//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef HEPMC_FLOW_H #define HEPMC_FLOW_H ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matt.Dobbs@Cern.CH, January 2000, refer to: // M. Dobbs and J.B. Hansen, "The HepMC C++ Monte Carlo Event Record for // High Energy Physics", Computer Physics Communications (to be published). // // particle's flow object // keeps track of an arbitrary number of flow patterns within a graph // (i.e. color flow, charge flow, lepton number flow, ...) // Flow patterns are coded with an integer, in the same manner as in Herwig. // Note: 0 is NOT allowed as code index nor as flow code since it // is used to indicate null. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This class can be used to keep track of flow patterns within // a graph. An example is color flow. If we have two quarks going through // an s-channel gluon to form two more quarks: // // \q1 /q3 then we can keep track of the color flow with the // \_______/ HepMC::Flow class as follows: // / g \. // /q2 \q4 // // lets say the color flows from q2-->g-->q3 and q1-->g-->q4 // the individual colors are unimportant, but the flow pattern is. // We can capture this flow by assigning the first pattern (q2-->g-->q3) // a unique (arbitrary) flow code 678 and the second pattern (q1-->g-->q4) // flow code 269 ( you can ask HepMC::Flow to choose // a unique code for you using Flow::set_unique_icode() ). // The first two code indices are reserved for color codes, so we store // these codes with the particles as follows: // q2->flow().set_icode(1,678); // g->flow().set_icode(1,678); // q3->flow().set_icode(1,678); // q1->flow().set_icode(1,269); // g->flow().set_icode(2,269); // q4->flow().set_icode(1,269); // later on if we wish to know the color partner of q1 we can ask for a list // of all particles connected via this code to q1 which do have less than // 2 color partners using: // vector result=q1->dangling_connected_partners(q1->icode(1),1,2); // this will return a list containing q1 and q4. // vector result=q1->connected_partners(q1->icode(1),1,2); // would return a list containing q1, g, and q4. // #include #include #include namespace HepMC { class GenParticle; //! The flow object /// /// \class Flow /// The particle's flow object /// keeps track of an arbitrary number of flow patterns within a graph /// (i.e. color flow, charge flow, lepton number flow, ...) /// Flow patterns are coded with an integer, in the same manner as in Herwig. class Flow { /// for printing friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& ostr, const Flow& f ); public: /// default constructor Flow( GenParticle* particle_owner = 0 ); /// copy Flow( const Flow& ); virtual ~Flow(); /// swap void swap( Flow & other); /// make a copy Flow& operator=( const Flow& ); /// equality bool operator==( const Flow& a ) const; //compares only flow /// inequality bool operator!=( const Flow& a ) const; //patterns not owner /// print Flow information to ostr void print( std::ostream& ostr = std::cout ) const; /// returns all connected particles which have "code" in any of the /// num_indices beginning with index code_index. std::vector connected_partners( int code, int code_index =1, int num_indices = 2 ) const; /// same as connected_partners, but returns only those particles which /// are connected to <=1 other particles (i.e. the flow line "dangles" /// at these particles) std::vector dangling_connected_partners( int code, int code_index = 1, int num_indices = 2 ) const; //////////////////// // access methods // //////////////////// /// find particle owning this Flow const GenParticle* particle_owner() const; /// flow code int icode( int code_index = 1 ) const; /// set flow code Flow set_icode( int code_index, int code ); /// set unique flow code Flow set_unique_icode( int code_index = 1 ); ////////////////////// // container access // ////////////////////// /// return true if there is no flow container bool empty() const; /// size of flow pattern container int size() const; /// clear flow patterns void clear(); /// empty flow pattern container bool erase( int code_index ); /// iterator for flow pattern container typedef std::map::iterator iterator; /// const iterator for flow pattern container typedef std::map::const_iterator const_iterator; /// beginning of flow pattern container iterator begin(); /// end of flow pattern container iterator end(); /// beginning of flow pattern container const_iterator begin() const; /// end of flow pattern container const_iterator end() const; protected: // intended for internal use only /// for internal use only void connected_partners( std::vector* output, int code, int code_index, int num_indices ) const; /// for internal use only void dangling_connected_partners( std::vector* output, std::vector* visited_particles, int code, int code_index, int num_indices ) const; private: GenParticle* m_particle_owner; std::map m_icode; // stores flow patterns as(code_index,icode) }; /////////////////////////// // INLINE Access Methods // /////////////////////////// inline const GenParticle* Flow::particle_owner() const { return m_particle_owner; } inline int Flow::icode( int code_index ) const { std::map::const_iterator a = m_icode.find(code_index); return a==m_icode.end() ? 0 : (*a).second; } inline Flow Flow::set_icode( int code_index, int code ) { m_icode[code_index] = code; return *this; } inline Flow Flow::set_unique_icode( int flow_num ) { /// use this method if you want to assign a unique flow code, but /// do not want the burden of choosing it yourself m_icode[flow_num] = size_t(this); return *this; } inline bool Flow::empty() const { return (bool)m_icode.empty(); } inline int Flow::size() const { return (int)m_icode.size(); } inline void Flow::clear() { m_icode.clear(); } inline bool Flow::erase( int code_index ) { return (bool)m_icode.erase( code_index ); } inline Flow::iterator Flow::begin() { return m_icode.begin(); } inline Flow::iterator Flow::end() { return m_icode.end(); } inline Flow::const_iterator Flow::begin() const { return m_icode.begin(); } inline Flow::const_iterator Flow::end() const { return m_icode.end(); } /////////////////////////// // INLINE Operators // /////////////////////////// inline bool Flow::operator==( const Flow& a ) const { /// equivalent flows have the same flow codes for all flow_numbers /// (i.e. their m_icode maps are identical), but they need not have the /// same m_particle owner return (m_icode == a.m_icode); } inline bool Flow::operator!=( const Flow& a ) const { return !( *this == a ); } inline Flow& Flow::operator=( const Flow& inflow ) { /// copies only the m_icode ... not the particle_owner /// this is intuitive behaviour so you can do /// oneparticle->flow() = otherparticle->flow() // m_icode = inflow.m_icode; return *this; } } // HepMC #endif // HEPMC_FLOW_H //--------------------------------------------------------------------------