/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --<--<-- A fast simulator --<--<-- * * / --<--<-- of particle --<--<-- * * ----HECTOR----< * * \ -->-->-- transport through -->-->-- * * -->-->-- generic beamlines -->-->-- * * * * JINST 2:P09005 (2007) * * X Rouby, J de Favereau, K Piotrzkowski (CP3) * * http://www.fynu.ucl.ac.be/hector.html * * * * Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology * * Universite catholique de Louvain * * Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /// \file H_TransportMatrices.cc /// \brief Includes the implementation of every transport matrix. // c++ #includes #include // C #includes #include // local #includes #include "H_Parameters.h" #include "H_TransportMatrices.h" using namespace std; bool relative_energy = 1; // caution : do not change particle mass, not implemented yet. extern double omega(const double k, const double l) { // [l] = [m] and [k] = [1/m^2] for quadrupoles // [omega] = [1] return sqrt(fabs(k))*l; } extern double radius(const double k) { // [k] = [1/m^2] for quadrupoles // [k] = [1/m] for dipoles // [radius(k)] = [m] if(k==0 && VERBOSE) cout<<" ERROR : Dipole has no effect : results will be corrupted"< driftmat" in every matrix below (ex vquatmat) return (k==0) ? 1 : 1/k; } extern void printMatrix(TMatrix TMat) { char temp[20]; float * el = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; el = (TMat.GetMatrixArray()); cout << endl << "\t"; for(int i=0;i0) {sprintf(temp," %.5e",el[i]);} else {sprintf(temp," 0 ");} cout << temp << " "; if((i+1)%MDIM == 0) { cout << endl << "\t"; } } cout << endl; } extern TMatrix vquadmat(const float l, const float k, const float eloss = 0., const float p_mass=MP, const float p_charge=QP) { // the length l is in [m] // the strength k is in [1/m�] for quadrupoles // eloss in [GeV] // ke is the modified field with respect to the eloss // k = e/p * dB/dx with p = mv (and m = MP) // k -> ke = k * p/ (p - dp) <- chromacity // ke -> ke * p_charge / QP <- if not a proton // ke = 0 if charge = 0, whatever the mass const double p0 = sqrt( (BE-MP)*(BE+MP) ); const double E = BE - eloss; const double p = sqrt( (E-p_mass)*(E+p_mass) ); const float ke = (p_charge==0) ? 0 : k* p0/p *p_charge/QP; if (ke==0) { TMatrix drift(driftmat(l)); return drift; } // else... : float om = omega(ke,l); float * mat = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; float tmat[MDIM*MDIM] = {cosh(om),sqrt(ke)*sinh(om),0.,0., 0.,0., (1/sqrt(ke))*sinh(om),cosh(om),0.,0., 0.,0., 0.,0.,cos(om),-sqrt(ke)*sin(om), 0.,0., 0.,0.,(1/sqrt(ke))*sin(om),cos(om), 0.,0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }; for (int i=0; i ke = k * p/ (p- dp) <- chromacity // ke -> ke *p_charge/QP <- if not a proton const double p0 = sqrt( (BE-MP)*(BE+MP) ); const double E = BE - eloss; const double p = sqrt( (E-p_mass)*(E+p_mass) ); const float ke = (p_charge==0) ? 0 : fabs(k* p0/p) *p_charge/QP; if (ke==0) { TMatrix drift(driftmat(l)); return drift; } float om = omega(ke,l); float * mat = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; float tmat[MDIM*MDIM] = {cos(om),-sqrt(ke)*sin(om),0.,0., 0., 0., (1/sqrt(ke))*sin(om),cos(om),0.,0., 0., 0., 0.,0.,cosh(om),sqrt(ke)*sinh(om), 0., 0., 0.,0.,(1/sqrt(ke))*sinh(om),cosh(om), 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }; for(int i=0;i ke = k * p/ (p- dp) <- chromacity // ke -> ke * q_mass/QP <- if not a proton const double p0 = sqrt( (BE-MP)*(BE+MP) ); const double E = BE - eloss; const double p = sqrt( (E-p_mass)*(E+p_mass) ); const float ke = (p_charge==0) ? 0 : k* p0/p *p_charge/QP; if (ke==0) { TMatrix drift(driftmat(l)); return drift; } float r = radius(ke); float * mat = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; float * efmat = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; double simp = r*2*sin(l/(2*r))*sin(l/(2*r))/BE; double psy = ke*l/2.; float tefmat[MDIM*MDIM] = {1., tan(psy)*ke, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., -tan(psy)*ke, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }; float tmat[MDIM*MDIM] = {cos(l/r),(-1/r)*sin(l/r),0.,0., 0., 0., r*sin(l/r),cos(l/r),0.,0., 0., 0., 0.,0.,1.,0., 0., 0., 0.,0.,l,1., 0., 0., simp, sin(l/r)/BE, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }; for(int i=0;i ke = k * p/ (p- dp) <- chromacity // ke -> ke * q_mass/QP <- if not a proton const double p0 = sqrt( (BE-MP)*(BE+MP) ); const double E = BE - eloss; const double p = sqrt( (E-p_mass)*(E+p_mass) ); const float ke = (p_charge==0) ? 0 : k* p0/p *p_charge/QP; if (ke==0) { TMatrix drift(driftmat(l)); return drift; } extern bool relative_energy; float r = radius(ke); float * mat = new float[MDIM*MDIM]; float simp = 2*r*sin(l/(2*r))*sin(l/(2*r))/BE; float tmat[MDIM*MDIM] = {cos(l/r),(-1/r)*sin(l/r),0.,0., 0., 0., r*sin(l/r),cos(l/r),0.,0., 0., 0., 0.,0.,1.,0., 0., 0., 0.,0.,l,1., 0., 0., simp, sin(l/r)/BE, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }; if(!relative_energy) { tmat[24] = 0; tmat[25] = 0; } for(int i=0;i