To install Delphes: ________________________ 1) untar the sources: tar -xvf Delphes_V_1.8.tar.gz 2) go to the directory: cd Delphes_V_1.8 3) generate the Makefile corresponding to your environment: ./genMakefile.tcl > Makefile 4) compile the sources make If the compilation succeeds, one reads: Delphes has been compiled Ready to run In case of troubles with the compilation of FROG, it is probable that you miss the libGL packages. Here are some hints to install these on Linux: On Fedora: sudo yum install mesa-libGL* On Ubuntu: sudo apg-get install libgl1-mesa To run Delphes: ______________________ 1) create a list of input files that you want to process, - with one file name (or path/name) per line - all files should be of the same type in a given list-file. name your list-file as you prefer, for instance "inputlist.list" 2) run the command line ./Delphes inputlist.list outputfile.root 3) this will run Delphes. Once completed, you should have the file "outputfile.root" ready for analyses. To run particular setup files: _______________________________ Usage: ./Delphes input_file output_file [detector_card] [trigger_card] input_list - list of files in Ntpl, StdHep, HepMC or LHEF format, output_file - output file. detector_card - Datacard containing resolution variables for the detector simulation (optional) trigger_card - Datacard containing the trigger algorithms (optional) The default detector and trigger cards for the ATLAS and CMS detectors are located in the "data/" subdirectory data/DetectorCard_ATLAS.dat & data/TriggerCard_ATLAS.dat data/DetectorCard_CMS.dat & data/TriggerCard_CMS.dat data/DetectorCard.dat & data/TriggerCard.dat For more details, have a look at the User Manual at the end of this document arXiv:0903.2225v1 [hep-ph] -- last change 05/11/2009 --