(0) { if(std::string(filename) == std::string("cout")) { m_outstream = &(std::cout); m_file = 0; } else { m_file = new std::fstream(filename, mode); m_outstream = m_file; if ( (m_mode&std::ios::out && m_mode&std::ios::in) || (m_mode&std::ios::app && m_mode&std::ios::in) ) { std::cerr << "IO_AsciiParticles::IO_AsciiParticles Error, open of file requested " << "of input AND output type. Not allowed. Closing file." << std::endl; m_file->close(); delete m_file; return; } } // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double // with precision <= 2 the width of output will be < 80 characters m_outstream->precision(m_precision); // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! m_outstream->setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); m_outstream->setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); } IO_AsciiParticles::~IO_AsciiParticles() { if(m_file) { m_file->close(); delete m_file; } } void IO_AsciiParticles::print( std::ostream& ostr ) const { ostr << "IO_AsciiParticles: formated ascii file IO for eye and machine reading.\n" << "\tFile openmode: " << m_mode << " file state: " << m_outstream->rdstate() << " bad:" << (m_outstream->rdstate()&std::ios::badbit) << " eof:" << (m_outstream->rdstate()&std::ios::eofbit) << " fail:" << (m_outstream->rdstate()&std::ios::failbit) << " good:" << (m_outstream->rdstate()&std::ios::goodbit) << std::endl; } void IO_AsciiParticles::write_event( const GenEvent* evt ) { // Writes evt to m_outstream. It does NOT delete the event after writing. // // check the state of m_outstream is good, and that it is in output mode if ( !evt || !m_outstream ) return; if ( !(m_mode&std::ios::out) ) { std::cerr << "HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles::write_event " << " attempt to write to input file." << std::endl; return; } // // write event listing key before first event only. if ( !m_finished_first_event_io ) { m_finished_first_event_io = 1; *m_outstream << "0 Run HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles eye-readable events output" << std::endl; *m_outstream << "# HepMC::Version " << versionName() << std::endl; *m_outstream << " # stat pdg moth1 px py pz energy mass eta" << std::endl; } // // output the event data std::vector random_states = evt->random_states(); *m_outstream << evt->event_number() << " Event" << std::endl; #if 0 *m_outstream << " " << evt->event_scale(); output( evt->alphaQCD() ); output( evt->alphaQED() ); output( evt->signal_process_id() ); output( ( evt->signal_process_vertex() ? evt->signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) ); output( evt->vertices_size() ); // total number of vertices. output( (int)random_states.size() ); for ( std::vector::iterator rs = random_states.begin(); rs != random_states.end(); ++rs ) { output( *rs ); } output( (int)evt->weights().size() ); for ( WeightContainer::const_iterator w = evt->weights().begin(); w != evt->weights().end(); ++w ) { output( *w ); } output('\n'); #endif // int nparticles=0, imoth=0, ip=0, istati; double xmassi, etai; *m_outstream << evt->particles_size() << " particles" << std::endl; GenVertex* orig; for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator part = evt->particles_begin(); part != evt->particles_end(); ++part ) { //if( (*part)->status() != 1 ) continue; nparticles++; ip++; istati = (*part)->status(); if( (*part)->end_vertex() && istati == 1) { std::cout << "final particle with end vertex!" << std::endl; istati = -100; } imoth=0; orig = (*part)->production_vertex(); if(orig) { imoth = 0; bool ifound=false; for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator part1 = evt->particles_begin(); part1 != part; part1++ ) { imoth++; if( (*part1)->end_vertex() == orig ) { ifound = true; break; } } if(!ifound) imoth = 0; } m_outstream->width(4); *m_outstream << ip << " "; m_outstream->width(3); *m_outstream << istati << " "; m_outstream->width(5); *m_outstream << (*part)->pdg_id() << " "; m_outstream->width(3); *m_outstream << imoth << " "; if((*part)->momentum().px() >= 0.) *m_outstream << " "; *m_outstream << (*part)->momentum().px() << " "; if((*part)->momentum().py() >= 0.) *m_outstream << " "; *m_outstream << (*part)->momentum().py() << " "; if((*part)->momentum().pz() >= 0.) *m_outstream << " "; *m_outstream << (*part)->momentum().pz() << " " << (*part)->momentum().e() << " "; xmassi = (*part)->generatedMass(); if(fabs(xmassi) < 0.0001) xmassi =0.; m_outstream->setf(std::ios::fixed); m_outstream->precision(3); m_outstream->width(8); *m_outstream << xmassi << " "; m_outstream->setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); m_outstream->precision(m_precision); m_outstream->setf(std::ios::fixed); m_outstream->precision(3); m_outstream->width(6); etai = (*part)->momentum().eta(); if(etai > 999.)etai = 999.; if(etai < -999.)etai = -999.; *m_outstream << etai << std::endl; m_outstream->setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); m_outstream->precision(m_precision); } } bool IO_AsciiParticles::fill_next_event( GenEvent* evt ){ // // // test that evt pointer is not null if ( !evt ) { std::cerr << "IO_AsciiParticles::fill_next_event error - passed null event." << std::endl; return false; } // check the state of m_outstream is good, and that it is in input mode if ( !m_file ) std::cerr << "HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles::fill_next_event " << " no file for input" << std::endl; if ( !(m_mode&std::ios::in) ) { std::cerr << "HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles::fill_next_event " << " attempt to read from output file" << std::endl; return false; } std::cerr << "IO_AsciiParticles input is not yet implemented" << std::endl; return false; } void IO_AsciiParticles::write_comment( const std::string comment ) { // check the state of *m_outstream is good, and that it is in output mode if ( !m_outstream ) return; if ( !(m_mode&std::ios::out) ) { std::cerr << "HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles::write_particle_data_table " << " attempt to write to input file." << std::endl; return; } // write end of event listing key if events have already been written write_end_listing(); // insert the comment key before the comment *m_outstream << "\n" << "HepMC::IO_AsciiParticles-COMMENT\n"; *m_outstream << comment << std::endl; } bool IO_AsciiParticles::write_end_listing() { return false; } } // HepMC