////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matt.Dobbs@Cern.CH, September 1999 // Updated: 7.1.2000 iterators complete and working! // Updated: 10.1.2000 GenEvent::vertex, particle iterators are made // constant WRT this event ... note that // GenVertex::***_iterator is not const, since it must // be able to return a mutable pointer to itself. // Updated: 08.2.2000 the event now holds a set of all attached vertices // rather than just the roots of the graph // Event record for MC generators (for use at any stage of generation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "GenEvent.h" #include "GenCrossSection.h" #include "Version.h" #include "StreamHelpers.h" namespace HepMC { GenEvent::GenEvent( int signal_process_id, int event_number, GenVertex* signal_vertex, const WeightContainer& weights, const std::vector& random_states, Units::MomentumUnit mom, Units::LengthUnit len ) : m_signal_process_id(signal_process_id), m_event_number(event_number), m_mpi(-1), m_event_scale(-1), m_alphaQCD(-1), m_alphaQED(-1), m_signal_process_vertex(signal_vertex), m_beam_particle_1(0), m_beam_particle_2(0), m_weights(weights), m_random_states(random_states), m_vertex_barcodes(), m_particle_barcodes(), m_cross_section(0), m_heavy_ion(0), m_pdf_info(0), m_momentum_unit(mom), m_position_unit(len) { /// This constructor only allows null pointers to HeavyIon and PdfInfo /// /// note: default values for m_event_scale, m_alphaQCD, m_alphaQED /// are as suggested in hep-ph/0109068, "Generic Interface..." /// } GenEvent::GenEvent( int signal_process_id, int event_number, GenVertex* signal_vertex, const WeightContainer& weights, const std::vector& random_states, const HeavyIon& ion, const PdfInfo& pdf, Units::MomentumUnit mom, Units::LengthUnit len ) : m_signal_process_id(signal_process_id), m_event_number(event_number), m_mpi(-1), m_event_scale(-1), m_alphaQCD(-1), m_alphaQED(-1), m_signal_process_vertex(signal_vertex), m_beam_particle_1(0), m_beam_particle_2(0), m_weights(weights), m_random_states(random_states), m_vertex_barcodes(), m_particle_barcodes(), m_cross_section(0), m_heavy_ion( new HeavyIon(ion) ), m_pdf_info( new PdfInfo(pdf) ), m_momentum_unit(mom), m_position_unit(len) { /// GenEvent makes its own copy of HeavyIon and PdfInfo /// /// note: default values for m_event_scale, m_alphaQCD, m_alphaQED /// are as suggested in hep-ph/0109068, "Generic Interface..." } GenEvent::GenEvent( Units::MomentumUnit mom, Units::LengthUnit len, int signal_process_id, int event_number, GenVertex* signal_vertex, const WeightContainer& weights, const std::vector& random_states ) : m_signal_process_id(signal_process_id), m_event_number(event_number), m_mpi(-1), m_event_scale(-1), m_alphaQCD(-1), m_alphaQED(-1), m_signal_process_vertex(signal_vertex), m_beam_particle_1(0), m_beam_particle_2(0), m_weights(weights), m_random_states(random_states), m_vertex_barcodes(), m_particle_barcodes(), m_cross_section(0), m_heavy_ion(0), m_pdf_info(0), m_momentum_unit(mom), m_position_unit(len) { /// constructor requiring units - all else is default /// This constructor only allows null pointers to HeavyIon and PdfInfo /// /// note: default values for m_event_scale, m_alphaQCD, m_alphaQED /// are as suggested in hep-ph/0109068, "Generic Interface..." /// } GenEvent::GenEvent( Units::MomentumUnit mom, Units::LengthUnit len, int signal_process_id, int event_number, GenVertex* signal_vertex, const WeightContainer& weights, const std::vector& random_states, const HeavyIon& ion, const PdfInfo& pdf ) : m_signal_process_id(signal_process_id), m_event_number(event_number), m_mpi(-1), m_event_scale(-1), m_alphaQCD(-1), m_alphaQED(-1), m_signal_process_vertex(signal_vertex), m_beam_particle_1(0), m_beam_particle_2(0), m_weights(weights), m_random_states(random_states), m_vertex_barcodes(), m_particle_barcodes(), m_cross_section(0), m_heavy_ion( new HeavyIon(ion) ), m_pdf_info( new PdfInfo(pdf) ), m_momentum_unit(mom), m_position_unit(len) { /// explicit constructor with units first that takes HeavyIon and PdfInfo /// GenEvent makes its own copy of HeavyIon and PdfInfo /// /// note: default values for m_event_scale, m_alphaQCD, m_alphaQED /// are as suggested in hep-ph/0109068, "Generic Interface..." } GenEvent::GenEvent( const GenEvent& inevent ) : m_signal_process_id ( inevent.signal_process_id() ), m_event_number ( inevent.event_number() ), m_mpi ( inevent.mpi() ), m_event_scale ( inevent.event_scale() ), m_alphaQCD ( inevent.alphaQCD() ), m_alphaQED ( inevent.alphaQED() ), m_signal_process_vertex( /* inevent.m_signal_process_vertex */ ), m_beam_particle_1 ( /* inevent.m_beam_particle_1 */ ), m_beam_particle_2 ( /* inevent.m_beam_particle_2 */ ), m_weights ( /* inevent.m_weights */ ), m_random_states ( /* inevent.m_random_states */ ), m_vertex_barcodes ( /* inevent.m_vertex_barcodes */ ), m_particle_barcodes ( /* inevent.m_particle_barcodes */ ), m_cross_section ( inevent.cross_section() ? new GenCrossSection(*inevent.cross_section()) : 0 ), m_heavy_ion ( inevent.heavy_ion() ? new HeavyIon(*inevent.heavy_ion()) : 0 ), m_pdf_info ( inevent.pdf_info() ? new PdfInfo(*inevent.pdf_info()) : 0 ), m_momentum_unit ( inevent.momentum_unit() ), m_position_unit ( inevent.length_unit() ) { /// deep copy - makes a copy of all vertices! // // 1. create a NEW copy of all vertices from inevent // taking care to map new vertices onto the vertices being copied // and add these new vertices to this event. // We do not use GenVertex::operator= because that would copy // the attached particles as well. std::map map_in_to_new; for ( GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator v = inevent.vertices_begin(); v != inevent.vertices_end(); ++v ) { GenVertex* newvertex = new GenVertex( (*v)->position(), (*v)->id(), (*v)->weights() ); newvertex->suggest_barcode( (*v)->barcode() ); map_in_to_new[*v] = newvertex; add_vertex( newvertex ); } // 2. copy the signal process vertex info. if ( inevent.signal_process_vertex() ) { set_signal_process_vertex( map_in_to_new[inevent.signal_process_vertex()] ); } else set_signal_process_vertex( 0 ); // // 3. create a NEW copy of all particles from inevent // taking care to attach them to the appropriate vertex GenParticle* beam1(0); GenParticle* beam2(0); for ( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = inevent.particles_begin(); p != inevent.particles_end(); ++p ) { GenParticle* oldparticle = *p; GenParticle* newparticle = new GenParticle(*oldparticle); if ( oldparticle->end_vertex() ) { map_in_to_new[ oldparticle->end_vertex() ]-> add_particle_in(newparticle); } if ( oldparticle->production_vertex() ) { map_in_to_new[ oldparticle->production_vertex() ]-> add_particle_out(newparticle); } if ( oldparticle == inevent.beam_particles().first ) beam1 = newparticle; if ( oldparticle == inevent.beam_particles().second ) beam2 = newparticle; } set_beam_particles( beam1, beam2 ); // // 4. now that vtx/particles are copied, copy weights and random states set_random_states( inevent.random_states() ); weights() = inevent.weights(); } void GenEvent::swap( GenEvent & other ) { // if a container has a swap method, use that for improved performance std::swap(m_signal_process_id , other.m_signal_process_id ); std::swap(m_event_number , other.m_event_number ); std::swap(m_mpi , other.m_mpi ); std::swap(m_event_scale , other.m_event_scale ); std::swap(m_alphaQCD , other.m_alphaQCD ); std::swap(m_alphaQED , other.m_alphaQED ); std::swap(m_signal_process_vertex, other.m_signal_process_vertex); std::swap(m_beam_particle_1 , other.m_beam_particle_1 ); std::swap(m_beam_particle_2 , other.m_beam_particle_2 ); m_weights.swap( other.m_weights ); m_random_states.swap( other.m_random_states ); m_vertex_barcodes.swap( other.m_vertex_barcodes ); m_particle_barcodes.swap( other.m_particle_barcodes ); std::swap(m_cross_section , other.m_cross_section ); std::swap(m_heavy_ion , other.m_heavy_ion ); std::swap(m_pdf_info , other.m_pdf_info ); std::swap(m_momentum_unit , other.m_momentum_unit ); std::swap(m_position_unit , other.m_position_unit ); // must now adjust GenVertex back pointers for ( GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vthis = vertices_begin(); vthis != vertices_end(); ++vthis ) { (*vthis)->change_parent_event_( this ); } for ( GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator voth = other.vertices_begin(); voth != other.vertices_end(); ++voth ) { (*voth)->change_parent_event_( &other ); } } GenEvent::~GenEvent() { /// Deep destructor. /// deletes all vertices/particles in this GenEvent /// deletes the associated HeavyIon and PdfInfo delete_all_vertices(); delete m_cross_section; delete m_heavy_ion; delete m_pdf_info; } GenEvent& GenEvent::operator=( const GenEvent& inevent ) { /// best practices implementation GenEvent tmp( inevent ); swap( tmp ); return *this; } void GenEvent::print( std::ostream& ostr ) const { /// dumps the content of this event to ostr /// to dump to cout use: event.print(); /// if you want to write this event to file outfile.txt you could use: /// std::ofstream outfile("outfile.txt"); event.print( outfile ); ostr << "________________________________________" << "________________________________________\n"; ostr << "GenEvent: #" << event_number() << " ID=" << signal_process_id() << " SignalProcessGenVertex Barcode: " << ( signal_process_vertex() ? signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) << "\n"; write_units( ostr ); write_cross_section(ostr); ostr << " Entries this event: " << vertices_size() << " vertices, " << particles_size() << " particles.\n"; if( m_beam_particle_1 && m_beam_particle_2 ) { ostr << " Beam Particle barcodes: " << beam_particles().first->barcode() << " " << beam_particles().second->barcode() << " \n"; } else { ostr << " Beam Particles are not defined.\n"; } // Random State ostr << " RndmState(" << m_random_states.size() << ")="; for ( std::vector::const_iterator rs = m_random_states.begin(); rs != m_random_states.end(); ++rs ) { ostr << *rs << " "; } ostr << "\n"; // Weights ostr << " Wgts(" << weights().size() << ")="; weights().print(ostr); ostr << " EventScale " << event_scale() << " [energy] \t alphaQCD=" << alphaQCD() << "\t alphaQED=" << alphaQED() << std::endl; // print a legend to describe the particle info ostr << " GenParticle Legend\n"; ostr << " Barcode PDG ID " << "( Px, Py, Pz, E )" << " Stat DecayVtx\n"; ostr << "________________________________________" << "________________________________________\n"; // Print all Vertices for ( GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vtx = this->vertices_begin(); vtx != this->vertices_end(); ++vtx ) { (*vtx)->print(ostr); } ostr << "________________________________________" << "________________________________________" << std::endl; } void GenEvent::print_version( std::ostream& ostr ) const { ostr << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl; writeVersion( ostr ); ostr << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } bool GenEvent::add_vertex( GenVertex* vtx ) { /// returns true if successful - generally will only return false /// if the inserted vertex is already included in the event. if ( !vtx ) return false; // if vtx previously pointed to another GenEvent, remove it from that // GenEvent's list if ( vtx->parent_event() && vtx->parent_event() != this ) { bool remove_status = vtx->parent_event()->remove_vertex( vtx ); if ( !remove_status ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::add_vertex ERROR " << "GenVertex::parent_event points to \n" << "an event that does not point back to the " << "GenVertex. \n This probably indicates a deeper " << "problem. " << std::endl; } } // // setting the vertex parent also inserts the vertex into this // event vtx->set_parent_event_( this ); return ( m_vertex_barcodes.count(vtx->barcode()) ? true : false ); } bool GenEvent::remove_vertex( GenVertex* vtx ) { /// this removes vtx from the event but does NOT delete it. /// returns True if an entry vtx existed in the table and was erased if ( m_signal_process_vertex == vtx ) m_signal_process_vertex = 0; if ( vtx->parent_event() == this ) vtx->set_parent_event_( 0 ); return ( m_vertex_barcodes.count(vtx->barcode()) ? false : true ); } void GenEvent::clear() { /// remove all information from the event /// deletes all vertices/particles in this evt /// delete_all_vertices(); // remove existing objects and set pointers to null delete m_cross_section; m_cross_section = 0; delete m_heavy_ion; m_heavy_ion = 0; delete m_pdf_info; m_pdf_info = 0; m_signal_process_id = 0; m_beam_particle_1 = 0; m_beam_particle_2 = 0; m_event_number = 0; m_mpi = -1; m_event_scale = -1; m_alphaQCD = -1; m_alphaQED = -1; m_weights = std::vector(); m_random_states = std::vector(); // resetting unit information m_momentum_unit = Units::default_momentum_unit(); m_position_unit = Units::default_length_unit(); // error check just to be safe if ( m_vertex_barcodes.size() != 0 || m_particle_barcodes.size() != 0 ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::clear() strange result ... \n" << "either the particle and/or the vertex map isn't empty" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Number vtx,particle the event after deleting = " << m_vertex_barcodes.size() << " " << m_particle_barcodes.size() << std::endl; } return; } void GenEvent::delete_all_vertices() { /// deletes all vertices in the vertex container /// (i.e. all vertices owned by this event) /// The vertices are the "owners" of the particles, so as we delete /// the vertices, the vertex desctructors are automatically /// deleting their particles. // delete each vertex individually (this deletes particles as well) while ( !vertices_empty() ) { GenVertex* vtx = ( m_vertex_barcodes.begin() )->second; m_vertex_barcodes.erase( m_vertex_barcodes.begin() ); delete vtx; } // // Error checking: if ( !vertices_empty() || ! particles_empty() ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::delete_all_vertices strange result ... " << "after deleting all vertices, \nthe particle and " << "vertex maps aren't empty.\n This probably " << "indicates deeper problems or memory leak in the " << "code." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Number vtx,particle the event after deleting = " << m_vertex_barcodes.size() << " " << m_particle_barcodes.size() << std::endl; } } bool GenEvent::set_barcode( GenParticle* p, int suggested_barcode ) { if ( p->parent_event() != this ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::set_barcode attempted, but the argument's" << "\n parent_event is not this ... request rejected." << std::endl; return false; } // M.Dobbs Nov 4, 2002 // First we must check to see if the particle already has a // barcode which is different from the suggestion. If yes, we // remove it from the particle map. if ( p->barcode() != 0 && p->barcode() != suggested_barcode ) { if ( m_particle_barcodes.count(p->barcode()) && m_particle_barcodes[p->barcode()] == p ) { m_particle_barcodes.erase( p->barcode() ); } // At this point either the particle is NOT in // m_particle_barcodes, or else it is in the map, but // already with the suggested barcode. } // // First case --- a valid barcode has been suggested // (valid barcodes are numbers greater than zero) bool insert_success = true; if ( suggested_barcode > 0 ) { if ( m_particle_barcodes.count(suggested_barcode) ) { // the suggested_barcode is already used. if ( m_particle_barcodes[suggested_barcode] == p ) { // but it was used for this particle ... so everythings ok p->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return true; } insert_success = false; suggested_barcode = 0; } else { // suggested barcode is OK, proceed to insert m_particle_barcodes[suggested_barcode] = p; p->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return true; } } // // Other possibility -- a valid barcode has not been suggested, // so one is automatically generated if ( suggested_barcode < 0 ) insert_success = false; if ( suggested_barcode <= 0 ) { if ( !m_particle_barcodes.empty() ) { // in this case we find the highest barcode that was used, // and increment it by 1 suggested_barcode = m_particle_barcodes.rbegin()->first; ++suggested_barcode; } // For the automatically assigned barcodes, the first one // we use is 10001 ... this is just because when we read // events from HEPEVT, we will suggest their index as the // barcode, and that index has maximum value 10000. // This way we will immediately be able to recognize the hepevt // particles from the auto-assigned ones. if ( suggested_barcode <= 10000 ) suggested_barcode = 10001; } // At this point we should have a valid barcode if ( m_particle_barcodes.count(suggested_barcode) ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::set_barcode ERROR, this should never " << "happen \n report bug to matt.dobbs@cern.ch" << std::endl; } m_particle_barcodes[suggested_barcode] = p; p->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return insert_success; } bool GenEvent::set_barcode( GenVertex* v, int suggested_barcode ) { if ( v->parent_event() != this ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::set_barcode attempted, but the argument's" << "\n parent_event is not this ... request rejected." << std::endl; return false; } // M.Dobbs Nov 4, 2002 // First we must check to see if the vertex already has a // barcode which is different from the suggestion. If yes, we // remove it from the vertex map. if ( v->barcode() != 0 && v->barcode() != suggested_barcode ) { if ( m_vertex_barcodes.count(v->barcode()) && m_vertex_barcodes[v->barcode()] == v ) { m_vertex_barcodes.erase( v->barcode() ); } // At this point either the vertex is NOT in // m_vertex_barcodes, or else it is in the map, but // already with the suggested barcode. } // // First case --- a valid barcode has been suggested // (valid barcodes are numbers greater than zero) bool insert_success = true; if ( suggested_barcode < 0 ) { if ( m_vertex_barcodes.count(suggested_barcode) ) { // the suggested_barcode is already used. if ( m_vertex_barcodes[suggested_barcode] == v ) { // but it was used for this vertex ... so everythings ok v->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return true; } insert_success = false; suggested_barcode = 0; } else { // suggested barcode is OK, proceed to insert m_vertex_barcodes[suggested_barcode] = v; v->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return true; } } // // Other possibility -- a valid barcode has not been suggested, // so one is automatically generated if ( suggested_barcode > 0 ) insert_success = false; if ( suggested_barcode >= 0 ) { if ( !m_vertex_barcodes.empty() ) { // in this case we find the highest barcode that was used, // and increment it by 1, (vertex barcodes are negative) suggested_barcode = m_vertex_barcodes.rbegin()->first; --suggested_barcode; } if ( suggested_barcode >= 0 ) suggested_barcode = -1; } // At this point we should have a valid barcode if ( m_vertex_barcodes.count(suggested_barcode) ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::set_barcode ERROR, this should never " << "happen \n report bug to matt.dobbs@cern.ch" << std::endl; } m_vertex_barcodes[suggested_barcode] = v; v->set_barcode_( suggested_barcode ); return insert_success; } /// test to see if we have two valid beam particles bool GenEvent::valid_beam_particles() const { bool have1 = false; bool have2 = false; // first check that both are defined if(m_beam_particle_1 && m_beam_particle_2) { // now look for a match with the particle "list" for ( particle_const_iterator p = particles_begin(); p != particles_end(); ++p ) { if( m_beam_particle_1 == *p ) have1 = true; if( m_beam_particle_2 == *p ) have2 = true; } } if( have1 && have2 ) return true; return false; } /// construct the beam particle information using pointers to GenParticle /// returns false if either GenParticle* is null bool GenEvent::set_beam_particles(GenParticle* bp1, GenParticle* bp2) { m_beam_particle_1 = bp1; m_beam_particle_2 = bp2; if( m_beam_particle_1 && m_beam_particle_2 ) return true; return false; } /// construct the beam particle information using a std::pair of pointers to GenParticle /// returns false if either GenParticle* is null bool GenEvent::set_beam_particles(std::pair const & bp) { return set_beam_particles(bp.first,bp.second); } void GenEvent::write_units( std::ostream & os ) const { os << " Momenutm units:" << std::setw(8) << name(momentum_unit()); os << " Position units:" << std::setw(8) << name(length_unit()); os << std::endl; } void GenEvent::write_cross_section( std::ostream& os ) const { // write the GenCrossSection information if the cross section was set if( !cross_section() ) return; if( cross_section()->is_set() ) { os << " Cross Section: " << cross_section()->cross_section() ; os << " +/- " << cross_section()->cross_section_error() ; os << std::endl; } } bool GenEvent::use_momentum_unit( Units::MomentumUnit newunit ) { // currently not exception-safe. // Easy to fix, though, if needed. if ( m_momentum_unit != newunit ) { const double factor = Units::conversion_factor( m_momentum_unit, newunit ); // multiply all momenta by 'factor', // loop is entered only if particle list is not empty for ( GenEvent::particle_iterator p = particles_begin(); p != particles_end(); ++p ) { (*p)->convert_momentum(factor); } // ... m_momentum_unit = newunit; } return true; } bool GenEvent::use_length_unit( Units::LengthUnit newunit ) { // currently not exception-safe. // Easy to fix, though, if needed. if ( m_position_unit != newunit ) { const double factor = Units::conversion_factor( m_position_unit, newunit ); // multiply all lengths by 'factor', // loop is entered only if vertex list is not empty for ( GenEvent::vertex_iterator vtx = vertices_begin(); vtx != vertices_end(); ++vtx ) { (*vtx)->convert_position(factor); } // ... m_position_unit = newunit; } return true; } bool GenEvent::use_momentum_unit( std::string& newunit ) { if ( newunit == "MEV" ) return use_momentum_unit( Units::MEV ); else if( newunit == "GEV" ) return use_momentum_unit( Units::GEV ); else std::cerr << "GenEvent::use_momentum_unit ERROR: use either MEV or GEV\n"; return false; } bool GenEvent::use_length_unit( std::string& newunit ) { if ( newunit == "MM" ) return use_length_unit( Units::MM ); else if( newunit == "CM" ) return use_length_unit( Units::CM ); else std::cerr << "GenEvent::use_length_unit ERROR: use either MEV or GEV\n"; return false; } bool GenEvent::is_valid() const { /// A GenEvent is presumed valid if it has both associated /// particles and vertices. No other information is checked. if ( vertices_empty() ) return false; if ( particles_empty() ) return false; return true; } std::ostream & GenEvent::write_beam_particles(std::ostream & os, std::pair pr ) { GenParticle* p = pr.first; if(!p) { detail::output( os, 0 ); } else { detail::output( os, p->barcode() ); } p = pr.second; if(!p) { detail::output( os, 0 ); } else { detail::output( os, p->barcode() ); } return os; } std::ostream & GenEvent::write_vertex(std::ostream & os, GenVertex const * v) { if ( !v || !os ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::write_vertex !v||!os, " << "v="<< v << " setting badbit" << std::endl; os.clear(std::ios::badbit); return os; } // First collect info we need // count the number of orphan particles going into v int num_orphans_in = 0; for ( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator p1 = v->particles_in_const_begin(); p1 != v->particles_in_const_end(); ++p1 ) { if ( !(*p1)->production_vertex() ) ++num_orphans_in; } // os << 'V'; detail::output( os, v->barcode() ); // v's unique identifier detail::output( os, v->id() ); detail::output( os, v->position().x() ); detail::output( os, v->position().y() ); detail::output( os, v->position().z() ); detail::output( os, v->position().t() ); detail::output( os, num_orphans_in ); detail::output( os, (int)v->particles_out_size() ); detail::output( os, (int)v->weights().size() ); for ( WeightContainer::const_iterator w = v->weights().begin(); w != v->weights().end(); ++w ) { detail::output( os, *w ); } detail::output( os,'\n'); // incoming particles for ( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator p2 = v->particles_in_const_begin(); p2 != v->particles_in_const_end(); ++p2 ) { if ( !(*p2)->production_vertex() ) { write_particle( os, *p2 ); } } // outgoing particles for ( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator p3 = v->particles_out_const_begin(); p3 != v->particles_out_const_end(); ++p3 ) { write_particle( os, *p3 ); } return os; } std::ostream & GenEvent::write_particle( std::ostream & os, GenParticle const * p ) { if ( !p || !os ) { std::cerr << "GenEvent::write_particle !p||!os, " << "p="<< p << " setting badbit" << std::endl; os.clear(std::ios::badbit); return os; } os << 'P'; detail::output( os, p->barcode() ); detail::output( os, p->pdg_id() ); detail::output( os, p->momentum().px() ); detail::output( os, p->momentum().py() ); detail::output( os, p->momentum().pz() ); detail::output( os, p->momentum().e() ); detail::output( os, p->generated_mass() ); detail::output( os, p->status() ); detail::output( os, p->polarization().theta() ); detail::output( os, p->polarization().phi() ); // since end_vertex is oftentimes null, this CREATES a null vertex // in the map detail::output( os, ( p->end_vertex() ? p->end_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) ); os << ' ' << p->flow() << "\n"; return os; } } // HepMC