/* ---- Hector the simulator ---- A fast simulator of particles through generic beamlines. J. de Favereau, X. Rouby ~~~ hector_devel@cp3.phys.ucl.ac.be http://www.fynu.ucl.ac.be/hector.html Centre de Physique des Particules et de Phénoménologie (CP3) Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) */ /// \file H_RectangularDipole.cc /// \brief Classes aiming at simulating LHC beam rectangular dipoles #include "H_RectangularDipole.h" #include "H_TransportMatrices.h" void H_RectangularDipole::setMatrix(const float eloss, const float p_mass, const float p_charge) { if (fk !=0 ) element_mat = rdipmat(element_length,fk,eloss,p_mass,p_charge); else { element_mat = driftmat(element_length); if(VERBOSE) cout<<" WARNING : k0= 0, drift-like dipole (" << name << ") !" << endl; } return ; } H_RectangularDipole* H_RectangularDipole::clone() const { H_RectangularDipole* temp_dip = new H_RectangularDipole(name,fs,fk,element_length); temp_dip->setAperture(element_aperture); temp_dip->setX(xpos); temp_dip->setY(ypos); temp_dip->setTX(txpos); temp_dip->setTY(typos); temp_dip->setBetaX(betax); temp_dip->setBetaY(betay); return temp_dip; }