//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GenEventStreamIO.cc // Author: Lynn Garren // // Implement operator >> and operator << // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include "GenEvent.h" #include "GenCrossSection.h" #include "StreamInfo.h" #include "StreamHelpers.h" #include "Version.h" #include "IO_Exception.h" namespace HepMC { // ------------------------- local methods ---------------- /// This method is called by the stream destructor. /// It does cleanup on stored user data (StreamInfo) /// and is registered by the first call to get_stream_info(). void HepMCStreamCallback(std::ios_base::event e, std::ios_base& b, int i) { // only clean up if the stream object is going away. if(i!=0 && e!= std::ios_base::erase_event) return; // retrieve the pointer to the object StreamInfo* hd = (StreamInfo*)b.pword(i); b.pword(i) = 0; b.iword(i) = 0; #ifdef HEPMC_DEBUG // the following line is just for sanity checking if(hd) std::cerr << "deleted StreamInfo " << hd->stream_id() << "\n"; #endif delete hd; } // ------------------------- iomanip ---------------- /// A custom iomanip that allows us to store and access user data (StreamInfo) /// associated with the stream. /// This method creates the StreamInfo object the first time it is called. template StreamInfo& get_stream_info(IO& iost) { if(iost.iword(0) == 0) { // make sure we add the callback if this is the first time through iost.iword(0)=1; iost.register_callback(&HepMCStreamCallback, 0); // this is our special "context" record. // there is one of these at the head of each IO block. // allocate room for a StreamInfo in the userdata area iost.pword(0) = new StreamInfo; #ifdef HEPMC_DEBUG // the following line is just for sanity checking std::cerr << "created StreamInfo " << ((StreamInfo*)iost.pword(0))->stream_id() << "\n"; #endif } return *(StreamInfo*)iost.pword(0); } // ------------------------- GenEvent member functions ---------------- std::ostream& GenEvent::write( std::ostream& os ) { /// Writes evt to an output stream. // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(os); // // if this is the first event, set precision if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double // However, we let the user set precision, since that is the expected functionality // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! os.setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); os.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); // info.set_finished_first_event(true); } // // output the event data including the number of primary vertices // and the total number of vertices //std::vector random_states = random_states(); os << 'E'; detail::output( os, event_number() ); detail::output( os, mpi() ); detail::output( os, event_scale() ); detail::output( os, alphaQCD() ); detail::output( os, alphaQED() ); detail::output( os, signal_process_id() ); detail::output( os, ( signal_process_vertex() ? signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) ); detail::output( os, vertices_size() ); // total number of vertices. write_beam_particles( os, beam_particles() ); // random state detail::output( os, (int)m_random_states.size() ); for ( std::vector::iterator rs = m_random_states.begin(); rs != m_random_states.end(); ++rs ) { detail::output( os, *rs ); } // weights // we need to iterate over the map so that the weights printed // here will be in the same order as the names printed next os << ' ' << (int)weights().size() ; for ( WeightContainer::const_map_iterator w = weights().map_begin(); w != weights().map_end(); ++w ) { detail::output( os, m_weights[w->second] ); } detail::output( os,'\n'); // now add names for weights // note that this prints a new line if and only if the weight container // is not empty if ( ! weights().empty() ) { os << "N " << weights().size() << " " ; for ( WeightContainer::const_map_iterator w = weights().map_begin(); w != weights().map_end(); ++w ) { detail::output( os,'"'); os << w->first; detail::output( os,'"'); detail::output( os,' '); } detail::output( os,'\n'); } // // Units os << "U " << name(momentum_unit()); os << " " << name(length_unit()); detail::output( os,'\n'); // // write GenCrossSection if it has been set if( m_cross_section ) m_cross_section->write(os); // // write HeavyIon and PdfInfo if they have been set if( m_heavy_ion ) os << heavy_ion() ; if( m_pdf_info ) os << pdf_info() ; // // Output all of the vertices - note there is no real order. for ( GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator v = vertices_begin(); v != vertices_end(); ++v ) { write_vertex(os, *v); } return os; } std::istream& GenEvent::read( std::istream& is ) { /// read a GenEvent from streaming input // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); clear(); // // search for event listing key before first event only. if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // find_file_type(is); info.set_finished_first_event(true); } // // make sure the stream is good if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "streaming input: end of stream found " << "setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // // test to be sure the next entry is of type "E" then ignore it if ( is.peek()!='E' ) { // if the E is not the next entry, then check to see if it is // the end event listing key - if yes, search for another start key int ioendtype; find_end_key(is,ioendtype); if ( ioendtype == info.io_type() ) { find_file_type(is); // are we at the end of the file? if( !is ) return is; } else if ( ioendtype > 0 ) { std::cerr << "streaming input: end key does not match start key " << "setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } else if ( !info.has_key() ) { find_file_type(is); // are we at the end of the file? if( !is ) return is; } else { std::cerr << "streaming input: end key not found " << "setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } } int signal_process_vertex = 0; int num_vertices = 0, bp1 = 0, bp2 = 0; // OK - now ready to start reading the event, so set the header flag info.set_reading_event_header(true); // The flag will be set to false when we reach the end of the header while(info.reading_event_header()) { switch(is.peek()) { case 'E': { // deal with the event line process_event_line( is, num_vertices, bp1, bp2, signal_process_vertex ); } break; case 'N': { // get weight names read_weight_names( is ); } break; case 'U': { // get unit information if it exists if( info.io_type() == gen ) { read_units( is ); } } break; case 'C': { // we have a GenCrossSection line // create cross section GenCrossSection xs; // check for invalid data try { // read the line xs.read(is); } catch (IO_Exception& e) { detail::find_event_end( is ); } if(xs.is_set()) { set_cross_section( xs ); } } break; case 'H': { // we have a HeavyIon line OR an unexpected HepMC... line if( info.io_type() == gen || info.io_type() == extascii ) { // get HeavyIon HeavyIon ion; // check for invalid data try { is >> &ion; } catch (IO_Exception& e) { detail::find_event_end( is ); } if(ion.is_valid()) { set_heavy_ion( ion ); } } } break; case 'F': { // we have a PdfInfo line if( info.io_type() == gen || info.io_type() == extascii ) { // get PdfInfo PdfInfo pdf; // check for invalid data try { is >> &pdf; } catch (IO_Exception& e) { detail::find_event_end( is ); } if(pdf.is_valid()) { set_pdf_info( pdf ); } } } break; case 'V': { // this should be the first vertex line - exit this loop info.set_reading_event_header(false); } break; case 'P': { // we should not find this line std::cerr << "streaming input: found unexpected line P" << std::endl; info.set_reading_event_header(false); } break; default: // ignore everything else break; } // switch on line type } // while reading_event_header // // the end vertices of the particles are not connected until // after the event is read --- we store the values in a map until then TempParticleMap particle_to_end_vertex; // // read in the vertices for ( int iii = 1; iii <= num_vertices; ++iii ) { GenVertex* v = new GenVertex(); try { detail::read_vertex(is,particle_to_end_vertex,v); } catch (IO_Exception& e) { for( TempParticleMap::orderIterator it = particle_to_end_vertex.order_begin(); it != particle_to_end_vertex.order_end(); ++it ) { GenParticle* p = it->second; // delete particles only if they are not already owned by a vertex if( p->production_vertex() ) { } else if( p->end_vertex() ) { } else { delete p; } } delete v; detail::find_event_end( is ); } add_vertex( v ); } // set the signal process vertex if ( signal_process_vertex ) { set_signal_process_vertex( barcode_to_vertex(signal_process_vertex) ); } // // last connect particles to their end vertices GenParticle* beam1(0); GenParticle* beam2(0); for ( TempParticleMap::orderIterator pmap = particle_to_end_vertex.order_begin(); pmap != particle_to_end_vertex.order_end(); ++pmap ) { GenParticle* p = pmap->second; int vtx = particle_to_end_vertex.end_vertex( p ); GenVertex* itsDecayVtx = barcode_to_vertex(vtx); if ( itsDecayVtx ) itsDecayVtx->add_particle_in( p ); else { std::cerr << "read_io_genevent: ERROR particle points" << " to null end vertex. " <barcode() == bp1 ) beam1 = p; if( p->barcode() == bp2 ) beam2 = p; } set_beam_particles(beam1,beam2); return is; } // ------------------------- operator << and operator >> ---------------- std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, GenEvent & evt) { /// Writes evt to an output stream. evt.write(os); return os; } std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, GenEvent & evt) { evt.read(is); return is; } // ------------------------- set units ---------------- std::istream & set_input_units(std::istream & is, Units::MomentumUnit mom, Units::LengthUnit len ) { // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); info.use_input_units( mom, len ); return is; } // ------------------------- begin and end block lines ---------------- std::ostream & write_HepMC_IO_block_begin(std::ostream & os ) { // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(os); if( !info.finished_first_event() ) { os << "\n" << "HepMC::Version " << versionName(); os << "\n"; os << info.IO_GenEvent_Key() << "\n"; } return os; } std::ostream & write_HepMC_IO_block_end(std::ostream & os ) { // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(os); if( info.finished_first_event() ) { os << info.IO_GenEvent_End() << "\n"; os << std::flush; } return os; } std::istream & GenEvent::process_event_line( std::istream & is, int & num_vertices, int & bp1, int & bp2, int & signal_process_vertex ) { // if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::process_event_line setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); std::string line; std::getline(is,line); std::istringstream iline(line); std::string firstc; iline >> firstc; // // read values into temp variables, then fill GenEvent int event_number = 0, signal_process_id = 0, random_states_size = 0, nmpi = -1; double eventScale = 0, alpha_qcd = 0, alpha_qed = 0; iline >> event_number; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); if( info.io_type() == gen || info.io_type() == extascii ) { iline >> nmpi; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); set_mpi( nmpi ); } iline >> eventScale ; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> alpha_qcd ; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> alpha_qed; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> signal_process_id ; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> signal_process_vertex; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> num_vertices; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); if( info.io_type() == gen || info.io_type() == extascii ) { iline >> bp1 ; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); iline >> bp2; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); } iline >> random_states_size; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); std::vector random_states(random_states_size); for ( int i = 0; i < random_states_size; ++i ) { iline >> random_states[i]; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); } WeightContainer::size_type weights_size = 0; iline >> weights_size; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); std::vector wgt(weights_size); for ( WeightContainer::size_type ii = 0; ii < weights_size; ++ii ) { iline >> wgt[ii]; if(!iline) detail::find_event_end( is ); } // weight names will be added later if they exist if( weights_size > 0 ) m_weights = wgt; // // fill signal_process_id, event_number, random_states, etc. set_signal_process_id( signal_process_id ); set_event_number( event_number ); set_random_states( random_states ); set_event_scale( eventScale ); set_alphaQCD( alpha_qcd ); set_alphaQED( alpha_qed ); // return is; } std::istream & GenEvent::read_weight_names( std::istream & is ) { // now check for a named weight line if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::read_weight_names setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // Test to be sure the next entry is of type "N" // If we have no named weight line, this is not an error // releases prior to 2.06.00 do not have named weights if ( is.peek() !='N') { return is; } // now get this line and process it std::string line; std::getline(is,line); std::istringstream wline(line); std::string firstc; WeightContainer::size_type name_size = 0; wline >> firstc >> name_size; if(!wline) detail::find_event_end( is ); if( firstc != "N") { std::cout << "debug: first character of named weights is " << firstc << std::endl; std::cout << "debug: We should never get here" << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } if( m_weights.size() != name_size ) { std::cout << "debug: weight sizes do not match "<< std::endl; std::cout << "debug: weight vector size is " << m_weights.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "debug: weight name size is " << name_size << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } std::string name; std::string::size_type i1 = line.find("\""); std::string::size_type i2; std::string::size_type len = line.size(); WeightContainer namedWeight; for ( WeightContainer::size_type ii = 0; ii < name_size; ++ii ) { // weight names may contain blanks if(i1 >= len) { std::cout << "debug: attempting to read past the end of the named weight line " << std::endl; std::cout << "debug: We should never get here" << std::endl; std::cout << "debug: Looking for the end of this event" << std::endl; detail::find_event_end( is ); } i2 = line.find("\"",i1+1); name = line.substr(i1+1,i2-i1-1); namedWeight[name] = m_weights[ii]; i1 = line.find("\"",i2+1); } m_weights = namedWeight; return is; } std::istream & GenEvent::read_units( std::istream & is ) { // if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::read_units setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); // test to be sure the next entry is of type "U" then ignore it // if we have no units, this is not an error // releases prior to 2.04.00 did not write unit information if ( is.peek() !='U') { use_units( info.io_momentum_unit(), info.io_position_unit() ); return is; } is.ignore(); // ignore the first character in the line std::string mom, pos; is >> mom >> pos; is.ignore(1); // eat the extra whitespace use_units(mom,pos); // return is; } std::istream & GenEvent::find_file_type( std::istream & istr ) { // // make sure the stream is good if ( !istr ) return istr; // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(istr); // if there is no input block line, then we assume this stream // is in the IO_GenEvent format if ( istr.peek()=='E' ) { info.set_io_type( gen ); info.set_has_key(false); return istr; } std::string line; while ( std::getline(istr,line) ) { // // search for event listing key before first event only. // if( line == info.IO_GenEvent_Key() ) { info.set_io_type( gen ); info.set_has_key(true); return istr; } else if( line == info.IO_Ascii_Key() ) { info.set_io_type( ascii ); info.set_has_key(true); return istr; } else if( line == info.IO_ExtendedAscii_Key() ) { info.set_io_type( extascii ); info.set_has_key(true); return istr; } else if( line == info.IO_Ascii_PDT_Key() ) { info.set_io_type( ascii_pdt ); info.set_has_key(true); return istr; } else if( line == info.IO_ExtendedAscii_PDT_Key() ) { info.set_io_type( extascii_pdt ); info.set_has_key(true); return istr; } } info.set_io_type( 0 ); info.set_has_key(false); return istr; } std::istream & GenEvent::find_end_key( std::istream & istr, int & iotype ) { iotype = 0; // peek at the first character before proceeding if( istr.peek()!='H' ) return istr; // // we only check the next line std::string line; std::getline(istr,line); // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(istr); // // check to see if this is an end key if( line == info.IO_GenEvent_End() ) { iotype = gen; } else if( line == info.IO_Ascii_End() ) { iotype = ascii; } else if( line == info.IO_ExtendedAscii_End() ) { iotype = extascii; } else if( line == info.IO_Ascii_PDT_End() ) { iotype = ascii_pdt; } else if( line == info.IO_ExtendedAscii_PDT_End() ) { iotype = extascii_pdt; } if( iotype != 0 && info.io_type() != iotype ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::find_end_key: iotype keys have changed" << std::endl; } else { return istr; } // // if we get here, then something has gotten badly confused std::cerr << "GenEvent::find_end_key: MALFORMED INPUT" << std::endl; istr.clear(std::ios::badbit); return istr; } std::ostream & establish_output_stream_info( std::ostream & os ) { StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(os); if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double os.precision(16); // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! os.setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); os.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); } return os; } std::istream & establish_input_stream_info( std::istream & is ) { StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double is.precision(16); // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! is.setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); is.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); } return is; } // ------------------------- helper functions ---------------- namespace detail { // The functions defined here need to use get_stream_info std::istream & read_particle( std::istream & is, TempParticleMap & particle_to_end_vertex, GenParticle * p ) { // get the next line std::string line; std::getline(is,line); std::istringstream iline(line); std::string firstc; iline >> firstc; if( firstc != "P" ) { std::cerr << "StreamHelpers::detail::read_particle invalid line type: " << firstc << std::endl; std::cerr << "StreamHelpers::detail::read_particle setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); //testHepMC.cc // declare variables to be read in to, and read everything except flow double px = 0., py = 0., pz = 0., e = 0., m = 0., theta = 0., phi = 0.; int bar_code = 0, id = 0, status = 0, end_vtx_code = 0, flow_size = 0; // check that the input stream is still OK after reading item iline >> bar_code ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> id ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> px ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> py ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> pz ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> e ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } if( info.io_type() != ascii ) { iline >> m ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } } iline >> status ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> theta ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> phi ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> end_vtx_code ; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } iline >> flow_size; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } // // read flow patterns if any exist Flow flow; int code_index, code; for ( int i = 1; i <= flow_size; ++i ) { iline >> code_index >> code; if(!iline) { delete p; throw IO_Exception("read_particle input stream encounterd invalid data"); } flow.set_icode( code_index,code); } p->set_momentum( FourVector(px,py,pz,e) ); p->set_pdg_id( id ); p->set_status( status ); p->set_flow( flow ); p->set_polarization( Polarization(theta,phi) ); if( info.io_type() == ascii ) { p->set_generated_mass( p->momentum().m() ); } else { p->set_generated_mass( m ); } p->suggest_barcode( bar_code ); // // all particles are connected to their end vertex separately // after all particles and vertices have been created - so we keep // a map of all particles that have end vertices if ( end_vtx_code != 0 ) { particle_to_end_vertex.addEndParticle(p,end_vtx_code); } return is; } std::istream & read_units( std::istream & is, GenEvent & evt ) { // if ( !is ) { std::cerr << "StreamHelpers read_units setting badbit." << std::endl; is.clear(std::ios::badbit); return is; } // StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); // test to be sure the next entry is of type "U" then ignore it // if we have no units, this is not an error // releases prior to 2.04.00 did not write unit information if ( is.peek() !='U') { evt.use_units( info.io_momentum_unit(), info.io_position_unit() ); return is; } is.ignore(); // ignore the first character in the line std::string mom, pos; is >> mom >> pos; is.ignore(1); // eat the extra whitespace evt.use_units(mom,pos); // return is; } std::ostream & establish_output_stream_info( std::ostream & os ) { StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(os); if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double os.precision(16); // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! os.setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); os.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); } return os; } std::istream & establish_input_stream_info( std::istream & is ) { StreamInfo & info = get_stream_info(is); if ( !info.finished_first_event() ) { // precision 16 (# digits following decimal point) is the minimum that // will capture the full information stored in a double is.precision(16); // we use decimal to store integers, because it is smaller than hex! is.setf(std::ios::dec,std::ios::basefield); is.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield); } return is; } } // detail } // HepMC