////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matt.Dobbs@Cern.CH, September 1999 // GenVertex within an event ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "GenParticle.h" #include "GenVertex.h" #include "GenEvent.h" #include "SearchVector.h" #include // needed for formatted output namespace HepMC { GenVertex::GenVertex( const FourVector& position, int id, const WeightContainer& weights ) : m_position(position), m_id(id), m_weights(weights), m_event(0), m_barcode(0) {} //{ //s_counter++; //} GenVertex::GenVertex( const GenVertex& invertex ) : m_position( invertex.position() ), m_particles_in(), m_particles_out(), m_id( invertex.id() ), m_weights( invertex.weights() ), m_event(0), m_barcode(0) { /// Shallow copy: does not copy the FULL list of particle pointers. /// Creates a copy of - invertex /// - outgoing particles of invertex, but sets the /// decay vertex of these particles to NULL /// - all incoming particles which do not have a /// creation vertex. /// (i.e. it creates copies of all particles which it owns) /// (note - impossible to copy the FULL list of particle pointers /// while having the vertex /// and particles in/out point-back to one another -- unless you /// copy the entire tree -- which we don't want to do) // for ( particles_in_const_iterator part1 = invertex.particles_in_const_begin(); part1 != invertex.particles_in_const_end(); ++part1 ) { if ( !(*part1)->production_vertex() ) { GenParticle* pin = new GenParticle(**part1); add_particle_in(pin); } } for ( particles_out_const_iterator part2 = invertex.particles_out_const_begin(); part2 != invertex.particles_out_const_end(); part2++ ) { GenParticle* pin = new GenParticle(**part2); add_particle_out(pin); } suggest_barcode( invertex.barcode() ); // //s_counter++; } GenVertex::~GenVertex() { // // need to delete any particles previously owned by this vertex if ( parent_event() ) parent_event()->remove_barcode(this); delete_adopted_particles(); //s_counter--; } void GenVertex::swap( GenVertex & other) { m_position.swap( other.m_position ); m_particles_in.swap( other.m_particles_in ); m_particles_out.swap( other.m_particles_out ); std::swap( m_id, other.m_id ); m_weights.swap( other.m_weights ); std::swap( m_event, other.m_event ); std::swap( m_barcode, other.m_barcode ); } GenVertex& GenVertex::operator=( const GenVertex& invertex ) { /// Shallow: does not copy the FULL list of particle pointers. /// Creates a copy of - invertex /// - outgoing particles of invertex, but sets the /// decay vertex of these particles to NULL /// - all incoming particles which do not have a /// creation vertex. /// - it does not alter *this's m_event (!) /// (i.e. it creates copies of all particles which it owns) /// (note - impossible to copy the FULL list of particle pointers /// while having the vertex /// and particles in/out point-back to one another -- unless you /// copy the entire tree -- which we don't want to do) /// // best practices implementation GenVertex tmp( invertex ); swap( tmp ); return *this; } bool GenVertex::operator==( const GenVertex& a ) const { /// Returns true if the positions and the particles in the lists of a /// and this are identical. Does not compare barcodes. /// Note that it is impossible for two vertices to point to the same /// particle's address, so we need to do more than just compare the /// particle pointers // if ( a.position() != this->position() ) return false; // if the size of the inlist differs, return false. if ( a.particles_in_size() != this->particles_in_size() ) return false; // if the size of the outlist differs, return false. if ( a.particles_out_size() != this->particles_out_size() ) return false; // loop over the inlist and ensure particles are identical // (only do this if the lists aren't empty - we already know // if one isn't, then other isn't either!) if ( a.particles_in_const_begin() != a.particles_in_const_end() ) { for ( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator ia = a.particles_in_const_begin(), ib = this->particles_in_const_begin(); ia != a.particles_in_const_end(); ia++, ib++ ){ if ( **ia != **ib ) return false; } } // loop over the outlist and ensure particles are identical // (only do this if the lists aren't empty - we already know // if one isn't, then other isn't either!) if ( a.particles_out_const_begin() != a.particles_out_const_end() ) { for ( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator ia = a.particles_out_const_begin(), ib = this->particles_out_const_begin(); ia != a.particles_out_const_end(); ia++, ib++ ){ if ( **ia != **ib ) return false; } } return true; } bool GenVertex::operator!=( const GenVertex& a ) const { // Returns true if the positions and lists of a and this are not equal. return !( a == *this ); } void GenVertex::print( std::ostream& ostr ) const { if ( barcode()!=0 ) { if ( position() != FourVector(0,0,0,0) ) { ostr << "Vertex:"; ostr.width(9); ostr << barcode(); ostr << " ID:"; ostr.width(5); ostr << id(); ostr << " (X,cT)="; ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield); ostr.setf(std::ios_base::showpos); ostr << position().x() << ","; ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().y() << ","; ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().z() << ","; ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().t(); ostr.setf(std::ios::fmtflags(0), std::ios::floatfield); ostr.unsetf(std::ios_base::showpos); ostr << std::endl; } else { ostr << "GenVertex:"; ostr.width(9); ostr << barcode(); ostr << " ID:"; ostr.width(5); ostr << id(); ostr << " (X,cT):0"; ostr << std::endl; } } else { // If the vertex doesn't have a unique barcode assigned, then // we print its memory address instead... so that the // print out gives us a unique tag for the particle. if ( position() != FourVector(0,0,0,0) ) { ostr << "Vertex:"; ostr.width(9); ostr << (void*)this; ostr << " ID:"; ostr.width(5); ostr << id(); ostr << " (X,cT)="; ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield); ostr.setf(std::ios_base::showpos); ostr << position().x(); ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().y(); ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().z(); ostr.width(9); ostr.precision(2); ostr << position().t(); ostr.setf(std::ios::fmtflags(0), std::ios::floatfield); ostr.unsetf(std::ios_base::showpos); ostr << std::endl; } else { ostr << "GenVertex:"; ostr.width(9); ostr << (void*)this; ostr << " ID:"; ostr.width(5); ostr << id(); ostr << " (X,cT):0"; ostr << std::endl; } } // print the weights if there are any if ( ! weights().empty() ) { ostr << " Wgts(" << weights().size() << ")="; for ( WeightContainer::const_iterator wgt = weights().begin(); wgt != weights().end(); wgt++ ) { ostr << *wgt << " "; } ostr << std::endl; } // print out all the incoming, then outgoing particles for ( particles_in_const_iterator part1 = particles_in_const_begin(); part1 != particles_in_const_end(); part1++ ) { if ( part1 == particles_in_const_begin() ) { ostr << " I:"; ostr.width(2); ostr << m_particles_in.size(); } else { ostr << " "; } //(*part1)->print( ostr ); //uncomment for long debugging printout ostr << **part1 << std::endl; } for ( particles_out_const_iterator part2 = particles_out_const_begin(); part2 != particles_out_const_end(); part2++ ) { if ( part2 == particles_out_const_begin() ) { ostr << " O:"; ostr.width(2); ostr << m_particles_out.size(); } else { ostr << " "; } //(*part2)->print( ostr ); // uncomment for long debugging printout ostr << **part2 << std::endl; } } double GenVertex::check_momentum_conservation() const { /// finds the difference between the total momentum out and the total /// momentum in vectors, and returns the magnitude of this vector /// i.e. returns | vec{p_in} - vec{p_out} | double sumpx = 0, sumpy = 0, sumpz = 0; for ( particles_in_const_iterator part1 = particles_in_const_begin(); part1 != particles_in_const_end(); part1++ ) { sumpx += (*part1)->momentum().px(); sumpy += (*part1)->momentum().py(); sumpz += (*part1)->momentum().pz(); } for ( particles_out_const_iterator part2 = particles_out_const_begin(); part2 != particles_out_const_end(); part2++ ) { sumpx -= (*part2)->momentum().px(); sumpy -= (*part2)->momentum().py(); sumpz -= (*part2)->momentum().pz(); } return sqrt( sumpx*sumpx + sumpy*sumpy + sumpz*sumpz ); } void GenVertex::add_particle_in( GenParticle* inparticle ) { if ( !inparticle ) return; // if inparticle previously had a decay vertex, remove it from that // vertex's list if ( inparticle->end_vertex() ) { inparticle->end_vertex()->remove_particle_in( inparticle ); } m_particles_in.push_back( inparticle ); inparticle->set_end_vertex_( this ); } void GenVertex::add_particle_out( GenParticle* outparticle ) { if ( !outparticle ) return; // if outparticle previously had a production vertex, // remove it from that vertex's list if ( outparticle->production_vertex() ) { outparticle->production_vertex()->remove_particle_out( outparticle ); } m_particles_out.push_back( outparticle ); outparticle->set_production_vertex_( this ); } GenParticle* GenVertex::remove_particle( GenParticle* particle ) { /// this finds *particle in the in and/or out list and removes it from /// these lists ... it DOES NOT DELETE THE PARTICLE or its relations. /// you could delete the particle too as follows: /// delete vtx->remove_particle( particle ); /// or if the particle has an end vertex, you could: /// delete vtx->remove_particle( particle )->end_vertex(); /// which would delete the particle's end vertex, and thus would /// also delete the particle, since the particle would be /// owned by the end vertex. if ( !particle ) return 0; if ( particle->end_vertex() == this ) { particle->set_end_vertex_( 0 ); remove_particle_in(particle); } if ( particle->production_vertex() == this ) { particle->set_production_vertex_(0); remove_particle_out(particle); } return particle; } void GenVertex::remove_particle_in( GenParticle* particle ) { /// this finds *particle in m_particles_in and removes it from that list if ( !particle ) return; m_particles_in.erase( already_in_vector( &m_particles_in, particle ) ); } void GenVertex::remove_particle_out( GenParticle* particle ) { /// this finds *particle in m_particles_out and removes it from that list if ( !particle ) return; m_particles_out.erase( already_in_vector( &m_particles_out, particle ) ); } void GenVertex::delete_adopted_particles() { /// deletes all particles which this vertex owns /// to be used by the vertex destructor and operator= // if ( m_particles_out.empty() && m_particles_in.empty() ) return; // 1. delete all outgoing particles which don't have decay vertices. // those that do become the responsibility of the decay vertex // and have their productionvertex pointer set to NULL for ( std::vector::iterator part1 = m_particles_out.begin(); part1 != m_particles_out.end(); ) { if ( !(*part1)->end_vertex() ) { delete *(part1++); } else { (*part1)->set_production_vertex_(0); ++part1; } } m_particles_out.clear(); // // 2. delete all incoming particles which don't have production // vertices. those that do become the responsibility of the // production vertex and have their decayvertex pointer set to NULL for ( std::vector::iterator part2 = m_particles_in.begin(); part2 != m_particles_in.end(); ) { if ( !(*part2)->production_vertex() ) { delete *(part2++); } else { (*part2)->set_end_vertex_(0); ++part2; } } m_particles_in.clear(); } bool GenVertex::suggest_barcode( int the_bar_code ) { /// allows a barcode to be suggested for this vertex. /// In general it is better to let the event pick the barcode for /// you, which is automatic. /// Returns TRUE if the suggested barcode has been accepted (i.e. the /// suggested barcode has not already been used in the event, /// and so it was used). /// Returns FALSE if the suggested barcode was rejected, or if the /// vertex is not yet part of an event, such that it is not yet /// possible to know if the suggested barcode will be accepted). if ( the_bar_code >0 ) { std::cerr << "GenVertex::suggest_barcode WARNING, vertex bar codes" << "\n MUST be negative integers. Positive integers " << "\n are reserved for particles only. Your suggestion " << "\n has been rejected." << std::endl; return false; } bool success = false; if ( parent_event() ) { success = parent_event()->set_barcode( this, the_bar_code ); } else { set_barcode_( the_bar_code ); } return success; } void GenVertex::set_parent_event_( GenEvent* new_evt ) { GenEvent* orig_evt = m_event; m_event = new_evt; // // every time a vertex's parent event changes, the map of barcodes // in the new and old parent event needs to be modified to // reflect this if ( orig_evt != new_evt ) { if (new_evt) new_evt->set_barcode( this, barcode() ); if (orig_evt) orig_evt->remove_barcode( this ); // we also need to loop over all the particles which are owned by // this vertex, and remove their barcodes from the old event. for ( particles_in_const_iterator part1=particles_in_const_begin(); part1 != particles_in_const_end(); part1++ ) { if ( !(*part1)->production_vertex() ) { if ( orig_evt ) orig_evt->remove_barcode( *part1 ); if ( new_evt ) new_evt->set_barcode( *part1, (*part1)->barcode() ); } } for ( particles_out_const_iterator part2 = particles_out_const_begin(); part2 != particles_out_const_end(); part2++ ) { if ( orig_evt ) orig_evt->remove_barcode( *part2 ); if ( new_evt ) new_evt->set_barcode( *part2, (*part2)->barcode() ); } } } void GenVertex::change_parent_event_( GenEvent* new_evt ) { // // this method is for use with swap // particles and vertices have already been exchanged, // but the backpointer needs to be fixed //GenEvent* orig_evt = m_event; m_event = new_evt; } ///////////// // Static // ///////////// //unsigned int GenVertex::counter() { return s_counter; } //unsigned int GenVertex::s_counter = 0; ///////////// // Friends // ///////////// /// send vertex information to ostr for printing std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& ostr, const GenVertex& vtx ) { if ( vtx.barcode()!=0 ) ostr << "BarCode " << vtx.barcode(); else ostr << "Address " << &vtx; ostr << " (X,cT)="; if ( vtx.position() != FourVector(0,0,0,0)) { ostr << vtx.position().x() << "," << vtx.position().y() << "," << vtx.position().z() << "," << vtx.position().t(); } else { ostr << 0; } ostr << " #in:" << vtx.particles_in_size() << " #out:" << vtx.particles_out_size(); return ostr; } ///////////////////////////// // edge_iterator // (protected - for internal use only) ///////////////////////////// // If the user wants the functionality of the edge_iterator, he should // use particle_iterator with IteratorRange = family, parents, or children // GenVertex::edge_iterator::edge_iterator() : m_vertex(0), m_range(family), m_is_inparticle_iter(false), m_is_past_end(true) {} GenVertex::edge_iterator::edge_iterator( const GenVertex& vtx, IteratorRange range ) : m_vertex(&vtx), m_range(family) { // Note: (26.1.2000) the original version of edge_iterator inheritted // from set::const_iterator() rather than using // composition as it does now. // The inheritted version suffered from a strange bug, which // I have not fully understood --- it only occurred after many // events were processed and only when I called the delete // function on past events. I believe it had something to do with // the past the end values, which are now robustly coded in this // version as boolean members. // // default range is family, only other choices are children/parents // descendants/ancestors not allowed & recasted ot children/parents if ( range == descendants || range == children ) m_range = children; if ( range == ancestors || range == parents ) m_range = parents; // if ( m_vertex->m_particles_in.empty() && m_vertex->m_particles_out.empty() ) { // Case: particles_in and particles_out is empty. m_is_inparticle_iter = false; m_is_past_end = true; } else if ( m_range == parents && m_vertex->m_particles_in.empty() ){ // Case: particles in is empty and parents is requested. m_is_inparticle_iter = true; m_is_past_end = true; } else if ( m_range == children && m_vertex->m_particles_out.empty() ){ // Case: particles out is empty and children is requested. m_is_inparticle_iter = false; m_is_past_end = true; } else if ( m_range == children ) { // Case: particles out is NOT empty, and children is requested m_set_iter = m_vertex->m_particles_out.begin(); m_is_inparticle_iter = false; m_is_past_end = false; } else if ( m_range == family && m_vertex->m_particles_in.empty() ) { // Case: particles in is empty, particles out is NOT empty, // and family is requested. Then skip ahead to partilces out. m_set_iter = m_vertex->m_particles_out.begin(); m_is_inparticle_iter = false; m_is_past_end = false; } else { // Normal scenario: start with the first incoming particle m_set_iter = m_vertex->m_particles_in.begin(); m_is_inparticle_iter = true; m_is_past_end = false; } } GenVertex::edge_iterator::edge_iterator( const edge_iterator& p ) { *this = p; } GenVertex::edge_iterator::~edge_iterator() {} GenVertex::edge_iterator& GenVertex::edge_iterator::operator=( const edge_iterator& p ) { m_vertex = p.m_vertex; m_range = p.m_range; m_set_iter = p.m_set_iter; m_is_inparticle_iter = p.m_is_inparticle_iter; m_is_past_end = p.m_is_past_end; return *this; } GenParticle* GenVertex::edge_iterator::operator*(void) const { if ( !m_vertex || m_is_past_end ) return 0; return *m_set_iter; } GenVertex::edge_iterator& GenVertex::edge_iterator::operator++(void){ // Pre-fix increment // // increment the set iterator (unless we're past the end value) if ( m_is_past_end ) return *this; ++m_set_iter; // handle cases where m_set_iter points past the end if ( m_range == family && m_is_inparticle_iter && m_set_iter == m_vertex->m_particles_in.end() ) { // at the end on in particle set, and range is family, so move to // out particle set m_set_iter = m_vertex->m_particles_out.begin(); m_is_inparticle_iter = false; } else if ( m_range == parents && m_set_iter == m_vertex->m_particles_in.end() ) { // at the end on in particle set, and range is parents only, so // move into past the end state m_is_past_end = true; // might as well bail out now return *this; } // are we iterating over input or output particles? if( m_is_inparticle_iter ) { // the following is not else if because we might have range=family // with an empty particles_in set. if ( m_set_iter == m_vertex->m_particles_in.end() ) { //whenever out particles end is reached, go into past the end state m_is_past_end = true; } } else { // the following is not else if because we might have range=family // with an empty particles_out set. if ( m_set_iter == m_vertex->m_particles_out.end() ) { //whenever out particles end is reached, go into past the end state m_is_past_end = true; } } return *this; } GenVertex::edge_iterator GenVertex::edge_iterator::operator++(int){ // Post-fix increment edge_iterator returnvalue = *this; ++*this; return returnvalue; } bool GenVertex::edge_iterator::is_parent() const { if ( **this && (**this)->end_vertex() == m_vertex ) return true; return false; } bool GenVertex::edge_iterator::is_child() const { if ( **this && (**this)->production_vertex() == m_vertex ) return true; return false; } int GenVertex::edges_size( IteratorRange range ) const { if ( range == children ) return m_particles_out.size(); if ( range == parents ) return m_particles_in.size(); if ( range == family ) return m_particles_out.size() + m_particles_in.size(); return 0; } ///////////////////// // vertex_iterator // ///////////////////// GenVertex::vertex_iterator::vertex_iterator() : m_vertex(0), m_range(), m_visited_vertices(0), m_it_owns_set(0), m_recursive_iterator(0) {} GenVertex::vertex_iterator::vertex_iterator( GenVertex& vtx_root, IteratorRange range ) : m_vertex(&vtx_root), m_range(range) { // standard public constructor // m_visited_vertices = new std::set; m_it_owns_set = 1; m_visited_vertices->insert( m_vertex ); m_recursive_iterator = 0; m_edge = m_vertex->edges_begin( m_range ); // advance to the first good return value if ( !follow_edge_() && m_edge != m_vertex->edges_end( m_range )) ++*this; } GenVertex::vertex_iterator::vertex_iterator( GenVertex& vtx_root, IteratorRange range, std::set& visited_vertices ) : m_vertex(&vtx_root), m_range(range), m_visited_vertices(&visited_vertices), m_it_owns_set(0), m_recursive_iterator(0) { // This constuctor is only to be called internally by this class // for use with its recursive member pointer (m_recursive_iterator). // Note: we do not need to insert m_vertex_root in the vertex - that is // the responsibility of this iterator's mother, which is normally // done just before calling this protected constructor. m_edge = m_vertex->edges_begin( m_range ); // advance to the first good return value if ( !follow_edge_() && m_edge != m_vertex->edges_end( m_range )) ++*this; } GenVertex::vertex_iterator::vertex_iterator( const vertex_iterator& v_iter) : m_vertex(0), m_visited_vertices(0), m_it_owns_set(0), m_recursive_iterator(0) { *this = v_iter; } GenVertex::vertex_iterator::~vertex_iterator() { if ( m_recursive_iterator ) delete m_recursive_iterator; if ( m_it_owns_set ) delete m_visited_vertices; } GenVertex::vertex_iterator& GenVertex::vertex_iterator::operator=( const vertex_iterator& v_iter ) { // Note: when copying a vertex_iterator that is NOT the owner // of its set container, the pointer to the set is copied. Beware! // (see copy_with_own_set() if you want a different set pointed to) // In practise the user never needs to worry // since such iterators are only intended to be used internally. // // destruct data member pointers if ( m_recursive_iterator ) delete m_recursive_iterator; m_recursive_iterator = 0; if ( m_it_owns_set ) delete m_visited_vertices; m_visited_vertices = 0; m_it_owns_set = 0; // copy the target vertex_iterator to this iterator m_vertex = v_iter.m_vertex; m_range = v_iter.m_range; if ( v_iter.m_it_owns_set ) { // i.e. this vertex will own its set if v_iter points to any // vertex set regardless of whether v_iter owns the set or not! m_visited_vertices = new std::set(*v_iter.m_visited_vertices); m_it_owns_set = 1; } else { m_visited_vertices = v_iter.m_visited_vertices; m_it_owns_set = 0; } // // Note: m_vertex_root is already included in the set of // tv_iter.m_visited_vertices, we do not need to insert it. // m_edge = v_iter.m_edge; copy_recursive_iterator_( v_iter.m_recursive_iterator ); return *this; } GenVertex* GenVertex::vertex_iterator::operator*(void) const { // de-reference operator // // if this iterator has an iterator_node, then we return the iterator // node. if ( m_recursive_iterator ) return **m_recursive_iterator; // // an iterator can only return its m_vertex -- any other vertex // is returned by means of a recursive iterator_node // (so this is the only place in the iterator code that a vertex // is returned!) if ( m_vertex ) return m_vertex; return 0; } GenVertex::vertex_iterator& GenVertex::vertex_iterator::operator++(void) { // Pre-fix incremental operator // // check for "past the end condition" denoted by m_vertex=0 if ( !m_vertex ) return *this; // if at the last edge, move into the "past the end condition" if ( m_edge == m_vertex->edges_end( m_range ) ) { m_vertex = 0; return *this; } // check to see if we need to create a new recursive iterator by // following the current edge only if a recursive iterator doesn't // already exist. If a new recursive_iterator is created, return it. if ( follow_edge_() ) { return *this; } // // if a recursive iterator already exists, increment it, and return its // value (unless the recursive iterator has null root_vertex [its // root vertex is set to null if it has already returned its root] // - in which case we delete it) // and return the vertex pointed to by the edge. if ( m_recursive_iterator ) { ++(*m_recursive_iterator); if ( **m_recursive_iterator ) { return *this; } else { delete m_recursive_iterator; m_recursive_iterator = 0; } } // // increment to the next particle edge ++m_edge; // if m_edge is at the end, then we have incremented through all // edges, and it is time to return m_vertex, which we accomplish // by returning *this if ( m_edge == m_vertex->edges_end( m_range ) ) return *this; // otherwise we follow the current edge by recursively ++ing. return ++(*this); } GenVertex::vertex_iterator GenVertex::vertex_iterator::operator++(int) { // Post-fix increment vertex_iterator returnvalue(*this); ++(*this); return returnvalue; } void GenVertex::vertex_iterator::copy_with_own_set( const vertex_iterator& v_iter, std::set& visited_vertices ) { /// intended for internal use only. (use with care!) /// this is the same as the operator= method, but it allows the /// user to specify which set container m_visited_vertices points to. /// in all cases, this vertex will NOT own its set. // // destruct data member pointers if ( m_recursive_iterator ) delete m_recursive_iterator; m_recursive_iterator = 0; if ( m_it_owns_set ) delete m_visited_vertices; m_visited_vertices = 0; m_it_owns_set = false; // copy the target vertex_iterator to this iterator m_vertex = v_iter.m_vertex; m_range = v_iter.m_range; m_visited_vertices = &visited_vertices; m_it_owns_set = false; m_edge = v_iter.m_edge; copy_recursive_iterator_( v_iter.m_recursive_iterator ); } GenVertex* GenVertex::vertex_iterator::follow_edge_() { // follows the edge pointed to by m_edge by creating a // recursive iterator for it. // // if a m_recursive_iterator already exists, // this routine has nothing to do, // if there's no m_vertex, there's no point following anything, // also there's no point trying to follow a null edge. if ( m_recursive_iterator || !m_vertex || !*m_edge ) return 0; // // if the range is parents, children, or family (i.e. <= family) // then only the iterator which owns the set is allowed to create // recursive iterators (i.e. recursivity is only allowed to go one // layer deep) if ( m_range <= family && m_it_owns_set == 0 ) return 0; // // M.Dobbs 2001-07-16 // Take care of the very special-rare case where a particle might // point to the same vertex for both production and end if ( (*m_edge)->production_vertex() == (*m_edge)->end_vertex() ) return 0; // // figure out which vertex m_edge is pointing to GenVertex* vtx = ( m_edge.is_parent() ? (*m_edge)->production_vertex() : (*m_edge)->end_vertex() ); // if the pointed to vertex doesn't exist or has already been visited, // then return null if ( !vtx || !(m_visited_vertices->insert(vtx).second) ) return 0; // follow that edge by creating a recursive iterator m_recursive_iterator = new vertex_iterator( *vtx, m_range, *m_visited_vertices); // and return the vertex pointed to by m_recursive_iterator return **m_recursive_iterator; } void GenVertex::vertex_iterator::copy_recursive_iterator_( const vertex_iterator* recursive_v_iter ) { // to properly copy the recursive iterator, we need to ensure // the proper set container is transfered ... then do this // operation .... you guessed it .... recursively! // if ( !recursive_v_iter ) return; m_recursive_iterator = new vertex_iterator(); m_recursive_iterator->m_vertex = recursive_v_iter->m_vertex; m_recursive_iterator->m_range = recursive_v_iter->m_range; m_recursive_iterator->m_visited_vertices = m_visited_vertices; m_recursive_iterator->m_it_owns_set = 0; m_recursive_iterator->m_edge = recursive_v_iter->m_edge; m_recursive_iterator->copy_recursive_iterator_( recursive_v_iter->m_recursive_iterator ); } /////////////////////////////// // particle_iterator // /////////////////////////////// GenVertex::particle_iterator::particle_iterator() {} GenVertex::particle_iterator::particle_iterator( GenVertex& vertex_root, IteratorRange range ) { // General Purpose Constructor // if ( range <= family ) { m_edge = GenVertex::edge_iterator( vertex_root, range ); } else { m_vertex_iterator = GenVertex::vertex_iterator(vertex_root, range); m_edge = GenVertex::edge_iterator( **m_vertex_iterator, m_vertex_iterator.range() ); } advance_to_first_(); } GenVertex::particle_iterator::particle_iterator( const particle_iterator& p_iter ){ *this = p_iter; } GenVertex::particle_iterator::~particle_iterator() {} GenVertex::particle_iterator& GenVertex::particle_iterator::operator=( const particle_iterator& p_iter ) { m_vertex_iterator = p_iter.m_vertex_iterator; m_edge = p_iter.m_edge; return *this; } GenParticle* GenVertex::particle_iterator::operator*(void) const { return *m_edge; } GenVertex::particle_iterator& GenVertex::particle_iterator::operator++(void) { //Pre-fix increment // if ( *m_edge ) { ++m_edge; } else if ( *m_vertex_iterator ) { // !*m_edge is implicit // past end of edge, but still have more vertices to visit // increment the vertex, checking that the result is valid if ( !*(++m_vertex_iterator) ) return *this; m_edge = GenVertex::edge_iterator( **m_vertex_iterator, m_vertex_iterator.range() ); } else { // !*m_edge and !*m_vertex_iterator are implicit // past the end condition: do nothing return *this; } advance_to_first_(); return *this; } GenVertex::particle_iterator GenVertex::particle_iterator::operator++(int){ //Post-fix increment particle_iterator returnvalue(*this); ++(*this); return returnvalue; } GenParticle* GenVertex::particle_iterator::advance_to_first_() { /// if the current edge is not a suitable return value ( because /// it is a parent of the vertex root that itself belongs to a /// different vertex ) it advances to the first suitable return value if ( !*m_edge ) return *(++*this); // if the range is relatives, we need to uniquely assign each particle // to a single vertex so as to guarantee particles are returned // exactly once. if ( m_vertex_iterator.range() == relatives && m_edge.is_parent() && (*m_edge)->production_vertex() ) return *(++*this); return *m_edge; } /// scale the position vector /// this method is only for use by GenEvent /// convert_position assumes that 4th component of the position vector /// is ctau rather than time and has units of length-time void GenVertex::convert_position( const double& f ) { m_position = FourVector( f*m_position.x(), f*m_position.y(), f*m_position.z(), f*m_position.t() ); } } // HepMC