/* * Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \class BTagging * * Determines origin of jet, * applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas * and sets b-tagging flags * * $Date$ * $Revision$ * * * \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve * */ #include "modules/BTagging.h" #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h" #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h" #include "classes/DelphesFormula.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h" #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class BTaggingPartonClassifier : public ExRootClassifier { public: BTaggingPartonClassifier() {} Int_t GetCategory(TObject *object); Double_t fEtaMax, fPTMin; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int_t BTaggingPartonClassifier::GetCategory(TObject *object) { Candidate *parton = static_cast(object); const TLorentzVector &momentum = parton->Momentum; Int_t pdgCode; if(momentum.Pt() <= fPTMin || TMath::Abs(momentum.Eta()) > fEtaMax) return -1; pdgCode = TMath::Abs(parton->PID); if(pdgCode != 21 && pdgCode > 5) return -1; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTagging::BTagging() : fClassifier(0), fFilter(0), fItPartonInputArray(0), fItJetInputArray(0) { fClassifier = new BTaggingPartonClassifier; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTagging::~BTagging() { if(fClassifier) delete fClassifier; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BTagging::Init() { map< Int_t, DelphesFormula * >::iterator itEfficiencyMap; ExRootConfParam param; DelphesFormula *formula; Int_t i, size; fBitNumber = GetInt("BitNumber", 0); fDeltaR = GetDouble("DeltaR", 0.5); fClassifier->fPTMin = GetDouble("PartonPTMin", 1.0); fClassifier->fEtaMax = GetDouble("PartonEtaMax", 2.5); // read efficiency formulas param = GetParam("EfficiencyFormula"); size = param.GetSize(); fEfficiencyMap.clear(); for(i = 0; i < size/2; ++i) { formula = new DelphesFormula; formula->Compile(param[i*2 + 1].GetString()); fEfficiencyMap[param[i*2].GetInt()] = formula; } // set default efficiency formula itEfficiencyMap = fEfficiencyMap.find(0); if(itEfficiencyMap == fEfficiencyMap.end()) { formula = new DelphesFormula; formula->Compile("0.0"); fEfficiencyMap[0] = formula; } // import input array(s) fPartonInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("PartonInputArray", "Delphes/partons")); fItPartonInputArray = fPartonInputArray->MakeIterator(); fFilter = new ExRootFilter(fPartonInputArray); fJetInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("JetInputArray", "FastJetFinder/jets")); fItJetInputArray = fJetInputArray->MakeIterator(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BTagging::Finish() { map< Int_t, DelphesFormula * >::iterator itEfficiencyMap; DelphesFormula *formula; if(fFilter) delete fFilter; if(fItJetInputArray) delete fItJetInputArray; if(fItPartonInputArray) delete fItPartonInputArray; for(itEfficiencyMap = fEfficiencyMap.begin(); itEfficiencyMap != fEfficiencyMap.end(); ++itEfficiencyMap) { formula = itEfficiencyMap->second; if(formula) delete formula; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BTagging::Process() { Candidate *jet, *parton; Double_t pt, eta, phi; TObjArray *partonArray; map< Int_t, DelphesFormula * >::iterator itEfficiencyMap; DelphesFormula *formula; Int_t pdgCode, pdgCodeMax; // select quark and gluons fFilter->Reset(); partonArray = fFilter->GetSubArray(fClassifier, 0); if(partonArray == 0) return; TIter itPartonArray(partonArray); // loop over all input jets fItJetInputArray->Reset(); while((jet = static_cast(fItJetInputArray->Next()))) { const TLorentzVector &jetMomentum = jet->Momentum; pdgCodeMax = -1; eta = jetMomentum.Eta(); phi = jetMomentum.Phi(); pt = jetMomentum.Pt(); // loop over all input partons itPartonArray.Reset(); while((parton = static_cast(itPartonArray.Next()))) { pdgCode = TMath::Abs(parton->PID); if(pdgCode == 21) pdgCode = 0; if(jetMomentum.DeltaR(parton->Momentum) <= fDeltaR) { if(pdgCodeMax < pdgCode) pdgCodeMax = pdgCode; } } if(pdgCodeMax == 0) pdgCodeMax = 21; if(pdgCodeMax == -1) pdgCodeMax = 0; // find an efficency formula itEfficiencyMap = fEfficiencyMap.find(pdgCodeMax); if(itEfficiencyMap == fEfficiencyMap.end()) { itEfficiencyMap = fEfficiencyMap.find(0); } formula = itEfficiencyMap->second; // apply an efficency formula jet->BTag |= (gRandom->Uniform() <= formula->Eval(pt, eta)) << fBitNumber; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------