* Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/** \class EICPIDDetector
* Applies complex photon Id. Reconstructed photon candidtes are first separated into matched and non-matched to gen particles.
* Non-matched pass the "fake" efficiency. Matched photons get further splitted into isolated and non-isolated (user can choose criterion for isolation)
* Isolated photons pass the "prompt" efficiency while the non-isolated pass the "non-prompt" efficiency
* \author M. Selvaggi CERN
#include "modules/EICPIDDetector.h"
#include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
#include "classes/DelphesFactory.h"
#include "classes/DelphesFormula.h"
#include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h"
#include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h"
#include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h"
#include "TDatabasePDG.h"
#include "TFormula.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "Math/PdfFuncMathCore.h"
#include "Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h"
#include "pid/barrelDIRC/src/barrelDirc.h"
#include "pid/quintRICH/src/CF4rich.h"
#include "pid/mRICH/src/mRICH.h"
#include "pid/tofBarrel/src/tofBarrel.h"
#include "pid/dRICH/dualRICH.h"
using namespace std;
EICPIDDetector::EICPIDDetector() :
void EICPIDDetector::Init()
// import input arrays
fInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("InputArray", "ParticlePropagator/stableParticles"));
fItInputArray = fInputArray->MakeIterator();
// PID Pair to be assessed
ExRootConfParam param;
Int_t size;
param = GetParam("Hypotheses");
size = param.GetSize();
fHypo = static_cast(0);
if (size == 2) {
fPDG1 = abs(param[0].GetInt());
fPDG2 = abs(param[1].GetInt());
if (fPDG1 == 321) {
if (fPDG2 == 211) {
fHypo = PID::pi_k;
} else if (fPDG2 == 2212) {
fHypo = PID::k_p;
} else {
// Bad parameter - do something intelligent here.
std::cout << "Unable to retrieve Particle ID hypothesis pair." << std::endl;
fDetectorName = std::string(GetString("DetectorName", "barrelDirc"));
// Common PID Detector parameters
fTrackResolution = GetDouble("TrackResolution", 0.5); // mrad
fTimeResolution = GetDouble("TimeResolution", 0.1); //ns
fDetectorLength = GetDouble("DetectorLength", 1500); // mm
fetaLow = GetDouble("EtaLow", -8.0);
fetaHigh = GetDouble("EtaHigh", 8.0);
// Barrel DIRC Parameters
fQE = GetDouble("QuantumEfficiency", 0.0); // 0 = 27% for barrelDirc, 1 = 22% for barrelDirc
// mRICH Parameters
fPixelSize = GetDouble("PixelSize", 1.0); // 1.0 mm
// CF4RICH Parameters
// Build the detector object
if (fDetectorName == "barrelDirc") {
fPIDDetector = new barrelDirc(fTrackResolution,fTimeResolution,fQE,fetaLow,fetaHigh);
else if (fDetectorName == "mRICH") {
fPIDDetector = new mRICH(fTrackResolution,fTimeResolution, fPixelSize, fetaLow, fetaHigh);
//fPIDDetector = new mRICH(0.00175, 1, 3);
else if (fDetectorName == "CF4rich") {
fPIDDetector = new CF4rich(fDetectorLength/10, fetaLow, fetaHigh, fPixelSize, fTrackResolution);
else if (fDetectorName == "tofBarrel") {
fPIDDetector = new tofBarrel(100, fetaLow, fetaHigh, 10);
else if (fDetectorName == "dualRICH_aerogel") {
fPIDDetector = new dualRICH_aerogel();
else if (fDetectorName == "dualRICH_C2F6") {
fPIDDetector = new dualRICH_C2F6();
} else {
std::cout << "No valid EIC PID Detector technology was specified!" << std::endl;
// create output array
fOutputArray = ExportArray(GetString("OutputArray", "tracks"));
void EICPIDDetector::Finish()
if(fItInputArray) delete fItInputArray;
if(fPIDDetector) delete fPIDDetector;
void EICPIDDetector::Process()
Candidate *candidate, *mother;
Double_t pt, eta;
Int_t true_id;
while((candidate = static_cast(fItInputArray->Next())))
mother = candidate;
candidate = static_cast(candidate->Clone());
const TLorentzVector &candidateMomentum = candidate->Momentum;
eta = candidateMomentum.Eta();
pt = candidateMomentum.Pt();
true_id = candidate->PID;
Float_t p = pt * TMath::CosH(eta);
// Obtain the number of sigma separation for a given hypothesis pair for this track
Bool_t valid = fPIDDetector->valid(eta, p);
Double_t nsigma = -1.0;
if (valid) {
nsigma = fPIDDetector->numSigma(eta, p, fHypo);
// Assume that Nsigma_Hypo1 = N_sigma_Hypo2, so that Nsigma_HypoX = Nsigma/Sqrt(2).
nsigma = nsigma/TMath::Sqrt(2.0);
//std::cout << std::scientific << "EICDetector nsigma = " << nsigma << std::fixed << std::endl;
int pid_reco = 0;
int pid_true = TMath::Abs(candidate->PID);
if (!valid || TMath::IsNaN(nsigma) || !TMath::Finite(nsigma)) {
pid_reco = 0;
} else {
// Use accept/reject to assign a PID-detector identity to this track
Double_t probability = 0.0;
if (TMath::Abs(true_id) == fPDG1) {
// We are selecting FOR this hypothesis, so use the core of a Gaussian as the probability
probability = 1.0 - ROOT::Math::gaussian_pdf(nsigma);
} else if (TMath::Abs(true_id) == fPDG2) {
// We are trying to reject these using this detector, so the one-sided tail of the Gaussian probability applies
probability = 1.0 - ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsigma);
// std::cout << "True ID = " << true_id << ", |eta| = " << TMath::Abs(eta) << ", p = " << pt*TMath::CosH(eta)
// <<", nsigma = " << std::scientific << nsigma << ", probability = " << std::fixed
// << std::scientific << probability << std::fixed << std::endl;
// Create a PID value that is the concatenation of two 16-bit numbers.
// The lowest 16 bits are the reconstructed PID
// The highest 16 bits are the truth PID
// Bitmasking and shifting can be used to get these separately.
// For example, do the following to get the ... :
// * True PID: (Track.PID & 0xffff0000) >> 16) (Mask-select the highest 16 bits and shift right by 16 bits.
// * Reco PID: (Track.PID & 0xffff) (Mask-select the lowest 16 bits)
if (gRandom->Uniform(0, 1) < probability) {
candidate = static_cast(candidate->Clone());
pid_reco = TMath::Abs(fPDG1);
pid_true = TMath::Abs(candidate->PID);
} else {
pid_reco = TMath::Abs(fPDG2);
pid_true = TMath::Abs(candidate->PID);
int pid_all = pid_reco + (pid_true << 16);
candidate->PID = pid_all;