/** \class TrackSmearing * * Performs d0, dZ, p, Theta, Phi smearing of tracks. * * * * \author A. Hart, M. Selvaggi * */ #include "modules/TrackSmearing.h" #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h" #include "classes/DelphesFormula.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TProfile2D.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrackSmearing::TrackSmearing() : fD0Formula(0), fDZFormula(0), fPFormula(0), fCtgThetaFormula(0), fPhiFormula(0), fItInputArray(0) { fD0Formula = new DelphesFormula; fDZFormula = new DelphesFormula; fPFormula = new DelphesFormula; fCtgThetaFormula = new DelphesFormula; fPhiFormula = new DelphesFormula; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrackSmearing::~TrackSmearing() { if(fD0Formula) delete fD0Formula; if(fDZFormula) delete fDZFormula; if(fPFormula) delete fPFormula; if(fCtgThetaFormula) delete fCtgThetaFormula; if(fPhiFormula) delete fPhiFormula; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackSmearing::Init() { // read resolution formula // !!! IF WE WANT TO KEEP ROOT INPUT !!! if (string (GetString("D0ResolutionFormula", "0.0")) != "0.0") { fD0Formula->Compile(GetString("D0ResolutionFormula", "0.0")); fUseD0Formula = true; } else { fD0ResolutionFile = GetString("D0ResolutionFile", "errors.root"); fD0ResolutionHist = GetString("D0ResolutionHist", "d0"); fUseD0Formula = false; } if (string (GetString("DZResolutionFormula", "0.0")) != "0.0") { fDZFormula->Compile(GetString("DZResolutionFormula", "0.0")); fUseDZFormula = true; } else { fDZResolutionFile = GetString("DZResolutionFile", "errors.root"); fDZResolutionHist = GetString("DZResolutionHist", "dz"); fUseDZFormula = false; } if (string (GetString("PResolutionFormula", "0.0")) != "0.0") { fPFormula->Compile(GetString("PResolutionFormula", "0.0")); fUsePFormula = true; } else { fPResolutionFile = GetString("PResolutionFile", "errors.root"); fPResolutionHist = GetString("PResolutionHist", "p"); fUsePFormula = false; } if (string (GetString("CtgThetaResolutionFormula", "0.0")) != "0.0") { fCtgThetaFormula->Compile(GetString("CtgThetaResolutionFormula", "0.0")); fUseCtgThetaFormula = true; } else { fCtgThetaResolutionFile = GetString("CtgThetaResolutionFile", "errors.root"); fCtgThetaResolutionHist = GetString("CtgThetaResolutionHist", "ctgTheta"); fUseCtgThetaFormula = false; } if (string (GetString("PhiResolutionFormula", "0.0")) != "0.0") { fPhiFormula->Compile(GetString("PhiResolutionFormula", "0.0")); fUsePhiFormula = true; } else { fPhiResolutionFile = GetString("PhiResolutionFile", "errors.root"); fPhiResolutionHist = GetString("PhiResolutionHist", "phi"); fUsePhiFormula = false; } fApplyToPileUp = GetBool("ApplyToPileUp", true); // import input array fInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("InputArray", "ParticlePropagator/stableParticles")); fItInputArray = fInputArray->MakeIterator(); // import beamspot try { fBeamSpotInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("BeamSpotInputArray", "BeamSpotFilter/beamSpotParticle")); } catch(runtime_error &e) { fBeamSpotInputArray = 0; } // create output array fOutputArray = ExportArray(GetString("OutputArray", "stableParticles")); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackSmearing::Finish() { if(fItInputArray) delete fItInputArray; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackSmearing::Process() { Int_t iCandidate = 0; TLorentzVector beamSpotPosition; Candidate *candidate, *mother; Double_t pt, eta, d0, d0Error, trueD0, dz, dzError, trueDZ, p, pError, trueP, ctgTheta, ctgThetaError, trueCtgTheta, phi, phiError, truePhi; Double_t x, y, z, t, px, py, pz, theta; TProfile2D *d0ErrorHist = NULL, *dzErrorHist = NULL, *pErrorHist = NULL, *ctgThetaErrorHist = NULL, *phiErrorHist = NULL; //cout<GetSize ()<GetSize () == 0) beamSpotPosition.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); else { Candidate &beamSpotCandidate = *((Candidate *) fBeamSpotInputArray->At (0)); beamSpotPosition = beamSpotCandidate.Position; } if (!fUseD0Formula) { TFile *fin = TFile::Open (fD0ResolutionFile.c_str ()); d0ErrorHist = (TProfile2D *) fin->Get (fD0ResolutionHist.c_str ()); d0ErrorHist->SetDirectory (0); fin->Close (); } if (!fUseDZFormula) { TFile *fin = TFile::Open (fDZResolutionFile.c_str ()); dzErrorHist = (TProfile2D *) fin->Get (fDZResolutionHist.c_str ()); dzErrorHist->SetDirectory (0); fin->Close (); } if (!fUsePFormula) { TFile *fin = TFile::Open (fPResolutionFile.c_str ()); pErrorHist = (TProfile2D *) fin->Get (fPResolutionHist.c_str ()); pErrorHist->SetDirectory (0); fin->Close (); } if (!fUseCtgThetaFormula) { TFile *fin = TFile::Open (fCtgThetaResolutionFile.c_str ()); ctgThetaErrorHist = (TProfile2D *) fin->Get (fCtgThetaResolutionHist.c_str ()); ctgThetaErrorHist->SetDirectory (0); fin->Close (); } if (!fUsePhiFormula) { TFile *fin = TFile::Open (fPhiResolutionFile.c_str ()); phiErrorHist = (TProfile2D *) fin->Get (fPhiResolutionHist.c_str ()); phiErrorHist->SetDirectory (0); fin->Close (); } fItInputArray->Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(fItInputArray->Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &momentum = candidate->Momentum; const TLorentzVector &position = candidate->InitialPosition; pt = momentum.Pt(); eta = momentum.Eta(); d0 = trueD0 = candidate->D0; dz = trueDZ = candidate->DZ; p = trueP = candidate->P; ctgTheta = trueCtgTheta = candidate->CtgTheta; phi = truePhi = candidate->Phi; if (fUseD0Formula) d0Error = fD0Formula->Eval(pt, eta); else { Int_t xbin, ybin; xbin = pt < d0ErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ? d0ErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->FindBin (pt) : d0ErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (d0ErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins ()); ybin = d0ErrorHist->GetYaxis ()->FindBin (TMath::Abs (eta)); d0Error = d0ErrorHist->GetBinContent (xbin, ybin); if (!d0Error) d0Error = -1.0; } if (d0Error < 0.0) continue; if (fUseDZFormula) dzError = fDZFormula->Eval(pt, eta); else { Int_t xbin, ybin; xbin = pt < dzErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ? dzErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->FindBin (pt) : dzErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (dzErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins ()); ybin = dzErrorHist->GetYaxis ()->FindBin (TMath::Abs (eta)); dzError = dzErrorHist->GetBinContent (xbin, ybin); if (!dzError) dzError = -1.0; } if (dzError < 0.0) continue; if (fUsePFormula) pError = fPFormula->Eval(pt, eta) * p; else { Int_t xbin, ybin; xbin = pt < pErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ? pErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->FindBin (pt) : pErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (pErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins ()); ybin = pErrorHist->GetYaxis ()->FindBin (TMath::Abs (eta)); pError = pErrorHist->GetBinContent (xbin, ybin) * p; if (!pError) pError = -1.0; } if (pError < 0.0) continue; if (fUseCtgThetaFormula) ctgThetaError = fCtgThetaFormula->Eval(pt, eta); else { Int_t xbin, ybin; xbin = pt < ctgThetaErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ? ctgThetaErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->FindBin (pt) : ctgThetaErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (ctgThetaErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins ()); ybin = ctgThetaErrorHist->GetYaxis ()->FindBin (TMath::Abs (eta)); ctgThetaError = ctgThetaErrorHist->GetBinContent (xbin, ybin); if (!ctgThetaError) ctgThetaError = -1.0; } if (ctgThetaError < 0.0) continue; if (fUsePhiFormula) phiError = fPhiFormula->Eval(pt, eta); else { Int_t xbin, ybin; xbin = pt < phiErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ? phiErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->FindBin (pt) : phiErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (phiErrorHist->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins ()); ybin = phiErrorHist->GetYaxis ()->FindBin (TMath::Abs (eta)); phiError = phiErrorHist->GetBinContent (xbin, ybin); if (!phiError) phiError = -1.0; } if (phiError < 0.0) continue; if (fApplyToPileUp || !candidate->IsPU) { d0 = gRandom->Gaus(d0, d0Error); dz = gRandom->Gaus(dz, dzError); p = gRandom->Gaus(p, pError); ctgTheta = gRandom->Gaus(ctgTheta, ctgThetaError); phi = gRandom->Gaus(phi, phiError); } if(p < 0.0) continue; while (phi > TMath::Pi ()) phi -= TMath::TwoPi (); while (phi <= -TMath::Pi ()) phi += TMath::TwoPi (); mother = candidate; candidate = static_cast(candidate->Clone()); candidate->D0 = d0; candidate->DZ = dz; candidate->P = p; candidate->CtgTheta = ctgTheta; candidate->Phi = phi; theta = TMath::ACos(ctgTheta / TMath::Sqrt (1.0 + ctgTheta * ctgTheta)); candidate->Momentum.SetPx (p * TMath::Cos (phi) * TMath::Sin (theta)); candidate->Momentum.SetPy (p * TMath::Sin (phi) * TMath::Sin (theta)); candidate->Momentum.SetPz (p * TMath::Cos (theta)); candidate->Momentum.SetE (candidate->Momentum.Pt () * TMath::CosH (eta)); candidate->PT = candidate->Momentum.Pt (); x = position.X (); y = position.Y (); z = position.Z (); t = position.T (); px = candidate->Momentum.Px (); py = candidate->Momentum.Py (); pz = candidate->Momentum.Pz (); pt = candidate->Momentum.Pt (); // -- solve for delta: d0' = ( (x+delta)*py' - (y+delta)*px' )/pt' candidate->InitialPosition.SetX (x + ((px * y - py * x + d0 * pt) / (py - px))); candidate->InitialPosition.SetY (y + ((px * y - py * x + d0 * pt) / (py - px))); x = candidate->InitialPosition.X (); y = candidate->InitialPosition.Y (); candidate->InitialPosition.SetZ (z + ((pz * (px * (x - beamSpotPosition.X ()) + py * (y - beamSpotPosition.Y ())) + pt * pt * (dz - z)) / (pt * pt))); candidate->InitialPosition.SetT (t); if (fApplyToPileUp || !candidate->IsPU) { candidate->ErrorD0 = d0Error; candidate->ErrorDZ = dzError; candidate->ErrorP = pError; candidate->ErrorCtgTheta = ctgThetaError; candidate->ErrorPhi = phiError; candidate->ErrorPT = ptError (p, ctgTheta, pError, ctgThetaError); candidate->TrackResolution = pError; } candidate->AddCandidate(mother); fOutputArray->Add(candidate); iCandidate++; } } Double_t TrackSmearing::ptError (const Double_t p, const Double_t ctgTheta, const Double_t dP, const Double_t dCtgTheta) { Double_t a, b; a = (p * p * ctgTheta * ctgTheta * dCtgTheta * dCtgTheta) / ((ctgTheta * ctgTheta + 1) * (ctgTheta * ctgTheta + 1) * (ctgTheta * ctgTheta + 1)); b = (dP * dP) / (ctgTheta * ctgTheta + 1); return sqrt (a + b); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------