/* * Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \class TreeWriter * * Fills ROOT tree branches. * * \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve * */ #include "modules/TreeWriter.h" #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h" #include "classes/DelphesFormula.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeBranch.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TString.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TreeWriter::TreeWriter() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TreeWriter::~TreeWriter() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::Init() { fClassMap[GenParticle::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessParticles; fClassMap[Vertex::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessVertices; fClassMap[Track::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessTracks; fClassMap[Tower::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessTowers; fClassMap[ParticleFlowCandidate::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessParticleFlowCandidates; fClassMap[Photon::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessPhotons; fClassMap[Electron::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessElectrons; fClassMap[Muon::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessMuons; fClassMap[Jet::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessJets; fClassMap[MissingET::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessMissingET; fClassMap[ScalarHT::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessScalarHT; fClassMap[Rho::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessRho; fClassMap[Weight::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessWeight; fClassMap[HectorHit::Class()] = &TreeWriter::ProcessHectorHit; TBranchMap::iterator itBranchMap; map::iterator itClassMap; // read branch configuration and // import array with output from filter/classifier/jetfinder modules ExRootConfParam param = GetParam("Branch"); Long_t i, size; TString branchName, branchClassName, branchInputArray; TClass *branchClass; TObjArray *array; ExRootTreeBranch *branch; size = param.GetSize(); for(i = 0; i < size / 3; ++i) { branchInputArray = param[i * 3].GetString(); branchName = param[i * 3 + 1].GetString(); branchClassName = param[i * 3 + 2].GetString(); branchClass = gROOT->GetClass(branchClassName); if(!branchClass) { cout << "** ERROR: cannot find class '" << branchClassName << "'" << endl; continue; } itClassMap = fClassMap.find(branchClass); if(itClassMap == fClassMap.end()) { cout << "** ERROR: cannot create branch for class '" << branchClassName << "'" << endl; continue; } array = ImportArray(branchInputArray); branch = NewBranch(branchName, branchClass); fBranchMap.insert(make_pair(branch, make_pair(itClassMap->second, array))); } param = GetParam("Info"); TString infoName; Double_t infoValue; size = param.GetSize(); for(i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i) { infoName = param[i * 2].GetString(); infoValue = param[i * 2 + 1].GetDouble(); AddInfo(infoName, infoValue); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::Finish() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::FillParticles(Candidate *candidate, TRefArray *array) { TIter it1(candidate->GetCandidates()); it1.Reset(); array->Clear(); while((candidate = static_cast(it1.Next()))) { TIter it2(candidate->GetCandidates()); // particle if(candidate->GetCandidates()->GetEntriesFast() == 0) { array->Add(candidate); continue; } // track candidate = static_cast(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0)); if(candidate->GetCandidates()->GetEntriesFast() == 0) { array->Add(candidate); continue; } // tower it2.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(it2.Next()))) { array->Add(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0)); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessParticles(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; GenParticle *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; // loop over all particles iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->SetBit(kIsReferenced); entry->SetUniqueID(candidate->GetUniqueID()); pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry->PID = candidate->PID; entry->Status = candidate->Status; entry->IsPU = candidate->IsPU; entry->M1 = candidate->M1; entry->M2 = candidate->M2; entry->D1 = candidate->D1; entry->D2 = candidate->D2; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; entry->Mass = candidate->Mass; entry->E = momentum.E(); entry->Px = momentum.Px(); entry->Py = momentum.Py(); entry->Pz = momentum.Pz(); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->PT = pt; entry->Rapidity = rapidity; entry->X = position.X(); entry->Y = position.Y(); entry->Z = position.Z(); entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessVertices(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0, *constituent = 0; Vertex *entry = 0; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; Double_t x, y, z, t, xError, yError, zError, tError, sigma, sumPT2, btvSumPT2, genDeltaZ, genSumPT2; UInt_t index, ndf; CompBase *compare = Candidate::fgCompare; Candidate::fgCompare = CompSumPT2::Instance(); array->Sort(); Candidate::fgCompare = compare; // loop over all vertices iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { index = candidate->ClusterIndex; ndf = candidate->ClusterNDF; sigma = candidate->ClusterSigma; sumPT2 = candidate->SumPT2; btvSumPT2 = candidate->BTVSumPT2; genDeltaZ = candidate->GenDeltaZ; genSumPT2 = candidate->GenSumPT2; x = candidate->Position.X(); y = candidate->Position.Y(); z = candidate->Position.Z(); t = candidate->Position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; xError = candidate->PositionError.X(); yError = candidate->PositionError.Y(); zError = candidate->PositionError.Z(); tError = candidate->PositionError.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Index = index; entry->NDF = ndf; entry->Sigma = sigma; entry->SumPT2 = sumPT2; entry->BTVSumPT2 = btvSumPT2; entry->GenDeltaZ = genDeltaZ; entry->GenSumPT2 = genSumPT2; entry->X = x; entry->Y = y; entry->Z = z; entry->T = t; entry->ErrorX = xError; entry->ErrorY = yError; entry->ErrorZ = zError; entry->ErrorT = tError; TIter itConstituents(candidate->GetCandidates()); itConstituents.Reset(); entry->Constituents.Clear(); while((constituent = static_cast(itConstituents.Next()))) { entry->Constituents.Add(constituent); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessTracks(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Candidate *particle = 0; Track *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity, p, ctgTheta, phi, m; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; // loop over all tracks iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; cosTheta = TMath::Abs(position.CosTheta()); signz = (position.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : position.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : position.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->SetBit(kIsReferenced); entry->SetUniqueID(candidate->GetUniqueID()); entry->PID = candidate->PID; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; entry->EtaOuter = eta; entry->PhiOuter = position.Phi(); entry->XOuter = position.X(); entry->YOuter = position.Y(); entry->ZOuter = position.Z(); entry->TOuter = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->L = candidate->L; entry->D0 = candidate->D0; entry->DZ = candidate->DZ; entry->Nclusters = candidate->Nclusters; entry->dNdx = candidate->dNdx; entry->ErrorP = candidate->ErrorP; entry->ErrorPT = candidate->ErrorPT; // diagonal covariance matrix terms entry->ErrorD0 = candidate->ErrorD0; entry->ErrorC = candidate->ErrorC; entry->ErrorPhi = candidate->ErrorPhi; entry->ErrorDZ = candidate->ErrorDZ; entry->ErrorCtgTheta = candidate->ErrorCtgTheta; // add some offdiagonal covariance matrix elements entry->ErrorD0Phi = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,1); entry->ErrorD0C = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,2); entry->ErrorD0DZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,3); entry->ErrorD0CtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,4); entry->ErrorPhiC = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,2); entry->ErrorPhiDZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,3); entry->ErrorPhiCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,4); entry->ErrorCDZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(2,3); entry->ErrorCCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(2,4); entry->ErrorDZCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(3,4); entry->Xd = candidate->Xd; entry->Yd = candidate->Yd; entry->Zd = candidate->Zd; const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; pt = momentum.Pt(); p = momentum.P(); phi = momentum.Phi(); m = momentum.M(); ctgTheta = (TMath::Tan(momentum.Theta()) != 0) ? 1 / TMath::Tan(momentum.Theta()) : 1e10; cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry->P = p; entry->PT = pt; entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = phi; entry->CtgTheta = ctgTheta; entry->C = candidate->C; entry->Mass = m; //particle = static_cast(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0)); //const TLorentzVector &initialPosition = particle->Position; const TLorentzVector &initialPosition = candidate->InitialPosition; entry->X = initialPosition.X(); entry->Y = initialPosition.Y(); entry->Z = initialPosition.Z(); entry->T = initialPosition.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->ErrorT =candidate-> ErrorT * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->Particle = particle; entry->VertexIndex = candidate->ClusterIndex; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessTowers(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Tower *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; // loop over all towers iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->SetBit(kIsReferenced); entry->SetUniqueID(candidate->GetUniqueID()); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->ET = pt; entry->E = momentum.E(); entry->Eem = candidate->Eem; entry->Ehad = candidate->Ehad; entry->Edges[0] = candidate->Edges[0]; entry->Edges[1] = candidate->Edges[1]; entry->Edges[2] = candidate->Edges[2]; entry->Edges[3] = candidate->Edges[3]; entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->NTimeHits = candidate->NTimeHits; FillParticles(candidate, &entry->Particles); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessParticleFlowCandidates(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Candidate *particle = 0; ParticleFlowCandidate *entry = 0; Double_t e, pt, signz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity, p, ctgTheta, phi, m; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; // loop over all tracks iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; cosTheta = TMath::Abs(position.CosTheta()); signz = (position.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : position.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signz * 999.9 : position.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->SetBit(kIsReferenced); entry->SetUniqueID(candidate->GetUniqueID()); entry->PID = candidate->PID; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; entry->EtaOuter = eta; entry->PhiOuter = position.Phi(); entry->XOuter = position.X(); entry->YOuter = position.Y(); entry->ZOuter = position.Z(); entry->TOuter = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->L = candidate->L; entry->D0 = candidate->D0; entry->DZ = candidate->DZ; entry->Nclusters = candidate->Nclusters; entry->dNdx = candidate->dNdx; entry->ErrorP = candidate->ErrorP; entry->ErrorPT = candidate->ErrorPT; entry->ErrorCtgTheta = candidate->ErrorCtgTheta; // diagonal covariance matrix terms entry->ErrorD0 = candidate->ErrorD0; entry->ErrorC = candidate->ErrorC; entry->ErrorPhi = candidate->ErrorPhi; entry->ErrorDZ = candidate->ErrorDZ; entry->ErrorCtgTheta = candidate->ErrorCtgTheta; // add some offdiagonal covariance matrix elements entry->ErrorD0Phi = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,1); entry->ErrorD0C = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,2); entry->ErrorD0DZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,3); entry->ErrorD0CtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(0,4); entry->ErrorPhiC = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,2); entry->ErrorPhiDZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,3); entry->ErrorPhiCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(1,4); entry->ErrorCDZ = candidate->TrackCovariance(2,3); entry->ErrorCCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(2,4); entry->ErrorDZCtgTheta = candidate->TrackCovariance(3,4); entry->Xd = candidate->Xd; entry->Yd = candidate->Yd; entry->Zd = candidate->Zd; const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; e = momentum.E(); pt = momentum.Pt(); p = momentum.P(); phi = momentum.Phi(); m = momentum.M(); ctgTheta = (TMath::Tan(momentum.Theta()) != 0) ? 1 / TMath::Tan(momentum.Theta()) : 1e10; entry->E = e; entry->P = p; entry->PT = pt; entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = phi; entry->CtgTheta = ctgTheta; entry->C = candidate->C; entry->Mass = m; //particle = static_cast(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0)); //const TLorentzVector &initialPosition = particle->Position; const TLorentzVector &initialPosition = candidate->InitialPosition; entry->X = initialPosition.X(); entry->Y = initialPosition.Y(); entry->Z = initialPosition.Z(); entry->T = initialPosition.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->ErrorT = candidate-> ErrorT * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->VertexIndex = candidate->ClusterIndex; entry->Eem = candidate->Eem; entry->Ehad = candidate->Ehad; entry->Edges[0] = candidate->Edges[0]; entry->Edges[1] = candidate->Edges[1]; entry->Edges[2] = candidate->Edges[2]; entry->Edges[3] = candidate->Edges[3]; //entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->NTimeHits = candidate->NTimeHits; FillParticles(candidate, &entry->Particles); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessPhotons(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Photon *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; array->Sort(); // loop over all photons iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { TIter it1(candidate->GetCandidates()); const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->PT = pt; entry->E = momentum.E(); entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; // Isolation variables entry->IsolationVar = candidate->IsolationVar; entry->IsolationVarRhoCorr = candidate->IsolationVarRhoCorr; entry->SumPtCharged = candidate->SumPtCharged; entry->SumPtNeutral = candidate->SumPtNeutral; entry->SumPtChargedPU = candidate->SumPtChargedPU; entry->SumPt = candidate->SumPt; entry->EhadOverEem = candidate->Eem > 0.0 ? candidate->Ehad / candidate->Eem : 999.9; // 1: prompt -- 2: non prompt -- 3: fake entry->Status = candidate->Status; FillParticles(candidate, &entry->Particles); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessElectrons(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Electron *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; array->Sort(); // loop over all electrons iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->PT = pt; entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; // displacement entry->D0 = candidate->D0; entry->ErrorD0 = candidate->ErrorD0; entry->DZ = candidate->DZ; entry->ErrorDZ = candidate->ErrorDZ; // Isolation variables entry->IsolationVar = candidate->IsolationVar; entry->IsolationVarRhoCorr = candidate->IsolationVarRhoCorr; entry->SumPtCharged = candidate->SumPtCharged; entry->SumPtNeutral = candidate->SumPtNeutral; entry->SumPtChargedPU = candidate->SumPtChargedPU; entry->SumPt = candidate->SumPt; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; entry->EhadOverEem = 0.0; entry->Particle = candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessMuons(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Muon *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; array->Sort(); // loop over all muons iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->SetBit(kIsReferenced); entry->SetUniqueID(candidate->GetUniqueID()); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->PT = pt; entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; // displacement entry->D0 = candidate->D0; entry->ErrorD0 = candidate->ErrorD0; entry->DZ = candidate->DZ; entry->ErrorDZ = candidate->ErrorDZ; // Isolation variables entry->IsolationVar = candidate->IsolationVar; entry->IsolationVarRhoCorr = candidate->IsolationVarRhoCorr; entry->SumPtCharged = candidate->SumPtCharged; entry->SumPtNeutral = candidate->SumPtNeutral; entry->SumPtChargedPU = candidate->SumPtChargedPU; entry->SumPt = candidate->SumPt; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; entry->Particle = candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessJets(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0, *constituent = 0; Jet *entry = 0; Double_t pt, signPz, cosTheta, eta, rapidity; Double_t ecalEnergy, hcalEnergy; const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8; Int_t i; array->Sort(); // loop over all jets iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { TIter itConstituents(candidate->GetCandidates()); const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; pt = momentum.Pt(); cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta()); signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Eta()); rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz * 999.9 : momentum.Rapidity()); entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Eta = eta; entry->Phi = momentum.Phi(); entry->PT = pt; entry->T = position.T() * 1.0E-3 / c_light; entry->Mass = momentum.M(); entry->Area = candidate->Area; entry->DeltaEta = candidate->DeltaEta; entry->DeltaPhi = candidate->DeltaPhi; entry->Flavor = candidate->Flavor; entry->FlavorAlgo = candidate->FlavorAlgo; entry->FlavorPhys = candidate->FlavorPhys; entry->BTag = candidate->BTag; entry->BTagAlgo = candidate->BTagAlgo; entry->BTagPhys = candidate->BTagPhys; entry->TauTag = candidate->TauTag; entry->TauWeight = candidate->TauWeight; entry->Charge = candidate->Charge; itConstituents.Reset(); entry->Constituents.Clear(); ecalEnergy = 0.0; hcalEnergy = 0.0; while((constituent = static_cast(itConstituents.Next()))) { entry->Constituents.Add(constituent); ecalEnergy += constituent->Eem; hcalEnergy += constituent->Ehad; } entry->EhadOverEem = ecalEnergy > 0.0 ? hcalEnergy / ecalEnergy : 999.9; //--- Pile-Up Jet ID variables ---- entry->NCharged = candidate->NCharged; entry->NNeutrals = candidate->NNeutrals; entry->NeutralEnergyFraction = candidate->NeutralEnergyFraction; entry->ChargedEnergyFraction = candidate->ChargedEnergyFraction; entry->Beta = candidate->Beta; entry->BetaStar = candidate->BetaStar; entry->MeanSqDeltaR = candidate->MeanSqDeltaR; entry->PTD = candidate->PTD; //--- Sub-structure variables ---- entry->NSubJetsTrimmed = candidate->NSubJetsTrimmed; entry->NSubJetsPruned = candidate->NSubJetsPruned; entry->NSubJetsSoftDropped = candidate->NSubJetsSoftDropped; entry->SoftDroppedJet = candidate->SoftDroppedJet; entry->SoftDroppedSubJet1 = candidate->SoftDroppedSubJet1; entry->SoftDroppedSubJet2 = candidate->SoftDroppedSubJet2; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { entry->FracPt[i] = candidate->FracPt[i]; entry->Tau[i] = candidate->Tau[i]; entry->TrimmedP4[i] = candidate->TrimmedP4[i]; entry->PrunedP4[i] = candidate->PrunedP4[i]; entry->SoftDroppedP4[i] = candidate->SoftDroppedP4[i]; } //--- exclusive clustering variables --- entry->ExclYmerge23 = candidate->ExclYmerge23; entry->ExclYmerge34 = candidate->ExclYmerge34; entry->ExclYmerge45 = candidate->ExclYmerge45; entry->ExclYmerge56 = candidate->ExclYmerge56; FillParticles(candidate, &entry->Particles); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessMissingET(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { Candidate *candidate = 0; MissingET *entry = 0; // get the first entry if((candidate = static_cast(array->At(0)))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Eta = (-momentum).Eta(); entry->Phi = (-momentum).Phi(); entry->MET = momentum.Pt(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessScalarHT(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { Candidate *candidate = 0; ScalarHT *entry = 0; // get the first entry if((candidate = static_cast(array->At(0)))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->HT = momentum.Pt(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessRho(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; Rho *entry = 0; // loop over all rho iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Rho = momentum.E(); entry->Edges[0] = candidate->Edges[0]; entry->Edges[1] = candidate->Edges[1]; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessWeight(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { Candidate *candidate = 0; Weight *entry = 0; // get the first entry if((candidate = static_cast(array->At(0)))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->Weight = momentum.E(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::ProcessHectorHit(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, TObjArray *array) { TIter iterator(array); Candidate *candidate = 0; HectorHit *entry = 0; // loop over all roman pot hits iterator.Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(iterator.Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->Position; const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; entry = static_cast(branch->NewEntry()); entry->E = momentum.E(); entry->Tx = momentum.Px(); entry->Ty = momentum.Py(); entry->T = position.T(); entry->X = position.X(); entry->Y = position.Y(); entry->S = position.Z(); entry->Particle = candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TreeWriter::Process() { TBranchMap::iterator itBranchMap; ExRootTreeBranch *branch; TProcessMethod method; TObjArray *array; for(itBranchMap = fBranchMap.begin(); itBranchMap != fBranchMap.end(); ++itBranchMap) { branch = itBranchMap->first; method = itBranchMap->second.first; array = itBranchMap->second.second; (this->*method)(branch, array); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------