//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // HeavyIon.cc // Author: Lynn Garren // // Implement operator >> and operator << // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include "HeavyIon.h" #include "StreamHelpers.h" #include "IO_Exception.h" namespace HepMC { /// Write the contents of HeavyIon to an output stream. /// GenEvent stores a pointer to a HeavyIon. std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, HeavyIon const * ion) { if ( !os ) { std::cerr << "HeavyIon output stream !os, " << " setting badbit" << std::endl; os.clear(std::ios::badbit); return os; } os << 'H'; // HeavyIon* is set to 0 by default if ( !ion ) { detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0 ); detail::output( os, 0. ); detail::output( os, 0. ); detail::output( os, 0. ); detail::output( os, 0. ); detail::output( os,'\n'); return os; } // detail::output( os, ion->Ncoll_hard() ); detail::output( os, ion->Npart_proj() ); detail::output( os, ion->Npart_targ() ); detail::output( os, ion->Ncoll() ); detail::output( os, ion->spectator_neutrons() ); detail::output( os, ion->spectator_protons() ); detail::output( os, ion->N_Nwounded_collisions() ); detail::output( os, ion->Nwounded_N_collisions() ); detail::output( os, ion->Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions() ); detail::output( os, ion->impact_parameter() ); detail::output( os, ion->event_plane_angle() ); detail::output( os, ion->eccentricity() ); detail::output( os, ion->sigma_inel_NN() ); detail::output( os,'\n'); return os; } /// Read the contents of HeavyIon from an input stream. /// GenEvent stores a pointer to a HeavyIon. std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, HeavyIon * ion) { // make sure the stream is valid if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "HeavyIon input stream setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // get the HeavyIon line std::string line; std::getline(is,line); std::istringstream iline(line); std::string firstc; iline >> firstc; // test to be sure the next entry is of type "H" if( firstc != "H" ) { std::cerr << "HeavyIon input stream invalid line type: " << firstc << std::endl; // The most likely problem is that we have found a HepMC block line throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); } // read values into temp variables, then create a new HeavyIon object int nh =0, np =0, nt =0, nc =0, neut = 0, prot = 0, nw =0, nwn =0, nwnw =0; float impact = 0., plane = 0., xcen = 0., inel = 0.; iline >> nh ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> np ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> nt ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> nc ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> neut ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> prot; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> nw ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> nwn ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> nwnw ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> impact ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> plane ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> xcen ; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); iline >> inel; if(!iline) throw IO_Exception("HeavyIon input stream encounterd invalid data"); if( nh == 0 ) { return is; } ion->set_Ncoll_hard(nh); ion->set_Npart_proj(np); ion->set_Npart_targ(nt); ion->set_Ncoll(nc); ion->set_spectator_neutrons(neut); ion->set_spectator_protons(prot); ion->set_N_Nwounded_collisions(nw); ion->set_Nwounded_N_collisions(nwn); ion->set_Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions(nwnw); ion->set_impact_parameter(impact); ion->set_event_plane_angle(plane); ion->set_eccentricity(xcen); ion->set_sigma_inel_NN(inel); return is; } } // HepMC