/* * Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "TApplication.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h" #include "classes/DelphesHepMC3Reader.h" #include "modules/Delphes.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootProgressBar.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeBranch.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeWriter.h" using namespace std; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool interrupted = false; void SignalHandler(int sig) { interrupted = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char appName[] = "DelphesHepMC3"; stringstream message; FILE *inputFile = 0; TFile *outputFile = 0; TStopwatch readStopWatch, procStopWatch; ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = 0; ExRootTreeBranch *branchEvent = 0, *branchWeight = 0; ExRootConfReader *confReader = 0; Delphes *modularDelphes = 0; DelphesFactory *factory = 0; TObjArray *stableParticleOutputArray = 0, *allParticleOutputArray = 0, *partonOutputArray = 0; DelphesHepMC3Reader *reader = 0; Int_t i, maxEvents, skipEvents; Long64_t length, eventCounter; if(argc < 3) { cout << " Usage: " << appName << " config_file" << " output_file" << " [input_file(s)]" << endl; cout << " config_file - configuration file in Tcl format," << endl; cout << " output_file - output file in ROOT format," << endl; cout << " input_file(s) - input file(s) in HepMC format," << endl; cout << " with no input_file, or when input_file is -, read standard input." << endl; return 1; } signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler); gROOT->SetBatch(); int appargc = 1; char *appargv[] = {appName}; TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv); try { outputFile = TFile::Open(argv[2], "CREATE"); if(outputFile == NULL) { message << "can't create output file " << argv[2]; throw runtime_error(message.str()); } treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputFile, "Delphes"); branchEvent = treeWriter->NewBranch("Event", HepMCEvent::Class()); branchWeight = treeWriter->NewBranch("Weight", Weight::Class()); confReader = new ExRootConfReader; confReader->ReadFile(argv[1]); maxEvents = confReader->GetInt("::MaxEvents", 0); skipEvents = confReader->GetInt("::SkipEvents", 0); if(maxEvents < 0) { throw runtime_error("MaxEvents must be zero or positive"); } if(skipEvents < 0) { throw runtime_error("SkipEvents must be zero or positive"); } modularDelphes = new Delphes("Delphes"); modularDelphes->SetConfReader(confReader); modularDelphes->SetTreeWriter(treeWriter); factory = modularDelphes->GetFactory(); allParticleOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("allParticles"); stableParticleOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("stableParticles"); partonOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("partons"); reader = new DelphesHepMC3Reader; modularDelphes->InitTask(); i = 3; do { if(interrupted) break; if(i == argc || strncmp(argv[i], "-", 2) == 0) { cout << "** Reading standard input" << endl; inputFile = stdin; length = -1; } else { cout << "** Reading " << argv[i] << endl; inputFile = fopen(argv[i], "r"); if(inputFile == NULL) { message << "can't open " << argv[i]; throw runtime_error(message.str()); } fseek(inputFile, 0L, SEEK_END); length = ftello(inputFile); fseek(inputFile, 0L, SEEK_SET); if(length <= 0) { fclose(inputFile); ++i; continue; } } reader->SetInputFile(inputFile); ExRootProgressBar progressBar(length); // Loop over all objects eventCounter = 0; treeWriter->Clear(); modularDelphes->Clear(); reader->Clear(); readStopWatch.Start(); while((maxEvents <= 0 || eventCounter - skipEvents < maxEvents) && reader->ReadBlock(factory, allParticleOutputArray, stableParticleOutputArray, partonOutputArray) && !interrupted) { if(reader->EventReady()) { ++eventCounter; readStopWatch.Stop(); if(eventCounter > skipEvents) { procStopWatch.Start(); modularDelphes->ProcessTask(); procStopWatch.Stop(); reader->AnalyzeEvent(branchEvent, eventCounter, &readStopWatch, &procStopWatch); reader->AnalyzeWeight(branchWeight); treeWriter->Fill(); treeWriter->Clear(); } modularDelphes->Clear(); reader->Clear(); readStopWatch.Start(); } progressBar.Update(ftello(inputFile), eventCounter); } fseek(inputFile, 0L, SEEK_END); progressBar.Update(ftello(inputFile), eventCounter, kTRUE); progressBar.Finish(); if(inputFile != stdin) fclose(inputFile); ++i; } while(i < argc); modularDelphes->FinishTask(); treeWriter->Write(); cout << "** Exiting..." << endl; delete reader; delete modularDelphes; delete confReader; delete treeWriter; delete outputFile; return 0; } catch(runtime_error &e) { if(treeWriter) delete treeWriter; if(outputFile) delete outputFile; cerr << "** ERROR: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } }