/*********************************************************************** ** ** ** /----------------------------------------------\ ** ** | Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation | ** ** | of a generic collider experiment | ** ** \----------------------------------------------/ ** ** ** ** ** ** This package uses: ** ** ------------------ ** ** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] ** ** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] ** ** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] ** ** ** ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** ** ** ** Main authors: ** ** ------------- ** ** ** ** Severine Ovyn Xavier Rouby ** ** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern ** ** ** ** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) ** ** Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) ** ** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2008-2009, ** ** All rights reserved. ** ** ** ***********************************************************************/ #include "Examples/interface/Analysis_Ex.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //******************************Debut de l'analyse**************************************** //***************************************************************************************** Analysis_Ex::Analysis_Ex(string CardWithCuts,string LogName) { string temp_string; istringstream curstring; ifstream fichier_a_lire(CardWithCuts.c_str()); if(!fichier_a_lire.good()) { cout << "DataCardname " << CardWithCuts << " not found, use default values" << endl; return; } while (getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string)) { curstring.clear(); // needed when using several times istringstream::str(string) curstring.str(temp_string); string varname; float value; if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"#")) { }//remove comments else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PT_ELEC")){curstring >> varname >> value; PT_ELEC = value;} else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PT_MUON")){curstring >> varname >> value; PT_MUON = value;} else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"INV_MASS_LL")){curstring >> varname >> value; INV_MASS_LL = value;} } ofstream f_out(LogName.c_str(),ofstream::app); f_out<<"*******************************************************************"<UseBranch("Particle"); //to get the reconstructed level information const TClonesArray *JET = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("Jet"); const TClonesArray *TAUJET = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("TauJet"); const TClonesArray *PHOTO = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("Photon"); const TClonesArray *ELEC = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("Electron"); const TClonesArray *MUON = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("Muon"); const TClonesArray *TRACKS = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("Tracks"); const TClonesArray *CALO = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("CaloTower"); //to get the VFD reconstructed level information const TClonesArray *ZDC = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("ZDChits"); const TClonesArray *RP220 = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("RP220hits"); const TClonesArray *FP420 = treeReaderRec->UseBranch("FP420hits"); //to get the trigger information const TClonesArray *TRIGGER = treeReaderTrig->UseBranch("TrigResult"); //Define the branches that will be filled during the analysis ExRootTreeBranch *INVMASS = treeWriter->NewBranch("INVMass", TRootInvm::Class()); TRootInvm *inv_mass; //******************************************* //run on the events Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReaderRec->GetEntries(); cout << "** Chain contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl; total=allEntries; //general information float E,Px,Py,Pz; float PT,Eta,Phi; //lepton information bool IsolFlag; //bjet information bool Btag; //Particle level information int PID, Status, M1,M2,D1,D2; float Charge, T, X, Y, Z, M; //VFD information float S,q2,Tx,Ty; int side; bool hadronic_hit; for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) { treeReaderGen->ReadEntry(entry);//access information of generated information treeReaderRec->ReadEntry(entry);//access information of reconstructed information treeReaderTrig->ReadEntry(entry);//access information of Trigger information //***************************************************** //Example how to run on the generator level information //***************************************************** TIter itGen((TCollection*)GEN); TRootC::GenParticle *gen; itGen.Reset(); while( (gen = (TRootC::GenParticle*) itGen.Next()) ) { PID = gen->PID; // particle HEP ID number Status = gen->Status; // particle status M1 = gen->M1; // particle 1st mother M2 = gen->M2; // particle 2nd mother D1 = gen->D1; // particle 1st daughter D2 = gen->D2; // particle 2nd daughter Charge = gen->Charge; // electrical charge T = gen->T; // particle vertex position (t component) X = gen->X; // particle vertex position (x component) Y = gen->Y; // particle vertex position (y component) Z = gen->Z; // particle vertex position (z component) M = gen->M; // particle mass } //*********************************************** //Example how to run on the reconstructed objects //*********************************************** //access the Electron branch TIter itElec((TCollection*)ELEC); TRootElectron *elec; itElec.Reset(); while( (elec = (TRootElectron*) itElec.Next()) ) { E = elec->E; // particle energy in GeV Px = elec->Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV Py = elec->Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV Pz = elec->Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV PT = elec->PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV Eta = elec->Eta; // particle pseudorapidity Phi = elec->Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad IsolFlag = elec->IsolFlag; // is the particule isolated? } //Running on the muon branch is identical: TIter itMuon((TCollection*)MUON); TRootMuon *muon; itMuon.Reset(); while( (muon = (TRootMuon*) itMuon.Next()) ){} //access the Photon branch TIter itGam((TCollection*)PHOTO); TRootPhoton *gam; itGam.Reset(); while( (gam = (TRootPhoton*) itGam.Next()) ) { E = gam->E; // particle energy in GeV Px = gam->Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV Py = gam->Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV Pz = gam->Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV PT = gam->PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV Eta = gam->Eta; // particle pseudorapidity Phi = gam->Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad } //access the jet branch TIter itJet((TCollection*)JET); TRootJet *jet; itJet.Reset(); while( (jet = (TRootJet*) itJet.Next()) ) { E = jet->E; // particle energy in GeV Px = jet->Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV Py = jet->Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV Pz = jet->Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV PT = jet->PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV Eta = jet->Eta; // particle pseudorapidity Phi = jet->Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad Btag = jet->Btag; // is the jet BTagged } //Running on the tau-jet branch is identical: TIter itTaujet((TCollection*)TAUJET); TRootTauJet *taujet; itTaujet.Reset(); while( (taujet = (TRootTauJet*) itTaujet.Next()) ){} //access the track branch TIter itTrack((TCollection*)TRACKS); TRootTracks *tracks; itTrack.Reset(); while( (tracks = (TRootTracks*) itTrack.Next()) ) { E = tracks->E; // particle energy in GeV Px = tracks->Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV Py = tracks->Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV Pz = tracks->Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV PT = tracks->PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV Eta = tracks->Eta; // particle pseudorapidity Phi = tracks->Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad } //Running on the calo branch is identical: TIter itCalo((TCollection*)CALO); TRootCalo *calo; itCalo.Reset(); while( (calo = (TRootCalo*) itCalo.Next()) ){} //*************************************************** //Example how to run on the VFD reconstructed objects //*************************************************** //access the ZDC branch TIter itZdc((TCollection*)ZDC); TRootZdcHits *zdc; itZdc.Reset(); while( (zdc = (TRootZdcHits*) itZdc.Next()) ) { E = zdc->E; // particle energy in GeV T = zdc->T; // time of flight [s] /* Px = zdc->Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV Py = zdc->Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV Pz = zdc->Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV PT = zdc->PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV Eta = zdc->Eta; // particle pseudorapidity Phi = zdc->Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad */ side = zdc->side; // -1 or +1 //hadronic_hit = zdc->hadronic_hit; // true if neutron, false if photon } //access the RP220 branch TIter itRp220((TCollection*)RP220); TRootRomanPotHits *rp220; itRp220.Reset(); while( (rp220 = (TRootRomanPotHits*) itRp220.Next()) ) { //T = rp220->T; // time of flight to the detector [s] S = rp220->S; // distance to the IP [m] E = rp220->E; // reconstructed energy [GeV] q2 = rp220->q2; // reconstructed squared momentum transfer [GeV^2] X = rp220->X; // horizontal distance to the beam [um] Y = rp220->Y; // vertical distance to the beam [um] Tx = rp220->Tx; // angle of the momentum in the horizontal (x,z) plane [urad] Ty = rp220->Ty; // angle of the momentum in the verical (y,z) plane [urad] T = rp220->T; // time of arrival of the particle in the detector [s] side = rp220->side; // -1 or 1 } //running on FP420 branch is identical TIter itFp420((TCollection*)FP420); TRootRomanPotHits *fp420; itFp420.Reset(); while( (fp420 = (TRootRomanPotHits*) itFp420.Next()) ){} //********************************************* //Example how to run on the trigger information //********************************************* TRootTrigger *trig; int NumTrigBit = TRIGGER->GetEntries(); //get the global response of the trigger bool GlobalResponse=false; if(NumTrigBit!=0)GlobalResponse=true; //cout<<"GlobalResponse "<At(i); cout<<"The event has been accepted by the trigger number: "<Accepted< el=SubArrayEl(ELEC,PT_ELEC);//the central isolated electrons, pt > PT_ELEC GeV TSimpleArray mu=SubArrayMu(MUON,PT_MUON);//the central isolated electrons, pt > PT_MUON GeV Int_t numElec=el.GetEntries(); if(el.GetEntries()+mu.GetEntries()!=2)continue;//Exactly 2 isolated leptons are needed cut_1++;//event accepted for(Int_t i=0;i < numElec; i++)Lept[i].SetPxPyPzE(el[i]->Px,el[i]->Py,el[i]->Pz,el[i]->E); for(Int_t k = numElec; k < (numElec+mu.GetEntries()); k++)Lept[k].SetPxPyPzE(mu[k-numElec]->Px,mu[k-numElec]->Py,mu[k-numElec]->Pz,mu[k-numElec]->E); cout<<"normalement il y a quelque chose... "<NewEntry(); inv_mass->M=(Lept[0]+Lept[1]).M(); if((Lept[0]+Lept[1]).M() > INV_MASS_LL )continue;// the invariant mass should be < INV_MASS_LL cut_2++;//event accepted treeWriter->Fill(); } treeWriter->Write(); } void Analysis_Ex::WriteOutput(string LogName) { ofstream f_out(LogName.c_str(),ofstream::app); f_out<<"*******************************************************************"< Analysis_Ex::SubArrayEl(const TClonesArray *ELEC,float pt) { TIter itElec((TCollection*)ELEC); TRootElectron *elec; itElec.Reset(); TSimpleArray array; while( (elec = (TRootElectron*) itElec.Next()) ) { if(elec->PT Analysis_Ex::SubArrayMu(const TClonesArray *MUON,float pt) { TIter itMuon((TCollection*)MUON); TRootMuon *muon; itMuon.Reset(); TSimpleArray array; while( (muon = (TRootMuon*) itMuon.Next()) ) { if(muon->PT