/* * Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment * Copyright (C) 2020 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \class TrackCovariance * * Smears track parameters according to appropriate covariance matrix. * * \authors P. Demin - UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve * M. Selvaggi - CERN * */ //FIXME add reference to Bedeschi-code //FIXME make sure about units of P, X //FIXME fix pt > 200 GeV issue and angle > 6.41 #include "modules/TrackCovariance.h" #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "TrackCovariance/SolGeom.h" #include "TrackCovariance/SolGridCov.h" #include "TrackCovariance/ObsTrk.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include #include using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrackCovariance::TrackCovariance() : fGeometry(0), fCovariance(0), fItInputArray(0) { fGeometry = new SolGeom(); fCovariance = new SolGridCov(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrackCovariance::~TrackCovariance() { if(fGeometry) delete fGeometry; if(fCovariance) delete fCovariance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackCovariance::Init() { fBz = GetDouble("Bz", 0.0); fGeometry->Read(GetString("DetectorGeometry", "")); fCovariance->Calc(fGeometry); // import input array fInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("InputArray", "TrackMerger/tracks")); fItInputArray = fInputArray->MakeIterator(); // create output array fOutputArray = ExportArray(GetString("OutputArray", "tracks")); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackCovariance::Finish() { if(fItInputArray) delete fItInputArray; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TrackCovariance::Process() { Candidate *candidate, *mother; Double_t mass, p, pt, q, ct; Double_t dd0, ddz, dphi, dct, dp, dpt; fItInputArray->Reset(); while((candidate = static_cast(fItInputArray->Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &candidatePosition = candidate->InitialPosition; const TLorentzVector &candidateMomentum = candidate->Momentum; mass = candidateMomentum.M(); ObsTrk track(candidatePosition.Vect(), candidateMomentum.Vect(), candidate->Charge, fBz, fCovariance); mother = candidate; candidate = static_cast(candidate->Clone()); candidate->Momentum.SetVectM(track.GetObsP(), mass); candidate->InitialPosition.SetXYZT(track.GetObsX().X(),track.GetObsX().Y(),track.GetObsX().Z(),candidatePosition.T()); pt = candidate->Momentum.Pt(); p = candidate->Momentum.P(); q = track.GetObsQ(); ct = track.GetObsPar()[4]; candidate->D0 = track.GetObsPar()[0]; candidate->DZ = track.GetObsPar()[3]; candidate->P = track.GetObsP().Mag(); candidate->CtgTheta = track.GetObsPar()[4]; candidate->Phi = track.GetObsPar()[1]; candidate->PT = pt; candidate->Charge = q; dd0 = TMath::Sqrt(track.GetCov()(0, 0)); ddz = TMath::Sqrt(track.GetCov()(3, 3)); dphi = TMath::Sqrt(track.GetCov()(1, 1)); dct = TMath::Sqrt(track.GetCov()(4, 4)); dpt = 2 * TMath::Sqrt( track.GetCov()(2, 2))*pt*pt / (0.2998*fBz); dp = TMath::Sqrt((1.+ct*ct)*dpt*dpt + 4*pt*pt*ct*ct*dct*dct/(1.+ct*ct)/(1.+ct*ct)); candidate->ErrorD0 = dd0; candidate->ErrorDZ = ddz; candidate->ErrorP = dp; candidate->ErrorCtgTheta = dct; candidate->ErrorPhi = dphi; candidate->ErrorPT = dpt; //candidate->TrackResolution = dpt / pt; candidate->TrackResolution = dp / p; candidate->AddCandidate(mother); fOutputArray->Add(candidate); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------